View Full Version : Users own images?

04-20-2002, 02:05 PM

I'm looking :rolleyes: for a hack that allows users to upload teir own images to my board. Example:
1. The user have their own "Image upload" page where he can choose to upload images from his harddrive (preset x/y size by admin). He can make his own categories to wich he will upload images too (Not neccesary). He can write a description to each image. He would also be able to erase the images uploaded.

2. In userdisplay everyone can view his/hers images.

Is this possible?

Regards :bunny:

Chris M
04-20-2002, 04:45 PM

I shall get back to you...


04-22-2002, 07:26 AM
Thank you Satan - I would apriciate that :-)

Chris M
04-23-2002, 05:17 PM
I believe my friend is working on this at the moment...

He seems pretty confident that it can be done at ThePhora, and when it is, I shall get the info off him as to how it is done...


Chris M
05-03-2002, 01:21 PM

Thanks for the PM...

I am afraid that my friend hasnt made any progress at the moment...

As soon as I know he has finished, I shall get him to post it up here...
