View Full Version : /me vB Code
04-29-2002, 10:00 PM
Here's a another not-very-useful-yet-fun hack. ;)
It's very simple, it just mimics IRC's /me action. So if you type this:
/me runs fast
(note: it must be on its own line!)
It will become:
* FireFly runs fast
It parses this code in showthread.php and private.php, only.
After you install the hack, find this line in functions.php:
$bbcode = preg_replace('#^/me (.*)$#im', "<font color=\"{timecolor}\">* $post[username] \\1</font>", $bbcode);
And change {timecolor} to whatever color you want the line to be.
Forgot to mention, you must install this fix by smachol:
For this hack to work! (thanks Kura for reminding me)
To fix the bug where users who quote other people get the /me tag messed up, replace this code in newreply.php:
$pagetext = preg_replace("/(\[quote])(.*)(\[\/quote])/siU", "", $pagetext);
With this:
$pagetext = preg_replace("/(\[quote])(.*)(\[\/quote])/siU", "", $pagetext);
$pagetext = preg_replace('#^/me(.*)$#im', "* $originalposter\\1", $pagetext);
Attached is the vbHacker install file, and a plain text file is in the next post.
Enjoy! :)
04-30-2002, 10:38 AM
A text version of the installation file.
Webmasta XT
04-30-2002, 10:42 AM
I don't get this hack, lol
04-30-2002, 10:51 AM
Thanks FireFly!!
* NTLDR thinks I will be installing when I get home :D
04-30-2002, 10:55 AM
* ForKmaN installs
Bald Bouncer
04-30-2002, 11:07 AM
/me considers the install
kinda fun!
04-30-2002, 11:26 AM
* Floris will install this later on :)
Very nice FireFly, saved me the time to create it, since I have this on my ToDo list for a while already :P
04-30-2002, 11:31 AM
/me is the biggest pimp in the world...nice hack
04-30-2002, 11:33 AM
Nice one. I was actually gonna do this one this evening, but I guess I can go grab some beers instead :p
04-30-2002, 11:34 AM
/me falls down *
04-30-2002, 11:45 AM
* Tungsten has been toying with this for a while now -- Firefly ROCKS! :D
04-30-2002, 12:07 PM
Can you make this color changeable with different styles. Cause I have more than 1 style, and yellow goes good with my dark style, but not my light style. Maybe add a place for it in the sytles/colors area of admin cp.
/me is surprised by Firefly's new avatar
04-30-2002, 12:23 PM
it uses { timecolor} by default. You surely have ONE replacement-color that you can use in all your styles?
04-30-2002, 12:35 PM
* WallStreat is trying it :)
04-30-2002, 01:01 PM
* KuraFire thinks this rocks :)
/me thinks it's already installed on
04-30-2002, 01:54 PM
Originally posted by Sparkz
it uses { timecolor} by default. You surely have ONE replacement-color that you can use in all your styles?
Thats odd, when I use { timecolor } it doesn't use the color I specified for my time color, it uses bright green (a default color usually assigned to a unassigned color value)
04-30-2002, 02:32 PM
/me created a monster
Anyway, Velocd, use {timecolor} (i.e without the spaces around { and }).
04-30-2002, 03:09 PM
/me sees what going on now!
Chris M
04-30-2002, 04:17 PM
/me likes this Hack!!!
This is great FireFly...
It is something all of our Members love to annoy each other with! Perfecto!
* neo Likes Chens Avatar :p
04-30-2002, 07:04 PM
* CeleronXL Installed.
Works great. :p
Chris M
04-30-2002, 08:26 PM
* Chris M will install when he sees people stop using the /me hack...
/me's alter-ego slaps hellsatan round the face...
* Chris M decides to get right on it!:D
04-30-2002, 10:03 PM
* JulianD thinks this hack is fun as hell :p
/me knows this is already out of hand :\
* DWZ installs hack
umm... I dont know if its my colors, but It looks bright green on my forums... anyway to change that?
05-01-2002, 01:10 AM
/me Loves it =)
Originally posted by FireFly
* DWZ runs fast
I just noticed when you quote someone, it says the person quoting it is saying it...
