View Full Version : Seeing the Icons

04-24-2002, 04:12 PM

Is there a way to make it so that only registered members can see the icons in a post (profile, email, homepage, ICQ, AIM, etc.) -- the icons that appear with each members post. Can this be made invisible to people that are guests, or banned users?

My thought is this: Members who are banned or who are not registered shouldn't be able to ICQ someone. They shouldn't be privy to ANY member information other than their username. I realize I can turn this stuff off so that it only appears in a member's profile, but that certainly seems like punishing the members who AREN'T banned, not limiting the access of the members who are.

Make sense?

04-24-2002, 08:37 PM
if the member is banned they cant see the forums anyway or can they, that would kinda defeat the purpose of banning them if they can still read the forums.

it wouldnt be the that hard to one additional query on the showthread.php to check if the current user is logged in or not, if there are then set a var to true and show the icons if its false dont show the icons.

I may have over simplified it, its too late for me to write this tonite but i think i can do it tommorrow quickly for you.


04-25-2002, 12:57 AM

You'll have to give me a bit more ;) just because I'm a little .php impaired :P -- banned can still read the forums, no point in making it any other way when guests can read the forums. I just don't want banned users to be able to potentially abuse their ability to still contact current members, especially if current members don't want to be contacted by anyone other than a registered non-banned member.