View Full Version : Limit daily posts fo members

10-09-2000, 10:06 AM
I have a member that posts about 30 messages a day.
My site, now, is his site!
Is it possible to limit the number of posts that a member can post in 24 hours?

Is it possible to limit the length of posts to a determineted number of caracters?
Thank you (sorry my bad english)

10-09-2000, 06:14 PM
We encourage a member to post as much as possible. At SitePoint.com we have several members that post 30+ messages a day. I would like it if another 1500 did so as well. I don't know how this implies that the member is taking over your site.

The best course of action would be to talk to this user and have him help you promote your site so that it grows and you benefit.

10-09-2000, 06:26 PM
bad idea... you limit how much they can post and they will just move on to another forum... only 1/3 of my members post at all !!!

as a member i would hate to limited like that... i mean my post count here, at vbulletin.org are well pretty high and i'd hate for john or mike to pull one over me :p

10-09-2000, 06:53 PM
Thank you Eva and wluke. I certainly will follow your advices.


10-09-2000, 08:34 PM
Yeah I was thinking first about limiting people to like 100 posts in an hour, but I think that will only add more overhead than anything else. I mean, how often do you get jerks like that? And when you do, all you gotta do is delete all his posts. You spend 1 minute to do this, while it takes the prankster an hour or more just to post all that junk.

10-10-2000, 03:03 AM
/me wispers to Ed:
DELETE FROM post WHERE username = 'eva2000'
UPDATE user SET postcount = 0 WHERE username = 'eva2000'

10-10-2000, 03:24 AM
Originally posted by Stallion
* wispers to Ed:
DELETE FROM post WHERE username = 'eva2000'
UPDATE user SET postcount = 0 WHERE username = 'eva2000'
;-) :p