View Full Version : Templates missing

04-07-2002, 04:21 AM
I have a number of problems that i am looking to resolve, I am willing to pay as i have spent hour and hours and cannot seem to fix the problem.


I installed VB 2.24 & vbportal 3.08 i then had a problem with getting vbportal orking anyway i decided to back up my database and just go back to vb and then add vbhome.

I couldnt uninstall vbportal so i did it manually (removed files and part of the database)

So i now just have vb installed (2.25) however in the admin cp it still says 2.24

Also when i try and change my templates i dont have any templates? I am using the original style.

I really would like to solve these problems and get on with using vb.

Sorry for turning to you guys except it's not a vbulletin.com problem as i did hack the forum.

Any help or advise you can offer would be most appreicated

Thanks in advance

04-07-2002, 04:25 AM
you can try running the upgrade18.php file...if plus, since the templates is online base (meaning it uses the database), you can use the back up to get the template infor and run that info thru. PHPMyAdmin or something to add those templates back on.

04-07-2002, 08:26 AM
Thanks for the advice, I am also looking for someone to do me a logo. (Not sure if this is the correct forum.)....

04-07-2002, 10:26 AM
open a thread in Graphics and post there everything you need. if you want to hire me, as you mentioned in the pm, please email me at nakkidone@hotmail.com with the thread link. ;)
