View Full Version : [RELEASE] SQL Query Script: Run SQL Queries in your MYSQL Database

05-04-2002, 10:00 PM
Hey there,

I release a small script of mine which allows you to run SQL queries in MYSQL database.

The Script can handle not only SELECT queries (and return them in sorted tables) but you can also run INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE, ALTER, CREATE TABLE etc. queries.

It's not intergrated to vbulletin so you can use it even if you dont have vbulletin. This is also why I didnt publish it in the "Full Release Hack" Section.

As a Hacker I dont think you'll use it much, because probably you all have PHP My Admin or other software to handle SQL queries. However I found this script useful when you release a hack that requires MYSQL database alteration.

So if your hacks require to run SQL queries, you can include the script with your hack and provide the users with the relevant SQL query and the users will be able to run the necassary query on their own. I used to write individual installation scripts to handle this, but then I found this method more useful.

Installation is very simple: Edit the first few lines of the script, upload it to ANY directory in your server and run it.

Enjoy.. \\=^))


05-05-2002, 09:01 AM
Here is a screenshot:

05-08-2002, 07:41 AM
i was done by firefly, in a more extensive format. look at his hacks. ;)

05-08-2002, 09:27 AM
Originally posted by nakkid
i was done by firefly, in a more extensive format. look at his hacks. ;)
There is one hack I know which is "run SQL query from your Admin CP" (JamesUS?). However:
1- It's vb-integrated, this is not.
2- It can handle only SELECT queries (eg ALTER queries produces errors), this can handle all.

When you create a hack, you sometimes need to run SQL commands and IMHO it's not practical to ask the users to first install another hack to be able to install yours. This is why I published this small script. You can simply include it inside your hack and the users who install your hack can easily run the necassary SQL query.

As I mentioned in my message, you as a hacker would need neither this script, nor the other one, because you probably have MySQLAdmin etc. But before writing this script I felt obligated to code individiual installation scripts for my hacks which require SQL query runs but now I just add the script into my installation file and give the necessary SQL command in instructions and I'm done.

I'm sure the hack you mentioned is a nice and useful hack, so kudos to its author (Firefly?, JamesUS?) but I dont think the hack and this script serve to the same purpose, although what they do looks same. However if the author is offended in anyway, I allow this thread to be removed.


05-13-2002, 04:07 AM
the easiest way for users is to include the .php query installer.
is extremly easy to make it. ;)

01-27-2003, 04:29 AM
This is really nice Logician however it doesnt work with DESCRIBE queries :'(

Dean C
01-27-2003, 02:20 PM
Wow how did i ever miss this script

Thanks Logician

- miSt

08-01-2003, 12:48 PM
Thanks Logician mate, am having probs with it but sure to overcoem it soon.

[edit]doh! forgot to configure it - forgot it was standalone

09-04-2003, 09:56 AM
works fine for me

allowed to me to add queries that phpmyadmin was giving me errors on so im a happy chappie

Cheers logician (once again)

10-22-2003, 01:32 AM
So do you need the password for the phpmyadmin?

10-22-2003, 06:33 AM
So do you need the password for the phpmyadmin?question not understood

11-17-2003, 03:13 PM

don't need to have the password for the phpmyadmin to access because the logician query hack will ask you what is your MySQL database name, user and password so it will be connect with your phpmyadmin ;)

Anyway, Great hack.. I was getting errors when run the queries in the phpmyadmin. I tried to run the query in your hack and it works great. Great job ;)