View Full Version : Banner Ads for newbie

05-09-2002, 05:20 PM
Ok before I ask this...Im new here. Hello, howdydoo.

Im looking for the simplest way to add a random banner ad to the top of the main forum page. .. and one to the threads that would pull from a seperate group of banners.

IE: To have a group of banner ad on the main pages and then a different group of banners inside on the thread pages. I want to be able to seperate the two "classes' of banners.

Im guessin this is a template AND a hack? If this has been done before, please point me in the right direction. Im new to this hack/template stuff and haven't modified my board since the day it started 3 yrs ago. I want to get my hands dirty..but not lose my entire board! (Im nnnnervous)

Thanks in advance,

Darren Lewis
05-13-2002, 04:12 PM
I'm not sure if this is what you're after, but I've got a single banner ad slot at the top of my forums and webpages (http://www.thebookforum.com) . The ads rotate randomly from a pool of about 20 (using a javascript). Could set up two (or more)independent scripts to cycle the ads in different locations (or even have two sets of banners on the same page).

If this is what you want, I can post some details.


05-13-2002, 07:19 PM

Thanks, could you. I would appreciate it.


Darren Lewis
05-13-2002, 08:42 PM
OK, the original javascript is here (http://javascript.internet.com/messages/banner-ads.html).

I've modified it a bit for my requirements (see attachment). I like to link to my scripts rather than have the whole script in the webpage

To link to the javascript file from your webpage or from a vBulletin template use <script src="../pathto/bannerads.js"></script>