View Full Version : Mouseover Forum Descriptions

05-22-2002, 09:28 PM
Is that an accurate description?

We have more than 40 boards on our forums and with descriptions it makes for a long scroll. I do want descriptions viewable on the homepage though so I think it would be really cool to have a mouseover description popup. Anyone seen this done elsewhere? Is there a hack for it?

05-23-2002, 10:58 AM
if you check javascripts doing this in the web and then apply them to your relevant template (forumhome I guess?) you can create the effect without a hack :)

But this will increase the length of your source code (thus loading time and bandwidth it spends) so concidering the fact that you already have a "heavy" main page with 40 boards, maybe you should think twice about applying more javascripts on it. My 2 cents..