View Full Version : My new Postbit... do you like it ?

05-27-2002, 07:12 PM

A screenshoot on the bottom of the post (I would know if you like it please...)

And I have somme littles problems :

Where there is the name, posts...., the table is not with the same width...with two posts.
As you can see, one post is with a large width and one other is with a little width...
So, how can I do to block this colunn please ?

Thanks very much.

05-27-2002, 07:16 PM
i really have to say : WOW, it looks very very good.
but i think it'll take a time to load it?

the problem with the width is an problem of opera or netscape, or do you have it with ie to?

05-28-2002, 04:46 AM
Yes, the screenshoot is made with IE 6.0
So... I'dont know.

Is it because I click on "no wrap" in dreamweaver sometimes ? Because in french...we can't translate this word and I don't know what is it.

but i think it'll take a time to load it?
I'm with a 512 K/Bits connexion (ADSL) soo, it takes at about 3 secondes to load, but in this forum, most of the visitors are with a speed connexion, soo there is no problem.

05-28-2002, 07:07 PM
You hit the nail on the head, "no wrap" should be off.

By turning it on, it prevents the text from automatically jumping to the next line when it hits the cell's width.

05-29-2002, 06:21 AM
woooohhhh !
It's very interesting for me this... Thank you very much Brain Wave !

05-29-2002, 11:12 PM
any chance you can share the code?
