View Full Version : 2 or 3 problems

05-23-2002, 02:24 AM
I am not wanting to use a portal so I am trying to organize my main page. I have my tables on the left side that I want so far...but I want to have a box in the middle that will contain a template that I can edit.(it will have manually edited updates and what not for the site). and on the right side I will put my shoutbox, and a few other things. Thats the firts prob.

now, also..I already posted this part but I will add it here anyway. I need to make another php file that will contain my header and the contents of another template(for a pic gallery if it will work right). What do I have to put in the ducument to make it load the header and the content template and thats it or whatever...in the php file....

I think thats it right now....wow just 2 sorry....anyways...thanks for any help or info I can get...

Here is the page I am talking about of what I have done so far...
My Website (http://www.evolutionaryconcepts.com)

lata :laugh: