View Full Version : files calling forum/index.php?

04-09-2002, 01:12 AM
i want to rename forum/index.php to forum/forums.php.
can you please help me and tell me what is the list of files i have to change in order to have the script looking for forums.php instead of index.php?

dont worry about templates, this should be easy. ;)
only .php files please.

thanks alot.

Darren Lewis
04-10-2002, 12:53 PM
These files in the forum directory all have references to forum/index.php


moderator.php has references to admin/index.php and mod/index.php

Not sure if any files in the admin or mod directories make calls to the forum/index.php


04-12-2002, 07:11 AM
if you use an editor that searches through a directory for the files that have a certain phrase, you'll be sure you dont miss any.

You can also try to edit your .htaccess file and add

Redirect /forum/index.php http://www.yoururl.com/forum/forums.php

This will save you go through all the files and edit them..

04-12-2002, 03:56 PM
But if he does that, he won't be able to access his new index.php. :) (and I assume that's why he's renaming the current index.php.)

Just use Windows, it can search for Files Containing... and I use that a lot.