View Full Version : Quick List of Admins & Mods in Admin CP,,,

Chris M
04-16-2002, 10:00 PM
This Hack will insert a quicklist into the Admin CP of all your Mods and Admins...

At the moment, you will have to add them manually, but I hope to soon bring out a code which inputs them automatically...

See Screenshot below for the proof it works...


Chris M
04-17-2002, 04:16 PM

04-17-2002, 06:52 PM
That's quite a hefty server load :) I'm surprised you were able to log in

Chris M
04-17-2002, 07:25 PM
I dont know whether you are being serious or having a sick little laugh to yourself...

Either way, we are a small forum that is growing...


04-17-2002, 09:06 PM
]thanx for the hack mate! :D GJ

04-18-2002, 08:14 AM
Originally posted by hellsatan
I dont know whether you are being serious or having a sick little laugh to yourself...

Either way, we are a small forum that is growing...


Especially since it is a little forum, it is a big ass load!
Everything over 1,0 I personally consider heavy. Everything over 2.5 and I phone up the server admin. I do not think he is taking a laugh at you, and I think he was serious.

Fun hack, but .. if you have to manually add them, that is as much trouble as just clicking on usergroup > modify > list all. Maybe you can use that code in combination with the <option> .. to get the list to generate automaticly.

04-18-2002, 09:27 AM
You must be on a shared server for you to have over 4.0 server load with 10 users online. That's the most probable explanation.

Chris M
04-18-2002, 05:20 PM

Sorry m8...

I wouldnt know if it was or wasnt a large server load...

We shouldnt be on a shared server...

Our owner forked out and bought a Dedicated Server after Bandwidth troubles...

We did have over 400 members about 3 weeks ago, but CyrixWeb, our former Hosting Company, moved their software, and in the process, destroyed our old database...There wouldnt have been a problem, if they had told us the truth from the outset...They lied and said that it would be back up soon and stuff, and eventually had to tell the truth...

We had to purchase 30Gb of Bandwidth after we ran out because of all the new members, but thankfully, we are with a much more profession hosting company now...

Like I said...We were pretty big, and we got about 20 new members a day at that stage, and we would have continued to grow, had CyrixWeb not screwed up...

About the hack - I think I have developed a code, but I am not sure if it would work...

I think it is partly right, but if someone could tell me :

Here it is :

// jump from quicklist
$goto = '';
switch($userid) {
case 'admin1': $goto = '1'; break;
case 'admin2': $goto = '2'; break;
case 'admin3': $goto = '3'; break;
case 'mod1': $goto = '11'; break;
case 'mod2': $goto = '12'; break;
if ($goto != '') {
if ($s) {
$sessionhash = $s;
header("Location: $goto.php?s=$sessionhash");
// end quicklist redirects

//GENERATE quicklist:
$curuserid = $userid;

If its totally wrong dont laugh - I am learning php as fast as I can, and Ive only been doing it since my first hack...


Chris M
04-18-2002, 06:16 PM
Well its got even higher now -

5.96, 5.10, 4.82 38 users online (17 members & 21 guests).

Is that bad?


04-18-2002, 06:32 PM
everything over 4 is not healthy...

Chris M
04-18-2002, 06:38 PM

Will the Php I posted work?

Or is it just a load of rubbish?


05-04-2002, 01:09 AM
nice hate. I am gonna install it at my forum

Chris M
05-05-2002, 02:32 PM

44 Times it has been downloaded!



06-05-2002, 11:52 PM
Does the PHP you added work?

Chris M
06-06-2002, 12:14 AM
Im not sure...

I dont think anybody has tried it...
