View Full Version : Logo request - Urgent

06-03-2002, 12:20 PM
Hi I am in need of a logo for a school project am I am totally useless at making any kind of graphics, so was wondering if any of you talented photoshoppers in here could help me out.
I need a logo that :

Contain The letters HV
Contain graphic lines and shapes (whatever as long as it looks cool)
Be 90 x 90 pixals in size.

It is going to go into a word document and a few other thing so will need to be printed, therefore will need a transparent background. It is for is an imaginary Video store called "Hopscotch Videos" if that helps anyone.

Sorry that I am not offering anything for this but i am just a measly student bum who really cant afford anything...

Cheers in advance for anyone who is willing to make this for me..