View Full Version : Blocking certain forums from "Unanswered Threads" hack?

04-09-2002, 04:06 AM
I installed the hack that allows you to create a button that will let your users see all the latest threads that have no replies. The problem, is that I have 13 news forums and it shows all those in there. How do I block my 13 news forums from the Unanswered Threads hack?

You can see it here: http://www.theforumz.com/forumz/search.php?s=&action=unanswered

It's really annoying having 115 news threads show up in there... and that's just a single day. :angry:

04-09-2002, 11:06 AM
Where's the hack? It can be done but I need to look at the code first. :)

04-09-2002, 07:46 PM
Right here: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?s=&threadid=34155

Thanks Mr. FireFly sir. :D

04-10-2002, 09:53 AM
Replace this:
with this:
$wheresql="1=1".$forumsql.' AND forumid NOT IN (4,6,2,63,12) '.$replysql.$datesql;
(change the ID's of course)

Sir. :)

04-11-2002, 03:31 AM
Thank you sir. :D

Now I finally got rid of all sorts of https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/external/2002/04/3.gif thanks to you. https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/external/2002/04/4.gif