View Full Version : Sub Forum amelioration

05-07-2002, 09:31 AM
I speak about the sub-forums hack

I'have a request. It works on vb 2.2.5. I install it and it looks : screenshot at the end of the post.

I'll try to made a better design of this by remplacing the code of the hack by this on forumdisplay.php :
if ($forum[cancontainthreads]!=0)

$subforums=$DB_site->query("select title,forumid from forum where parentid = $forum[forumid] and active != 0 ORDER BY parentid,displayorder");
if ($DB_site->num_rows($subforums)>0)
$forum['description'] .= "<hr><B>Sous-forums:</B> ";
$i = 0;
while ($forum_child=$DB_site->fetch_array($subforums))
$permission=$DB_site->query_first("select accessmask from access where userid = $bbuserinfo[userid] AND forumid = $forum_child[forumid]");
if ($permission['acessmask'] != 0 || $permission['accessmask'] == null)
$subs.="<a href=\"forumdisplay.php?forumid=$forum_child[forumid]&s=$session[sessionhash]\"><li>$forum_child[title]</li></a>";
if ($i < $DB_site->num_rows($subforums))
$forum['description'].= $subs;

But now...I have a big request :

I wanted to make the button at the left of the name of the sub-forum as an indicator gif button such as the same of when there is a new message on the forums. To know witch sub-forum as new messages...

Do you understand my request ? I'm sorry for my english...

Thank you.

05-07-2002, 10:19 AM
u forgot the screen shot... but from what i understand... u want it so that on the mainpage when it shows a forum that has subforums.. has new posts... it tells u which one of them forums has the new posts???

05-07-2002, 12:04 PM
here is my screenshoot.

And...yes, it's what you say... I Want this. It's seems that to be easy for the hackers of vbulletin.org ! No ?

Thank you soo much. :lick:

05-09-2002, 08:03 AM
no one can help me for this ????

I want it soo much....