View Full Version : Auto-introduction thread.

04-17-2002, 03:34 AM
My friend Ragesk813 thought of a real cool addition for this hack.
Since alot of the time introduction forums can just be full of spam, we thought of a way to regulate this.

Upon registration, you also fill out an introductory section, with fields such as title, hobbies, intro-area, etc. as mentioned above. Then when they hit submit to finish registration it auto-generates a thread in the introductory forum titled with the subject the person gave and all the info inside.

Great idea no? Please somebody do it

This I think would be a cool idea.

requested originally here (at bottom), could work somehow with this hack:

04-30-2002, 12:19 PM
Could somebody please make this! The problem is, and I'm sure with many forums, is that people will join the forums but will sometimes not post until days later or maybe later. If they make an auto-introduction thread is created, it will give other people a chance to welcome the member and the member might reply back and actually want to post more. I have many members that have 0 posts, this would at least get everymember at 1 and probably influence them to get higher.

Also, it would be nice after they register if they could be taken to their introduction thread. (and maybe with a redirection page saying they are being relocated there)

/me wishes this would be made

12-14-2002, 10:07 AM
For go to the introduction thread, look @ my template mod in my sign

12-14-2002, 04:23 PM
Very good idea. I hope someone can make this :)

01-08-2003, 09:15 PM
search for a hack by PPN.

he has done one, if you also goto the end of the thread I have added a piece in where you can call the custom fields information into the thread.

Hope this helps