View Full Version : Colored user names....

05-27-2002, 05:26 AM
Ok, I've been trying to get this one hack done for....well, since I can't remember.

To the hackers: Have you ever taken a look at "SnowBoards". It's mainly a BBS for very busy corporations. Examples of these forums are GameShark Boards (http://boards.gameshark.com/) and the IGN Message Boards (http://boards.ign.com/)

If you delve a bit further into the system, you'll notice that the moderators, vips, and admins/managers have colored user names (globally, if I might add). This means, in private messages, threads, forum views, and everything else. They can change their colors through an option in their control panels instantly, given that they are in a required position.

Do you think this could be hacked into vB2?

05-27-2002, 08:28 AM
you have to edit some files, and add a special profilefield

but yes it can be hacked into vb..

05-27-2002, 03:56 PM
I would like someone to do it, if that wasn't implied already...

05-27-2002, 06:45 PM
why don't do it yourself?

parts of this hack are already released, you just have to collect this hacks, and combine it with a profilefield entry.

i think not so a hard way to make, but you'll have to spend time...

05-27-2002, 08:08 PM
I would like that hack also. Could someone also have it where you can choose a glow color for your username in your profile?

05-27-2002, 08:58 PM
Why would I request it if I could do it myself in the first place Xenon?

07-03-2002, 08:03 PM
Originally posted by Henry-RS
Why would I request it if I could do it myself in the first place Xenon?

Maybe he "doesnt understand"? :bunny:

Anyway, i would kill for this hack, well, if thats what you wanted me to do. I'd do it. *Does anything* :p
