View Full Version : need some help, please

04-22-2002, 03:39 AM
okey, this is what I'm trying to do...since no one is kindly enough to make me this hack, I desided to do it myself, so here's the codes I have right now...

in newreply.php, I added:



$templatesused.=",vbcode_smilies,vbcode_smiliebit,vbcode_smilies_ge tmore,vbcode_buttons,vbcode_sizebits,vbcode_fontbi ts,vbcode_colorbits,newpost_closethread

so it'll look like this:

$templatesused.=",vbcode_smilies,vbcode_smiliebit,vbcode_smilies_ge tmore,vbcode_buttons,vbcode_sizebits,vbcode_fontbi ts,vbcode_colorbits,newpost_closethread,newreply_t v";

and then I added:

eval("\$newreplytv = \"".gettemplate("newreply_tv")."\";");


$maxattachsize_temp = getmaxattachsize();

then I saved it and uploaded it....I then made a template called "newreply_tv" and put the following in it:

<div align=center><iframe name="cwindow" style="border:0" width=1100 height=300 src=$threadreviewbits></iframe></div>

then I edited "newreply" and searched for:


and replaced it with


but I just can't get it to work...here's what I see (see picture that's attached)...

can anyone help me out?? thanks

oh, here's the URL where I asked for this in the first place: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?s=&threadid=37668 (call me stupid, but I'm new to hacking).

04-22-2002, 04:16 AM
<div align=center><iframe name="cwindow" style="border:0" width=1100 height=300 src=$threadreviewbits></iframe></div>

This is your error.. unless $threadreviewbits is a link to a page it will not work.

04-22-2002, 05:39 AM
do you know a why to make it to work?? (as you can see...I'm prety stupid :rolleyes: )

04-22-2002, 05:44 AM
$newreplytv now you can print this either of two usfull ways.

echo $newreplytv;

or put it in another template

04-22-2002, 05:48 AM
I'm sorry, can you clear it up for me to understand better (it's late night, and I'm not thinking stright...plus I don't know anything about PHP and I don't know where you want me to put "echo $newreplytv;" :( )

thanks for your help

04-23-2002, 06:35 AM
okey, this is what I did now...surpringing it worked :eek: but now I need some more help.....first let me start off that keeping the PHP file the same from the first post, I just edit newreply_tv template to show the following:

<div align=center><iframe name="cwindow" style="border:0" width=1100 height=300 src="showthread.php?s=$session[sessionhash]&threadid=$threadid"></iframe></div>

that worked...but now I get what you see in the picture...I want the newest post on top, plus I don't want that header and other junk in it, just the avatars, message, quotes/codeings, and the footer...now where do I go to edit that part?? any ideals to lead me to the right diration can be helpful.....thank you.

04-24-2002, 08:37 PM