Originally posted by FireFly
* nakkid runs fastthere is a little bug firefly, you can see it for yourself... the original / me code is replaced by my own name... ;)
however is easy to fix it... do this:
find:if ($dome) {
global $post;
$bbcode = preg_replace('#^/me (.*)$#im', "<font color=\"#FF9C58\">* $post[username] \\1</font>", $bbcode);
}replace it with:if ($dome) {
global $post,$originalposter;
$bbcode = preg_replace('#^/me (.*)$#im', "<font color=\"#FF9C58\">* $post[username] \\1</font>", $bbcode);
if ($bbcodeid==6) {
$bbcode = preg_replace('#^/me (.*)$#im', "<font color=\"#FF9C58\">* $originalposter \\1</font>", $bbcode);
}ouuuupss i forgot a dollar.. ;) fixed.
this is wierd? why it shows large font in the post above?however is easy to fix it... do this:
find:i never select it and when i look at "edit post", there is normal text in there.. hmmm...
just tried that nakkid...
But it comes up like this on my forum:* DWZ When I edit the post, you know, see whats there, i see:/me tests new hack
Any ideas?
if ($dome) {
global $post,$originalposter;
$bbcode = preg_replace('#^/me (.*)$#im', "<font color=\"#FF9C58\">* $post[username] \1</font>", $bbcode);
if ($bbcodeid==6) {
$bbcode = preg_replace('#^/me (.*)$#im', "<font color=\"#FF9C58\">* $originalposter \1</font>", $bbcode);
}it helps if i add a $.. lol. try it and let me know.
05-01-2002, 09:01 AM
nakkid, if it works on 2.2.5 it doesnt on 2.0.3
Mark Hewitt
05-01-2002, 09:05 AM
* Mark Hewitt slaps FireFly around a bit with a large trout :D
Originally posted by MarkG
nakkid, if it works on 2.2.5 it doesnt on 2.0.3 hmm... i didnt try it, i went with the logic...
* nakkid waits for firefly to hit him with the illogic bat... :)
Chris M
05-01-2002, 09:20 AM
* Chris M thinks that nakkid has a point, and awaits FireFly's repsonse...
/me's alter-ego agrees wholeheartedly...
I would say it would not, but if you do try it, make sure you backup the files you edit!
05-01-2002, 10:08 AM
Ok, fixed the bug, see post #1 for the fix.
It invloves editing newreply.php, BTW. Nakkid, I'd love to tell you what's wrong but I really don't know what you tried to do with your code... what's that $bbcodeid variable?
Originally posted by FireFly
Ok, fixed the bug, see post #1 for the fix.
It invloves editing newreply.php, great, that worked :D
thanks :)
EDIT: been having a look, and im finding that when someone replies, it will say the person who original said, did that thing, but all the color is gone... you follow? this is what i mean: the post above that is what i said to start off with...
Now, I also just tested PMs, its basically the reverse, I have the original problem with it saying the person who wrote the reply is doing the action, yet it is in color.
05-01-2002, 12:56 PM
* FireFly notices the phpBB minions want this hack now... :rolleyes:
Crazy Mofo
05-01-2002, 01:36 PM
bah bunch o n00bs ur still #1 firefly ;)
Originally posted by FireFly
Ok, fixed the bug, see post #1 for the fix.
It invloves editing newreply.php, BTW. Nakkid, I'd love to tell you what's wrong but I really don't know what you tried to do with your code... what's that $bbcodeid variable? every bbcode have an ID, right? for quote is ID 6. so I used the if argument to show a different value. what would be the proper usage of the variable chen? look at the bbcode table... i still want to learn... :)
05-01-2002, 04:34 PM
I still don't understand why you would want to use the bbcode ID for this task...
because i'm roumanian........ :)
so illogical things are allowed there.. hehe.
seriously talking, i thought i could call the variable this way.
05-01-2002, 04:52 PM
First, I don't think it's even available in that place. And besides, I still can't see why it would help... at all. :/
thank chen. just wanted to understand.
05-01-2002, 08:35 PM
* Hard_one thinks this rocks
*installed* :)
05-01-2002, 09:24 PM
this hack works in 2.2.0 ?
Waah! This hack doesn't work if you have the Automatic Post Coloring ( hack installed... Don't suppose anyone fancies fixing this? <sniffle>
05-02-2002, 06:50 PM
/me thinks this is a really cool hack!!! Great job as always, FireFly!
Originally posted by Webmasta XT
I don't get this hack, lol
You'd have to be an IRC'er to understand this hack. :D
05-03-2002, 04:46 PM
* zachb testing it. :)
Thomas P
05-03-2002, 11:31 PM
/me thinks this is really awesome
But *shrug* most of my posters don't know about IRC, so I propably won't install it... this time
05-04-2002, 06:03 AM
* bonnmac thinks this can be fun thanks :)
05-05-2002, 10:25 AM
/me is just testing this hack
05-05-2002, 11:12 AM
* mondaynightmike thinks this hack could be taken down soon from overuse :p
But it is a another good hack-code-whatever, thanks :laugh:
05-06-2002, 03:25 PM
I'm using 2.2.1 and this isn't working......should it?
