View Full Version : Problem Moving/Copying Threads-Also with attachments

05-29-2002, 10:01 PM
I'm having a problem moving/copying threads to other forums.

When I move, or move with redirect I get the message "Cannot move thread to the requested forum, it's already there. Someone else might have already moved this thread." Something to that effect anyways.

When I try Copying the thread, it just copies to the forum it's already in, so that there is 2 of the same thread in the same forum.

Im not sure which hack might have done this, I'm thinking it might have been the advert management hack found in this thread

Im not positive tho as I dont move threads that often so I dont know when this popped up.

The reason I think it might be that is since that hack I am having problems attaching files. It's just been larger files that cannot be attached. From my understanding is that it goes through and looks like it successfully attached, but it just doesnt show up there. I have the limit set at 17mb and the file's are only like 6-8mb in size so I know it's not that.

far as the hacks that I've installed since this had last worked:

Advert Management
Post Number within thread
Pm to New user

There might be more, not sure, and Im not even sure those are all just since it last worked, just putting in ones that may have had something to do with it.

All the hacks installed no problem, only one I had any difficulty with was the Advert management one(The last step of editing the admin/index.php I had to change it because I couldnt find the code it looked for. I figured it was just to make it accessable so i just copied some stuff that was in there for th emenu and edited it for the advert hack)

Oh ya, before i post this, the ver of vBull Im running is 2.2.4

05-30-2002, 06:22 PM
nevermind, I fixed it by uninstalling that hack.