View Full Version : Spellchecking

10-09-2000, 03:21 PM
Not trying to be a plug pr spam but just integrated spellchecker.net capability on our vbulleting boards and it works like a charm, no more pesky js errors...wohoo....

10-09-2000, 04:02 PM
how did you implement it? I am unfamiliar with spellchecker.net.

10-09-2000, 04:10 PM
go to their site http://www.spellchecker.net


You have to sign up but it's free...

they send you an id then you download a javascript and a couple cgi files from a .zip file and there's about three steps...

the only templates you change are the newthread and newreply (and the edit post one if you wish)

go to there support page within the site itself for details...our users love it already - and it's fast

10-09-2000, 05:26 PM
spellcheck works fine, but when i go to accept all the changes and close it out, it says URL not found...

did you have any problems?

10-09-2000, 06:49 PM
yeah a couple problems...

make sure you sent the cgi sproxy.cgi via ascii and not binary...you don't need to chmod it


make sure you only use the /cgi-bin/sproxy.cgi path for the button code, I've found it doesn't like the full path to the cgi-bin

10-09-2000, 06:52 PM
try this

enter the url of the sproxy.cgi file...you should see a couple lines of data about the file...

if that works...

the problem is isolated now between either the button code path...the location of the cgi file on your server...r the method is was transported over...

also check the line at the top of the sproxy cgi file...I used


yours may be different

10-09-2000, 08:21 PM
Originally posted by rjav8r
yeah a couple problems...

make sure you only use the /cgi-bin/sproxy.cgi path for the button code, I've found it doesn't like the full path to the cgi-bin

I have tryed the true path, the web address, and short path...

non of which have fixed it. It is working fine, i just dont think it is accessing the message window to make the spell changes

10-09-2000, 10:27 PM

working fine here...

all i know is that if it's not writing the corrected spelling back to the text window...and your getting a 404 error, the problem lies with the sproxy.cgi file

the file is not executing on the server or it's not being called by the button...

Did you try just typing


and get any data???

10-10-2000, 03:41 AM
I have incorporated the php version for spellcheck on our vBulletin test board and it works great.


10-10-2000, 04:03 AM
Parker : details?

10-10-2000, 04:45 AM
You will need to go to the spellchecker.net page and sign up to get an account for your site. Then you will download a javascript file that contains your site's information.

You will need to create a file called sproxy.php and put the following in it.

header("Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8");

$SPROXY_VER = "SPROXY.CGI(PHP) v.1.13 (c) SpellChecker.Net 2000";
$script_filename = getenv("SCRIPT_FILENAME");

$text = ereg_replace("&", "&", $text);
$text = ereg_replace("\"", """, $text);
$text = ereg_replace("\r", "
", $text);
$text = ereg_replace("\n", "
", $text);
$text = ereg_replace("\t", " ", $text);

if (get_magic_quotes_gpc() == 1) {
$text = stripslashes($text);
$txt_ctrl = stripslashes($txt_ctrl);

$template = "<html>

<script language='JavaScript'>

var s = '$SPROXY_VER<br><br><b>SCRIPT_FILENAME:</b> $script_filename';
var frmslen = parent.frames.length;
function doload() {
if (!parent.opener) return;

if (!parent.opener.document) {

if (frmslen != 0) {
var f_src = document.forms[0];
var ctrl = eval(
'parent.opener.' +
if (ctrl.value)
ctrl.value = f_src.msg_body.value;
if (ctrl.innerHTML)
ctrl.innerHTML = f_src.msg_body.value;


<body bgcolor=white onload=\"doload();\">
<script language='JavaScript'>if (frmslen == 0) document.write(s);</script>
<input type=hidden name=msg_body value=\"$text\">
<input type=hidden name=txt_ctrl value=\"$txt_ctrl\">
<form method=post action=\"$word\">
<input type=hidden name=cmd value=\"eos\">
<input type=hidden name=customerid value=\"$customerid\">
<input type=hidden name=sessionid value=\"$sessionid\">

echo $template;

After this put both the spch.js (that you just downloaded from spellchecker.net) and this sproxy.php file in your vbulletin directory.

In your newreply template put in the <head></head> tags

<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src=http://www.yourplace.com/spch.js></script>

and then look for:


and just above this put

<INPUT TYPE= "BUTTON" VALUE= "Spell Check" onclick= "var f=document.forms[0]; doSpell ('en', f.message, document.location.protocol + '//' + document.location.host + '/yourforum/sproxy.php', true);">

repeat the above in your newthread and editpost templates.

replace the urls with the location of your sproxy.php and spch.js files.

Once you have used this great application you will wonder who you ever got along with out it.


10-10-2000, 02:07 PM
Originally posted by rjav8r
Not trying to be a plug pr spam but just integrated spellchecker.net capability on our vbulleting boards and it works like a charm, no more pesky js errors...wohoo....


10-10-2000, 02:10 PM
Thanks parker...I didn't know how to implement the php one....it's definitely cleaner and less files to deal with....even notice a slight speed increase...way to go :)

10-10-2000, 03:36 PM
they just won't be able to spellcheck...from my experience so far with AOL users...for some reason it doesn't work with their browsers..any help Parker???

10-10-2000, 03:49 PM
When you pasted the sproxy.php some characters got ate up so I'd advise getting the source direct from http://www.spellchecker.net

10-10-2000, 06:08 PM
You can get the sproxy.php file here (http://www.hometheaterforum.com/file/sproxy.zip)


[Edited by Parker Clack on 10-10-2000 at 03:19 PM]

10-10-2000, 06:32 PM

know of any way to fix the script errors for aol browsers, some users of aol said it won't work on their modified IE browsers....???

10-10-2000, 08:29 PM
I tryed the PHP version and i am still getting the same 404 error when i hit Finish checking.

it is also not modifiing anything in the message window.

thanks in advance.

10-11-2000, 12:24 AM

I don't know of any fix. I do know that you can write the guys at spellchecker and they will get back with you on this though. They might have an update on the .js that you can use.


I had the same trouble and I wrote them about it. They sent me a new .js file to use that fixed the problem.

I would write tech support at Tech@SpellChecker.net
with both of your problems and they should be able to help you out. They sure did help me out a lot. In both of your problems I would tell them that you are using this with vBulletin and the php version of sproxy.


10-11-2000, 03:48 AM
thanks :)

10-11-2000, 06:20 PM
Thank you very much

05-09-2001, 11:58 PM

I am helping out a site that is useing vb114 (dont blame me!)
we are currently seeking to install spellchecker, but I am a little stumped. I am not a mysql god etc.. yada yada and I noticed al lthe templated for vb114 are in the vb114 rdbm, could somone lend me a hand updateing the templates to make the required changes to get spellchecker to work for newthreads,posts,replies etc..?