05-06-2002, 04:58 PM
Yes it should.
05-06-2002, 05:34 PM
2.2.0 and this isn't working neither
05-06-2002, 07:52 PM
/me Runs to install hack
Good Job FireFly!
05-10-2002, 04:47 AM
* pjgoncalves gonna install :) :)
05-10-2002, 09:32 AM
* squawell just test this hack and thankz Firefly's great work...:D:D
05-10-2002, 10:03 AM
/me bookmarks this thread, with the intention of installing it when he gets home later.
/me trips over his shadow
05-18-2002, 11:37 PM
This hack is great, great job FireFly
05-18-2002, 11:39 PM
/me laughs
Haven't see you on these forums in awhile SSJ
05-19-2002, 08:26 AM
Originally posted by Velocd
* Velocd laughs
Haven't see you on these forums in awhile SSJ
been away for a while, cutting my forum time since i got a part time job, hows diffusion4 coming along???
05-19-2002, 05:44 PM
sorry for the double post but i have a problem with the hack, i installed it, and it worked perfectly, but now i installed PPNs last title hack and it's not working anymore, anyone know how i can get it to work again
05-20-2002, 06:07 PM
05-21-2002, 12:09 PM
Installed on 2.2.5 working great! Thanks FireFly! :)
05-25-2002, 05:24 AM
/me is pleased and clicks install!
How would I get this to work on my new vb-integrated shoutbox from TWTCommish?
05-26-2002, 07:03 PM
i keep installing this, its been 5 times.. and I keep checking if everything is right... but damn it stays as normal text with the me tag still showing... any ideas?
05-27-2002, 03:20 AM
/me testing this...
05-27-2002, 04:29 PM
and helps make my forum better!!
* Illuvatar installs this kewl hack, then bows down to give homage to Firefly's most excellent coding skills!
Thanks as always,
PS. I hope the community at my site likes this one, I would really like to keep it;)
05-27-2002, 05:29 PM
I appreciate it, Illuvatar. :)
05-29-2002, 04:56 AM
It is still not working for me, but it is for one of my users?!
I installed and couldn't get it to work and forgot about it. Today, I noticed one of my users using it and it worked! Guess he is an irc guy. Weird thing tho, it still doesn't work for me. Any ideas?
05-29-2002, 07:04 AM
Works like a charm!
Had to figure out a way around another hack, but it works now.
06-01-2002, 01:45 AM
It's not working on my hacked 2.2.3b even after triple-checking functions.php :confused:
FireFly, I did everything said in the install file and in your post, still doesnt work :( You know what'S wrong?
Scrooge make sure its on its own line for example, /me testing wont work cause its on this line with the rest of this text but
/me testing
06-01-2002, 04:58 PM
It's weird, I post the /me posts and they looks like /me something, but to others they look right. Also other's /me posts look right to me. :confused:
06-03-2002, 01:00 PM
how do i install?
im new and dumb.
Originally posted by DWZ
just tried that nakkid...
But it comes up like this on my forum:When I edit the post, you know, see whats there, i see:/me tests new hack
Any ideas?
I've still got the same problem.
( * Cornholio )
what can I do about this ?
06-10-2002, 05:28 PM
Although having "fixed" the newreply.php it shows /me x in the post-view under the reply field :(
06-10-2002, 05:29 PM
Woops nevermind.
But could this be included?
I mean showing previous posts with the /me-hack included? :D
06-10-2002, 09:46 PM
I installed it into my forums and did everything listed but still doesn't work, anyone know why?
/me cant isnatall it on vbb 2.2.6 :S
06-15-2002, 11:09 PM
When I quote someone who has used the /me code in a private message, it changes the /me code to my name on the reply quote. I did the fix you stated for it (there were 2 instances of it in the newreply.php so i replaced both of them) and it still changes it to my name. Can someone please tell me how to fix this?
Originally posted by FireFly
A text version of the installation file.
06-15-2002, 11:15 PM
/me thinks this is nifty
06-19-2002, 07:16 PM
Upgraded to 2.2.6 and working well, and thanks for the quote fix.
06-19-2002, 07:28 PM
Has anyone figured out why it takes on the new posters name in the private reply instead of the original poster's name? I did the fix (in 2 places) in the newreply.php and it works fine in the regular messages, just not in the private ones when quoting.
