View Full Version : Need some ideas for nice buttons :) (Poker Site)

05-04-2002, 08:59 AM
Hey all,

well, got the forum up, and a whole 6 hacks in it, enough ot keep me happy :)

Now, i am redoing the buttons, and then i will start on some more for the site, as i redid the whole thing.

I have done on/off, and a few other things, our logo, the way i have it, everyone in our company likes it, so now i am just trying to think of some nice buttons to do..but am kind of stuck, something that will og with the logo, and will work in various colors.

I am gonna try some with cards in em, and maybe each suit., but thas all i can think of.

The text will have to be larger then normal (14+) since it will be older people.

So, any one's brain just exploding with idea's?..lol

here is the site right now... fairly simple.. (and thnx to all who have helped me out)

Home Page


05-13-2002, 02:46 AM
Obvious choice (to me) is some cheques. Maybe you can even get a casino to sponsor you and use images of their cheques. Otherwise, a nice collection of different casinos would be cool too.

05-14-2002, 03:26 PM
I am just throwing out some ideas..
Maybe on and off could be a card, on would be face up, off face down...
Or maybe you could use a stack of chips for on and a small stack for off...
Maybe work some green in there somewhere, I think green felt when I think poker... Personally I would thing the correct coloring of the suits would break things up a little, that's just my opinion though. Good luck.

05-15-2002, 04:43 AM
thnx m89

was thinking along that lines myself

right now for on and off i got a heart and a spade.

so still trying out other possible things for the other buttons :D

As for the casino's idea

we are strickly poker, and run on our own :), so casino's wouldn't have much in terms of 'graphics' to offer us :), nice idea though, input is appreciated.