View Full Version : tForum Template

06-01-2002, 05:17 AM

I'm pretty knew around here. At the moment I'm working alongside FireFly on threading out Pyro's tForum->vBulletin Transfer Script.

Many of the users of the forum community I run enjoy the current color scheme I use for the forums. It's pretty basic but the blend of colors is easy on the eyes and soothing.


Anyway, does anyone have a tForum Template that they downloaded or are willing to give away. I'm not really sure if their are any template websites that are open, I know of vBulletinTemplates.com ran by SaintDog but it's not open.

If know one has one, is their an interest in making one as I can devote some time to make one and also... would anyone want to work on one alongside myself.

Thanks for your time.

06-01-2002, 06:07 AM
Just so as you are not confused, the idea behind vBulletinTemplates.com is to withhold an organized download area for vBulletin template modifications. At this time, I do not plan on placing styles up for download on the website, only template modifications (currently only for 2.x.x - once vB3.0 comes out, another section will be added for it :)).

However, BBAddons, another website I currently own has 9 styles/skins to choose from for use with vBulletin. You can visit the styles section below (all of them are free to use):



- SaintDog

08-27-2003, 10:41 AM
BB adons doesnt work for me now. Is it down or just closed?

Dean C
08-27-2003, 11:03 AM
It closed along time ago.