06-20-2002, 04:47 AM
well... here is my prob... I am running a version modded between 2.2.1 and 2.2.6... there is a little of each in it... technically, it is 2.2.6.
When I go to run the .php it's just text... it doesn't run an install... when I do everything manually and perfectly, it doesn't work...
I even fixed the errors that were shown on the other thread... any suggestions?
06-20-2002, 05:10 AM
Originally posted by Boofo
Has anyone figured out why it takes on the new posters name in the private reply instead of the original poster's name? I did the fix (in 2 places) in the newreply.php and it works fine in the regular messages, just not in the private ones when quoting.
In private.php replace this:
eval("\$message[message] = \"".gettemplate("priv_reply",1,0)."\";");
With this:
$message['message'] = preg_replace('#^/me(.*)$#im', "* $fromuserinfo[username]\\1", $message['message']);
eval("\$message[message] = \"".gettemplate("priv_reply",1,0)."\";");
06-20-2002, 05:37 AM
Ok, Chen, that fixed it for showing up in the private reply like it should, but I lost the color of it now. And it doesn't show up right in the private preview mode. Is that normal? (It shows up like this when I preview it.:
* likes this
instead of
* Boofo likes this.
06-20-2002, 05:46 AM
Yes that's normal, but we can't fix that without a lot more hacking,.
06-20-2002, 05:49 AM
Thanks, Chen. At least I know it's not just me. :) How about the color? Any way to get that back?
06-20-2002, 06:02 AM
Use this line:
$message['message'] = preg_replace('#^/me(.*)$#im', "<font color=\"{timecolor}\">* $fromuserinfo[username]\\1</font>", $message['message']);
06-20-2002, 06:15 AM
That didn't work, Chen. :) It still doesn't have any color. Here's what I got when I tried to quote the message:
Boofo wrote on Today 2:05 am:
<font color="#FF9C58">* Boofo like this</font>
06-20-2002, 06:20 AM
Try using instead of <font>.
06-20-2002, 06:28 AM
Here's what I got this time when I quoted (and still no color to it) :)
Boofo wrote on Today 2:20 am:
">* Boofo likes this
06-20-2002, 11:14 AM
Well yeah, it will show up colored when you view it.
06-20-2002, 05:08 PM
The color shows up right but only if you quote the message. When do a regular private message with it, there is no color. Here's how it shows up.
Boofo wrote on Today 12:57 pm:
">* Boofo likes this
">* Boofo wants this to work
Also, the message title is all weird now. The following is what the title of the message is in the listing.
* Boofo likes this [/color] ">* Boofo wants this to work [/quote...">Re: testing me code color [deny receipt]
We're almost there though. :) :)
Originally posted by FireFly
Well yeah, it will show up colored when you view it.
06-20-2002, 06:49 PM
I'll look into this tomorrow...
06-20-2002, 07:20 PM
Thank you, sir. :)
Originally posted by FireFly
I'll look into this tomorrow...
06-20-2002, 09:44 PM
have any suggestions for me?
06-20-2002, 09:56 PM
You need vbhacker to run the php install file. :)
Originally posted by jonas
have any suggestions for me?
06-22-2002, 08:29 AM
Sorry to bother you, Chen, but did you get a chance to look at the code again for the color and the message title yet? :)
Originally posted by FireFly
I'll look into this tomorrow...
06-22-2002, 09:05 AM
No, sorry.
06-22-2002, 10:06 AM
/me very sweet!
06-22-2002, 12:13 PM
/me no no enlgich!
06-22-2002, 01:33 PM
/me runs to install.... well.... when
/me upgrades to 2.2.6
06-29-2002, 06:04 AM
I got part of the /me code fixed. The attachment shows that as long as you are quoting the code, it will show up in color. But when you first enter it in a message, it isn't in color. This is in private messaging. Is there another place we need to put the color statement?
07-12-2002, 04:58 PM
i installed it :)
Gary King
07-19-2002, 03:18 PM
Strange enough, it doesn't work for me :confused:
I've done ALL the changes, and yet it doesn't work (the text acts as though there isn't any changes)
I.E. : /me wonders why this doesn't work <-- it shows like that
07-22-2002, 10:04 PM
installed on 2.2.6
works like a charm :)
* chr@nox bows for FireFly
not very usefull...but SUPERCOOL
Webmasta XT
07-28-2002, 03:48 PM
/me gets it and installs it as well
07-28-2002, 06:35 PM
Try having the /me the first thing on the line and each line with it in it has to be on a separate line.
