View Full Version : Adding an avatar to Dijital Style

05-10-2002, 07:34 AM
I recently uploaded the dijital style
(from yaxay)

There are 2 things I would greatly appreciate some assistance with :
- including an avatar in the "welcome panel" that is part of this style.
- fixing the menu alignment at higher resolutions

The next 2 posts include screengrabs of what I'm talking about and more in depth details.

Thanks in advance for any assistance given.

05-10-2002, 07:39 AM
The alignment problem I currently have.

This only occurs at screen resolutions greater than 1024 x 768
If you need any code examples, please ask and ill post them in this post.

05-10-2002, 07:42 AM
Adding the avatar

Attached is an image of what the "welcome panel" (i guess thats what it couldbe called) currently looks like

What I want to do is have a users av automatically displayed in here as indicated.
(i have drawn a red box indicating rougly where I would like the av displayed)

Once again, if you need examples of my code, just reply and ill post it in here.