View Full Version : Maintain download counter when updating

04-06-2002, 07:51 PM
I like that counter thingy, showing how many times a hack or whatever has been downloaded. Unfortunately when you update the zip file the counter gets reset. Bummer :(

There should be a way to retain those statistics, right?!

04-07-2002, 10:36 AM
Well that's how vB works.
But it's easy so ... *working noises* ... done. :)
Will someone please test it, to make sure it works?

04-10-2002, 07:38 PM
yup, doesn't work.

I get a SQL error something like this:

SELECT counter FROM attachmentid WHERE attachmentid = 'xxxx'

Now, the last time I checked, the attachment table was called 'attachment', not 'attachmentid' ;)

04-11-2002, 09:39 AM
Duh... fixed. :)

04-13-2002, 01:59 AM
hehe, even FireFly makes mistakes ^__^

Sadie Frost
04-13-2002, 02:42 AM
There's hope for me yet then lol :D

04-13-2002, 05:21 AM
Yes yes, nobody's perfect. :)