* Boofo had this trouble at the beginning, too. :)
Originally posted by Blak n Wite
Strange enough, it doesn't work for me :confused:
I've done ALL the changes, and yet it doesn't work (the text acts as though there isn't any changes)
I.E. : /me wonders why this doesn't work <-- it shows like that
07-28-2002, 06:40 PM
It doesn't work for me eitehr, I installed the one in the txt file.
Chris M
07-28-2002, 08:18 PM
@Boofo - You dont need vBhacker...
It works perfectly from the .txt file!:)
Gary King
07-28-2002, 08:55 PM
Originally posted by Boofo
Try having the /me the first thing on the line and each line with it in it has to be on a separate line.
* Boofo had this trouble at the beginning, too. :)
I already know that it has to be on a separate line to be able to work. But, I have installed this hack on a fresh copy of vBulletin 2.2.6, and it didn't work for me. (At least I think I installed it on a fresh copy... this was a long time ago.)
07-28-2002, 10:42 PM
I installed it on a fresh copy too, and it doesn't work for me too :-/
07-29-2002, 01:21 AM
What do you mean? When I wrote that message about the text file, I didn't have it yet. :) It works fine for me (just not in Quick PM Reply Box). ;)
Originally posted by hellsatan
@Boofo - You dont need vBhacker...
It works perfectly from the .txt file!:)
07-29-2002, 03:22 AM
Use the vbhacker one...
Gary King
07-29-2002, 08:16 PM
I'm not saying anything heh, but.. I like to do things myself, so I won't even bother looking at vBHacker :) (I haven't downloaded it, and don't intend on doing so :p)
07-29-2002, 08:19 PM
Originally posted by Blak n Wite
I'm not saying anything heh, but.. I like to do things myself, so I won't even bother looking at vBHacker :) (I haven't downloaded it, and don't intend on doing so :p)
Suit your self, i like to do things myself, I had to install /me hack before I got to work, and vbhacker did the job, it was great :) hehe.
* DrkFusion loves vbhacker, and the /me hack
Gary King
07-29-2002, 08:31 PM
Installing a hack doesn't take very long.. so I guess I take my time when installing a hack heh :D Also I can edit some stuff if I feel like it'll be better :)
08-03-2002, 03:18 AM
/me loves it ^_^
/me loves it, too!
I've got it installed and working great. Thanks!
Chris M
08-03-2002, 07:46 PM
* Chris M says it works great too!:p
08-06-2002, 09:56 AM
This is so cool!
Thanx FireFly for another great hack!! :)
* Minifreunde klicks the install-button!
08-08-2002, 01:48 AM
This is great. Thanks! :)
08-08-2002, 03:55 AM
seems to work fine, thanks FireFly.
I still have a question, do I have to accomplish the following:
Forgot to mention, you must install this fix by smachol:
For this hack to work! (thanks Kura for reminding me)
or can I skip this step meanwhile (I have vB 2.2.6) ?
08-13-2002, 06:26 PM
I'm using vb 2.2.6 and installed this hack.
When I use the /me thing in a post it works like a charm but when someone qoutes my post the original post says /me and not the original poster's name in color.
I added this php code as mentioned earlier in this thread:
if ($dome) {
global $post,$originalposter;
$bbcode = preg_replace('#^/me (.*)$#im', "<font color=\"red\">* $post[username] \\1</font>", $bbcode);
if ($bbcodeid==6) {
$bbcode = preg_replace('#^/me (.*)$#im', "<font color=\"red\">* $originalposter \\1</font>", $bbcode);
anyone seeing what I'm missing?
just read I should not use that php code...
replaced it with this:
if ($dome) {
global $post;
$bbcode = preg_replace('#^/me (.*)$#im', "<font color=\"red\">* $post[username] \\1</font>", $bbcode);
and added the line to newreply.php
but now I'm getting:
* Zoinks <br />
ok.. right now it's working fine. Only one question. When a /me tag is quoted the * username is not in color. Can that be fixed?
08-14-2002, 03:32 PM
I changed the /me tag a bit :)
in /admin/functions.php
I use this code:
if ($dome) {
global $post;
$bbcode = preg_replace('#^/me (.*)$#im', "]\\1", $bbcode);
and in newreply.php
I use this code:
$pagetext = preg_replace('#^/me(.*)$#im', "\\1", $pagetext);
When parsed it will result in this:
say something silly
Then I use a custom vbcode to add the color and the *
<font color="#339933">* {option} {param}</font>
You know how it works :)
This way when you qoute a /me tag the text in the qoute will also be the right color.
