04-07-2002, 10:36 PM
Hi -
I was wondering how I can add the same "subforum links" feature to my own forum like SitePointForums.com has (i.e. Sub-Forums: Site Elements, Website Reviews). I think I heard this is possible by changing the data type in the category description field in mySQL so more characters can fit, and typing in links to the subforums by hand... but I was wondering if this is not the only and/or best way - you know, if there is a hack or better "automated" way of accomplishing this? Also - how much would changing the data type on that field bring up system resource consumption?
Anyhow - hope someone can help... I'm hoping to add more detailed subforums to my site without causing a havok of clutter.
Thanks - hope someone can help me with this.
I was wondering how I can add the same "subforum links" feature to my own forum like SitePointForums.com has (i.e. Sub-Forums: Site Elements, Website Reviews). I think I heard this is possible by changing the data type in the category description field in mySQL so more characters can fit, and typing in links to the subforums by hand... but I was wondering if this is not the only and/or best way - you know, if there is a hack or better "automated" way of accomplishing this? Also - how much would changing the data type on that field bring up system resource consumption?
Anyhow - hope someone can help... I'm hoping to add more detailed subforums to my site without causing a havok of clutter.
Thanks - hope someone can help me with this.