View Full Version : Question regarding general proportion and layout of forums under low resolution.

05-22-2002, 08:46 PM
The title is pretty self explanatory, I would just like to know whats up with my forums (either http://www.diffusion4.com, or http://www.diffusion4.com/forums) and why when viewed with 1024x768 or lower they appear very strange, while other forums (for example Vbulletin.org) when viewed under this resolution look just fine. Is there a value that I'm messing up somewhere in the tables, such as should all width and height values always be a % (ie. width="100%") because this gives it proportion to the users browser. Any help would be nice ;)

(Incase you were wondering, I view my forums in 1600x1200)

05-22-2002, 08:51 PM
nice forum, very intresting themes ;)

hmm, i have resolution 1024x768 and i can't see any problems. It looks like it should i think..

wether on the site nor on the forum-pages

ps. remove the , after your URL ;)

05-23-2002, 12:28 AM
really? no errors? no wierd distortion? hmmm, i must be too used to 1600x1200 then, cause when I'm at 1024x768 on school computers the forums always look alittle wierd...guess maybe its just me

thanks :D