Hope this might help some people
08-14-2002, 03:49 PM
Just use this in the functions.php and you won't have to make a new color vbcode. :)
if ($dome) {
global $post;
$bbcode = preg_replace('#^/me (.*)$#im', "<font color=\"yellow\">* $post[username] \\1</font>", $bbcode);
08-14-2002, 03:57 PM
I know.
That's the way I had it before. But that code does not make the * username text in a qoute the right color.
The way I did it is that the /me code in a post is text
And together with the vbcode that adds the color and the * it will allways make a /me tag the right color. Even in a qoute.
08-14-2002, 04:01 PM
That always makes the right color in a quote for me. :)
08-14-2002, 04:03 PM
strange.. that doesn't seem to work for me that's why I used this method.
08-24-2002, 05:33 AM
/me installed.
does anyone got that to work with the shoutbox from TWTCommish
when i tried it only shows
* is doing this and that
without my username
anyone who got a fix for that?
Darth Cow
08-26-2002, 07:57 PM
* Darth Cow just installed :)
I did one little modification that you guys might be interested in. It allows there to be vBcode before the /me and for /me to still be processed. Change:
$bbcode = preg_replace('#^/me (.*)$#im', "<font color=\"{timecolor}\">* $post[username] \\1</font>", $bbcode);
$bbcode = preg_replace('#(^|\[.*\])/me (.*)$#im', "\\1<font color=\"{timecolor}\">* $post[username] \\2</font>", $bbcode);
That's all :). Nice simple hack :cool:.
08-26-2002, 08:00 PM
Any way to have it so it will process code before it AND after it? :)
Darth Cow
08-26-2002, 11:29 PM
Originally posted by Boofo
Any way to have it so it will process code before it AND after it? :)
I believe it already does :)
* Darth Cow this part is bold
Also, I've created another "add on" for this hack :D. This code fixes the problems that occur when someone quotes a post with /me in it.
In newreply.php find:
Below it add:
// fix /me when quoted
$pagetext = preg_replace("#(^|\[.*\])/me (.*)$#im", "\\\1* $postinfo[username] \\\2", $pagetext);
// end fix /me
08-26-2002, 11:49 PM
Don't forget the private.php. :)
Darth Cow
08-27-2002, 05:20 AM
Originally posted by Boofo
Don't forget the private.php. :)
Of course - thanks for reminding me :).
In private.php, find:
Below that add:
// fix /me when quoted
$message["message"] = preg_replace("#(^|\[.*\])/me (.*)$#im", "\\1* $fromuserinfo[username] \\2", $message["message"]);
// end fix /me
Also, please note that I used the matching code for /me to what I had several posts above. This is matching it to /me when it follows just vBcode as well - it shouldn't cause much trouble just installing this part of the hack though :).
08-27-2002, 05:26 AM
No problem. :)
mh how about the shoutbox do you have a fix for that too?
i posted it above your posts
08-27-2002, 09:42 PM
is there a mean to makes it work with the quick reply box ?
08-27-2002, 09:44 PM
Originally posted by meteore
is there a mean to makes it work with the quick reply box ?
It should already work with the QRB, theres no reason I can see why it wouldn't.
09-03-2002, 02:35 AM
Installed and working on 2.2.7. Cheers.
09-04-2002, 07:58 PM
I saw a few other people mention this problem, but I have no clue why it's only affecting a handful of us (and have less of a clue how no one identified why their /me codes were showing up as bright green)
As stated above, the /me code shows up as bright green. That's because it's outputting this into the html:
<font color="{timecolor}">
Any clue why it's doing that? I'm sure that's what's preventing the { timecolor } (without the spaces) to show up..
09-16-2002, 11:17 AM
This hack does'nt work with the "Admins and mods can post HTML" from Entourage:
Altough he suggests a code replacement i can't see wich lines must be replaced to let them work together.
For some odd reason I get this error:
Parse error: parse error, unexpected T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING in /home/videogam/public_html/testsexy/admin/functions.php on line 816
and this one
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: vbsetcookie() in /home/videogam/public_html/testsexy/admin/sessions.php on line 204
This is what is on line 817 (I dont see why this would be effecting anything :/)
$buffer = str_replace(""", "\"", $buffer);
/me laughs out loud
great little hack
09-27-2002, 10:16 AM
Working on v2.2.0!
