View Full Version : Thread rating problem...please help

04-14-2002, 01:31 PM
Well, hello there
My problem is that when my forum users come to rate any thread, a message appears to them as follows:

The action you have attempted could not be performed as your session appears to be invalid. Click the below link to attempt this action again with a new session.
Try this action again

And when they try again for three or four times it accepts their rating or voting but it doesn't show the stars in the rating column on the forumdisplay..!!! :(

Any help would be appreciated in advance.

04-14-2002, 06:57 PM
Anyone to help....!!! :cry:

04-15-2002, 09:59 AM
Please anyone can help???? :(

04-16-2002, 10:25 AM
Where is the support team here??? can't they help??? Sure they can.

04-24-2002, 01:23 PM
I'm still waiting again for anyone to coem and solve this problem...>!!!! So, Anyone??? :(