View Full Version : HELP! Users Awaiting Email Confirmation

04-17-2002, 05:55 AM

im having a problem with e-mail for some users!

when they are waiting for there e-mail it aint sending it!

i got 21 people in Users Awaiting Email Confirmation group.... is there a way i can just let all them in with just a click of a button or do i gota edit all there profiles? or can someone wright a little hack that will let them in if i click 1 button for that group!

thank you very much

04-17-2002, 08:43 AM
this is a real problem for me! please help!

04-17-2002, 04:14 PM
Please don't bump your post every 3 hours. I will just keep deleting your bumps.

01-13-2003, 10:03 PM
Hope it's OK for me to bump it via reply, I too have this same problem and always have seen since switching to vBulletin almost 2 years ago. Anyone find a way to remedy this problem?

Steve Machol
01-13-2003, 10:44 PM
Are any email functions working? If so, you will need to view the mail logs on the server to see what happened to those emails. Once vB sends it to PHP it's in the hands of the server. If you are on a shared server you may need to ask your host to look through the logs for you.

For what it's worth I get a lot of bounced emails from people who's mail boxes are full, 'unavailable' or over quota. This is a particular problem with hotmail and yahoo accounts. Unless you are on a dedicated server and can set where these bounce messages go, you will never see them. The mail logs will have a record of these though.