View Full Version : Request: Unique icons per category

10-09-2000, 08:45 PM
I was thinking, it would be cool to have a hack to let us specify different message icon sets in different categories and forums...

It should work something like this:

Global icon sets - show up in all categories and forums
Category icon sets - show up in just the specified category/categories
Forum icons sets - show up in just the specified forum/forums

For example, suppose I create a set of 10 icons and call it "bubbles". Now I go into category "dogs" and "cats" and apply this set. Now both categories and its associated forums will inherit this set.

Suppose I create a set of 5 icons and call it "hot dogs". Now I go into the forum "dogs-->hot dogs" and apply it. Now only this forum will have this additional set of 5 icons when users are posting.

What do you all think? Or perhaps it should be added to the next vB release.

11-06-2001, 08:40 AM
Yes, I've wanted something like this for a long while now...

If no one makes it, I'll eventually get around to diving into the code and doing it - but it won't be pretty! ;)