View Full Version : vBindex
04-04-2002, 10:00 PM
Latest Version: 1.3
This hack is not very special for me. I just wanted to create a mainpage on which you can see.. (as a member) everything what u like to see. The idea of the script is similar to the vbHome of nakkid and also a little bit to the vBPortal. I tested all of them.. but i was looking for something better :D. so i decided to write such a script myself...
Features: Active threads & newest posts
News & Polls (read from a newsforum and a pollforum)
Quick CP Links on the index-site
Buddies on the index-site
Very easy to customize. Just edit the templates!
Available in english and german!
Summary: On this index-site you can see everything what you as a member would like to see :).
Demo-Sites: [German Version] [German Version] [English Version]
Screenshot 1: // the original version and arrangement of the tables.
Screenshot 2: // the nav on the right side.
Screenshot 3: // or if u like 2 navs, left & right
Screenshot 4: // another screen
Screenshot 5: // buddies etc.
All instructions can you find in the readme.english/german.txt
vBindex 1.3:
vBindex with Link-DB Script (Link-Script by The_Sisko; Integration of the Link-Script in vBindex by KarateKid (
Newscode part from vBHome by nakkid.
Onlinetodaycode part from Online Today Hack by Mystics.
Pollcode part from vBPortal by wajones.
I'd really like to get every feedback you guys can give me. Also post bugreports and suggestions to improve this script. If you have installed this hack, pls click on the install button to receive updates thru email. Thank you :).
Lee Botley
04-05-2002, 03:50 PM
Hi el3m3nt,
I say you release it as a hack, it looks like just what I'm looking for, is it what you you on your website homepage at:
Release it - and quickly!!!!
04-05-2002, 03:54 PM
Hi Lee Botley,
Nope, its not the same script.. well.. the current one on is my first try. but i wasnt satisfied with it.. so i rewrote it. basically its the same. i just added the newsfeature. and the another tabledesign too.
and thats the result :).
hmm.. i'd like to get some more feedback, pls :bunny:.
04-05-2002, 03:57 PM
Originally posted by JohnWarwick
Release it - and quickly!!!!
ehm.. Aye Aye, Sir :p :D.
well.. probably.. im going to write.. the installation instructions.. tonight.. (thats utc (gmt) +1 ;))
Lee Botley
04-05-2002, 04:05 PM
Thanks el3m3nt I look forward to installing it!
04-05-2002, 04:17 PM
el3m3nt: Thanks, I'm glad to see you're releasing it. It seems quite useful. Btw keep in ming vBhacker. It's text file generator instructions are quite good.
04-05-2002, 04:27 PM
Originally posted by MrLister
el3m3nt: Thanks, I'm glad to see you're releasing it. It seems quite useful. Btw keep in ming vBhacker. It's text file generator instructions are quite good.
ouh.. jep.. i'll use vbhacker.
thank u. if u didn't say it, i would have forgotten it (is this tense grammatically correct? ;), sorry english isnt my mother tongue.. i always give my best :))
04-05-2002, 04:30 PM
Thats grammatically correct if you ask me! I wouldn't have even know english wasn't your frist language.
04-05-2002, 04:50 PM
If we're getting all picky about language ;), shouldn't that be:
"If you hadn't told me, I would have forgetten about it?"
But English isn't my first language either, so... :)
Originally posted by FireFly
I would have forgetten about it?"
Ah hem, ? and the " are the wrong way round! :D
* JohnWarwick runs
Oh, by the way - is there a hack that turns "/me" into the name of the user as in IRC?
04-05-2002, 04:54 PM
Originally posted by FireFly
"If you hadn't told me, I would have forgetten about it?"
Yes that is another way of putting it :laugh:
04-05-2002, 05:39 PM
]nice hack... :) allready use vBHome tho'... but your hack is good too! More of these things on the board to let users to choose from :)
04-05-2002, 05:51 PM
yeah .. i said, its similar to vbhome.. i tested vbhome. it works fine.. but i wanted more ;)... more features.. and more functionality for the members.
04-05-2002, 05:55 PM
Installing now el3m3nt, I'll let you know how it goes...
04-05-2002, 06:03 PM
ouh im tensely how it works.. do u install online? if yes, send me the url per pm.
thank you very much for ur effort :).
04-05-2002, 06:17 PM
Hi el3m3nt,
Sent you a pm with the url for the install I did, feel free to take a look.
Glad I could help you out, this is a great hack and is just what I've been looking for, many thanks.
If you need any more help just let me know.
i dont want to be rude... but i think your hack is almost identical to mine's ( (code variables, queries, structure). also i saw that your extra code is basically (not sure 100%) copied from vBulletin code. this infringes the jelsoft copyright.
el3m3nt, please let me know what do you think about it.
all the best,
*just looked at code* I agree with you nakkid....
04-06-2002, 08:15 AM
xiphoid?? what happened to your sig? and template hacks???
