View Full Version : Members personal smilies box

05-12-2002, 11:23 AM
I have many members requesting to install their own smiles into my VB site but it gets cluttered and what not. So I thought why not have a members personal smiles box that they can maintain on their own with allocated allowance, x & y size and file size smiles. I would like to see this under the existing smiles box maybe 3 rows of 3 smiles then the [GET MORE] option. The members would be able to add, delete, replace, their own smiles at will in their CP panel.

If I have time I think I would attempt to make something like this but with my experience in PHP that would most likely never occur anytime soon. :(

Suggestions and or comments? :D

05-13-2002, 09:21 AM
IMO although achievable, it's not very easy to code.

Have you tried enabling img tags in the forum and teach your members how to use [IMG] tags in their messages?

They can easily use custom similies or images in their messages with IMG tags without a need to a special hack..

My 0.2 cents.

05-13-2002, 01:05 PM
Originally posted by Logician
IMO although achievable, it's not very easy to code.

Have you tried enabling img tags in the forum and teach your members how to use [IMG] tags in their messages?

They can easily use custom similies or images in their messages with IMG tags without a need to a special hack..

My 0.2 cents.

Thanks Logician,

Yes it's on and very much in use. They just get very tired remembering the links to their own smilies/tags. I was thinking of making a text box pop up with their links in it but that would be not as much fun as I thought up. If you or anyone can develop this it would ROCK, I'm going to try to start on it this week with some ideas used in one of the hacks on here that I will mention soon, I cant think of its name at the moment.

Once again thanks for your 0.2 cents. Have a fun week!