Great mod ;)
10-12-2002, 07:45 PM
Its dosent work on 2.2.8
For the colour, I want it to show that style's body text colour, however putting {bodytextcolor} in place of {timecolor} doesn't work! How can I make it so it reads the bodytextcolor?
kill yourself
10-15-2002, 12:39 AM
how would you make it bold..
so it would say
/me blah blah blah
but in bold.
kill yourself
10-16-2002, 12:13 AM
up for answer
10-16-2002, 01:46 AM
Originally posted by kill yourself
how would you make it bold..
so it would say
* kill yourself blah blah blah
but in bold.
In functions.php, find:
$bbcode = preg_replace('#^/me (.*)$#im', "<font color=\"{timecolor}\">* $post[username] \\1</font>", $bbcode);
Replace with:
$bbcode = preg_replace('#^/me (.*)$#im', "<b><font color=\"{timecolor}\">* $post[username] \\1</font></b>", $bbcode);
As simple as that.
10-29-2002, 07:31 PM
Installed and working on 2.2.8. :)
10-29-2002, 09:33 PM
Thansk works great on 2.2.8 one question though how would I make the me text bold?
10-29-2002, 09:33 PM
Sorry I yes how to get bold now LOL Should have looked
I got the problem with the green as well, I just edited the time color posted above to the actual color I wanted.
$bbcode = preg_replace('#^/me (.*)$#im', "<font color=\"#2D3851\">* $post[username] \\1</font>", $bbcode);
11-13-2002, 03:45 AM
/me loves it !
/me this this thread was VERY hard to find!
12-11-2002, 03:44 PM
/me Installed
Silenced Soul
12-12-2002, 04:36 PM
* Silenced Soul installs this hack :D
/me does the happy dance
Thank you, FireFly... AGAIN!
S@NL - Pascal
12-27-2002, 01:01 PM
Did anybody see that "/me" is not translated in any way if I look at the topic review when I do a post reply ?
I solved this by adding this code in newreply.php :
(I use the vBcode style solution)
find in newreply.php :
$threadreviewbits = '';
while ($post=$DB_site->fetch_array($posts)) {
if ($postcounter++ < $maxposts) {
after this add :
$post[pagetext] = preg_replace('#^/me(.*)$#im', "]\\1", $post[pagetext]);
One other thing : I have a user with a ' in his name : B'Ram. The vBcode parser failes when [me=B'Ram] is used. How can this be solved ?
12-31-2002, 06:15 PM
/me loves fireflys brilliance
:bandit: FireFly. How long have you been involved with PHP?
01-29-2003, 07:33 AM
I had to change the call to bbcodeparse() in showthread.php too. I didn't see that edit in the .txt file, but hey, it works, and I love it!
For those who are not getting it to work: just add ',1' to the parameters of the function call.
02-04-2003, 05:43 PM
/me tests it.
02-17-2003, 06:41 PM
/me scratched head
it doesnt work for me...i'm using 2.3.0 and most of the edited parts of adminfunctions are gone...HELP!
02-24-2003, 05:17 AM
* andyrose installed this hack on 2.2.9 at, and it works great.
03-02-2003, 08:58 PM
It's working on 2.2.6 for me (Administrator), but NOT for my users.
03-04-2003, 01:18 AM
/me says it works perfectly fine on vB2.3.0 and Thanks Chen!
/me clicks installs and loves it.
Great hack!
I installed it on 2.3.0 RC1 and it doesnt work :(
03-30-2003, 08:55 AM
12-27-02 at 09:01 AM S@NL - Pascal said this in Post #170 (
Did anybody see that "/me" is not translated in any way if I look at the topic review when I do a post reply ?
I solved this by adding this code in newreply.php :
(I use the vBcode style solution)
find in newreply.php :
$threadreviewbits = '';
while ($post=$DB_site->fetch_array($posts)) {
if ($postcounter++ < $maxposts) {
after this add :
$post[pagetext] = preg_replace('#^/me(.*)$#im', "]\\1", $post[pagetext]);
One other thing : I have a user with a ' in his name : B'Ram. The vBcode parser failes when [me=B'Ram] is used. How can this be solved ?
You need to add this instead of what you have there.
$reviewmessage = bbcodeparse($post[pagetext],$threadinfo[forumid],$post[allowsmilie],1);
I have a member that has an apostrophe in their name and it works fine for me. The line you are using for the me code is all wrong. This is what it is supposed to be. There should be no me= in there.
$bbcode = preg_replace('#^/me (.*)$#im', "<font color=\"#FF9C58\">* $post[username] \\1</font>", $bbcode);
Oblivion Knight
04-11-2003, 03:23 PM
Thanks FireFly :)
Working with no troubles at all on 2.3.0 RC3..
