View Full Version : flash embedding

10-05-2000, 03:37 PM
Hi guys

I know that it's possible to embed swf files into a post. But how to do that ? I have the latest version of vbulletin, but does it require any special code hacks ? The people at were-here.com gave this code : http://www.yourdomain.com/yourmovie.swf ,

but that doesn't seem to work here. I even tried the conventional html method of object and embed tags. So I am wondering if any special hack is required.


10-05-2000, 09:46 PM
Perhaps this post should be on a different forum, but the way to to this is to add a replacement variable, at least it worked for me!

ok Go to control panel, and add replacement variable:

then add the [/swf] and
code to insert is </embed>

now add another replacement variable and
code to insert is <embed src=

do the same for [swf] ad so it will work on both upper and lower case, teh all you need to do is to use the following code

http://yoursite.com/yourswf.swf height=your# width=your# background=your#

ps the background part is optional

Good luck!

PS I think you can do this using vb codes if so you don't need to make one in lower case and another in upper case!

[Edited by conan on 10-05-2000 at 06:51 PM]

10-05-2000, 10:09 PM
Hey thanks Conan

It worked like a charm. Such a simple thing, but took so long to realize, like so many things in life.

Thanks again...

11-06-2000, 03:29 AM