View Full Version : Last people that have replied

05-20-2002, 01:45 PM
this may sound werid but i got the idea so meh..

anyway, sometimes when a topic is long and alot of people have replied it gose to multiple pages, if you where the last person to reply on a page your post alot of times gets over looked, so i thought about this, when you come back to the topic listing in a forum how about tricking it out to show ALL the people that have replied scences you last viewed it?

05-20-2002, 02:19 PM
I'm not sure what you mean but I may still have a solution lol: :)
1- In VB settings there is an option to sort thread messages in the reverse order, so if you set it, the last replied messages will be shown first to all thread viewers.
2- There is a hack around (contract old posts?) that will show thread viewers only the messages they havent read.

05-20-2002, 02:30 PM
i think both solutions won't help

1. the first post of the secound site can also easy be overlooked, like the last post on the last page-1

2. wont help, because when they look on the last page, they wont see the last post of the page one before, although it's new..

@Anime-loo: Hmm, i think it is very hard to write such a hack, but you must make a variable when you last visited which thread, to find out which posts in this thread are the unseen....