* Oblivion Knight clicks install.
04-17-2003, 10:20 PM
installed and working on 2.3 :D
Legendary Kid
04-22-2003, 01:47 AM
* Legendary Kid clicks instaLL ;)
04-24-2003, 03:52 PM
i get this erorr after installing everything and trying to access my forum
Parse error: parse error, unexpected T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING in /home/kdog316/public_html/forums/admin/functions.php on line 925
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: vbsetcookie() in /home/kdog316/public_html/forums/admin/sessions.php on line 205
04-24-2003, 05:38 PM
i got it to work but it still gives me the green gross color what do i put in timecolor do i put yellow or #ffff33
05-23-2003, 06:47 AM
* padblaz loves this hack
* padblaz thanks you for it :)
06-02-2003, 02:22 PM
To fix the bug where users who quote other people get the /me tag messed up, replace this code in newreply.php:
$pagetext = preg_replace("/(\[quote])(.*)(\[\/quote])/siU", "", $pagetext);
With this:
$pagetext = preg_replace("/(\[quote])(.*)(\[\/quote])/siU", "", $pagetext);
$pagetext = preg_replace('#^/me(.*)$#im', "* $originalposter\\1", $pagetext);
This is what I ahve in newrepy:
$pagetext = trim(preg_replace("/(\[quote])(.*)(\[\/quote])/siU", "", $pagetext));
eval("\$message = \"".gettemplate("quotereply",1,0)."\";");
How do I add the code fix? Also, how do I fix the preview view?
06-02-2003, 04:32 PM
Actually, I got it fixed. Thanks anyways! ;)
06-03-2003, 08:21 PM
Nice hack Firefly - thanks :cool:.
* Intex clicks install.
When making a new reply if you scroll down and read the past posts, it still shows
and does not convert those phrases... Would it be possible to do this?
06-04-2003, 05:29 AM
In newreply.php, try adding this:
$pagetext = trim(preg_replace('#(^|\[.*\])/me (.*)$#im', "\\1* $originalposter \\2", $pagetext));
right above this:
eval("\$threadreviewbits .= \"".gettemplate("threadreviewbit")."\";");
06-04-2003, 06:02 AM
Clicking all the way down: install it!
Chen, respect!
06-06-2003, 07:02 AM
Thank you FireFly!
It works perfectly with my 2.3.0
06-06-2003, 07:20 AM
06-04-03 at 12:31 AM 006 said this in Post #190 (
When making a new reply if you scroll down and read the past posts, it still shows
* 006
and does not convert those phrases... Would it be possible to do this?
Did the above code work for you?
No it didn't work Boofo, but it's not a big deal. :) Thanks though. :)
06-06-2003, 07:56 AM
Sorry to hear that. That is the same code I use and it works fine for me.
Mystic XL
06-07-2003, 05:17 AM
k, i installed it, and now hwne I try to PM people (private.php) I get a blank page.
Mystic XL
06-08-2003, 12:18 PM
any help???????
06-09-2003, 07:15 PM
/me hates installing stuff but will install this thing.
06-22-2003, 11:50 PM
Unquestionably works a great deal better on 2.3.0 than 2.2.6
/me clicks install -- again
06-23-2003, 09:36 PM
hey FireFly...I have ur /me hack installed and its great =]...I was wondering for my board I wanna make it so anything in between two asterisks (the * thingies) would be a certin color, like the /me hack only all they do is *text* and it'll just change the color, and keep the *'s there. do you think you could do that?
I tried with the vb code stuff, but they have to use the [ ] things, If you could help me id be very grateful.
Thanks alot^^
07-01-2003, 08:58 AM
/me instal that hack now n think is very great
Ninth Dimension
07-01-2003, 09:53 AM
/me clicks install
love this hack
Mr. Brian
07-01-2003, 11:04 AM
That's Rocky..
thanks for the hack...
08-18-2003, 07:34 AM
Maybe when I get enough members they'll use it :rolleyes:
awesome hack, i will install later today
/me smiles and runs off
David Coutts
02-13-2004, 08:41 PM
* David Coutts adores the vB Code hack. :D
/me loves this hack!
I recently turned off the html and now the /me quoted in the private messages doesnt show up correctly. Is there a way to change it to vb code?
Destroyed Soul
01-30-2005, 09:46 PM
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/piper/public_html/admin/functions.php:2540) in /home/piper/public_html/admin/functions.php on line 1718
what do I do?
* Destroyed Soul fixed the problem! Nevermind!
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