View Full Version : Need a Hack for Avatars...with a twist

04-29-2002, 07:07 PM
I want to provide avatars for my users to choose from, but I plan on hosting them on my own server and not have them on my website.

I dont like the idea of storing avatars in the DB, so I want to remote host the avatars.

Is there a way to have the avatars in list to choose from, so that Vbulletin auto generates the code for that avatar should someone wish to use the avatars I have on a remote server?

any idea on how to start this or if there is one in existence, please help. Is there also a way to "categorize' the avatars as well?

04-30-2002, 09:09 PM
^ BUMP ^

is there a way to implement this:

Custom Avatar As Files Hack (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?s=&threadid=11760) as a way for Remote avatars?

05-01-2002, 01:01 AM
mabey upload them to your site, and have them link it from the web instead of uploading or choosing from list?

05-01-2002, 04:40 AM
The site is a remote server.

my domain is animation-web.com
My remote server only runs on an IP address from another webhost. Has no domain name server.

I dont want to use my space in animation-web.com for the use of avatars (i have over 5000 to choose from and there is a vital need to categorize them - totaling 1.2 GB = more than my webspace), and I want to take the "lowest" denominator , and make it easier on the user to choose from a list in order to use the avatar.

05-06-2002, 11:32 PM

ne1 have an idea on how to start a hack to do this?

Im moving one of my domains over to my own server (http://www.arus.org) and will want to host the avatars there.
Is there a way to make vbulletin grab the list of avatars from that server, list them in categories, and if someone chooses an avatar, itll display the url to that image and post it to their profile?