04-06-2002, 08:27 AM
quiet nice hack. Similar to vbhome but more features. I love you guys :)
Bring out more of these modified, improved vbhome hacks!! :D
04-06-2002, 09:48 AM
I was wondering if you could help out a beginner, I would really like to implent the index hack but i am having a couple of problems.
I have uploded the index file but i just get a blank screen ( I assume this is because of the templates) but where do i install the templetes through the VB control panel or upload then in to directory? If it's through the vb control panel do i need to change any of the exsiting ones or just create new ones?
Sorry for asking what are probably such dum questions.
04-06-2002, 10:08 AM
hi freeshares,
you have to create new templates (= custom templates).
in the text-files u can find the content for these templates u need to create. the text-files u dont have to upload. just open and copy & paste into the new templates.
further questions? :) just ask.
stupid questions doesnt exist, only stupid answers :).
04-06-2002, 11:51 AM
We i now have all my templates doen but i still get a blank screen when i try and goto my forum.
This is what my templates look like
Default [edit] [remove] [add template] [show all] [collapse groups]
Custom templates
home [edit] [remove]
home_footer [edit] [remove]
home_header [edit] [remove]
home_headinclude [edit] [remove]
home_left [edit] [remove]
home_login [edit] [remove]
home_logout [edit] [remove]
home_news [edit] [remove]
home_newsbit [edit] [remove]
home_nothreads [edit] [remove]
home_poll [edit] [remove]
home_pollresult [edit] [remove]
home_right [edit] [remove]
home_threadbit [edit] [remove]
home_threads [edit] [remove]
P_activetopics_sidebox [edit] [remove]
P_activetopic_centerbox [edit] [remove]
P_activetopic_centerboxbit [edit] [remove]
P_banners [edit] [remove]
P_breadcrumb [edit] [remove]
P_calendar [edit] [remove]
P_ForumLeftColumn [edit] [remove]
P_home [edit] [remove]
P_logincode [edit] [remove]
P_logoutcode [edit] [remove]
P_newsbits [edit] [remove]
P_newspastbit [edit] [remove]
P_newsselecttopic [edit] [remove]
P_newsselecttopic_list [edit] [remove]
P_newthreadheader [edit] [remove]
P_polloption [edit] [remove]
P_polloption_mult [edit] [remove]
P_pollresult [edit] [remove]
P_showarticle [edit] [remove]
P_showarticlebits [edit] [remove]
P_showarticle_commentbits [edit] [remove]
P_showarticle_commentbox [edit] [remove]
P_themecenterbox [edit] [remove]
P_themecentercolumn [edit] [remove]
P_themefooter [edit] [remove]
P_themeheader [edit] [remove]
P_thememenu_downloads [edit] [remove]
P_thememenu_faq [edit] [remove]
P_thememenu_forum [edit] [remove]
P_thememenu_homepage [edit] [remove]
P_thememenu_undefined [edit] [remove]
P_thememenu_weblinks [edit] [remove]
P_themerightcolumn [edit] [remove]
P_themesidebox_left [edit] [remove]
P_themesidebox_right [edit] [remove]
Default templates
activateform [change original]
activate_requestemail [change original]
aim [change original]
aimmessage [change original]
announcebit [change original]
announcement [change original]
avatar [change original]
avatarbit [change original]
avatars [change original]
bbcode [change original]
Calendar Templates [expand]
coppaform [change original]
editpoll [change original]
editpost [edit] [revert to original] [view original]
editpost_attachment [change original]
Email Subject Templates [expand]
Email Templates [expand]
Error Message Templates [expand]
FAQ Templates [expand]
footer [edit] [revert to original] [view original]
Forum Display Templates [expand]
Forum Home Page Templates [expand]
forumjump [change original]
forumjumpbit [change original]
forumrules [change original]
User Info Display Templates [expand]
gobutton [change original]
header [edit] [revert to original] [view original]
headinclude [edit] [revert to original] [view original]
head_newpm [edit] [revert to original] [view original]
icq [change original]
listbit [change original]
listedit [change original]
lostpw [change original]
mailform [change original]
Member List Templates [expand]
User Option Templates [expand]
navbar [change original]
nav_joiner [change original]
nav_linkoff [change original]
nav_linkon [change original]
New Posting Templates [expand]
Page Navigation Templates [expand]
phpinclude [edit] [revert to original] [view original]
Polling Templates [expand]
Postbit Templates [expand]
posticonbit [change original]
posticons [change original]
printthread [change original]
printthreadbit [change original]
Private Messaging Templates [expand]
quotereply [change original]
Redirection Message Templates [expand]
Registration Templates [expand]
reportbadpost [change original]
Search Templates [expand]
sendtofriend [change original]
Show Groups Templates [expand]
showpost [change original]
Show Thread Templates [expand]
signupadult [change original]
signupcoppa [change original]
signupverify [change original]
smiliebit [change original]
smilies [change original]
standarderror [edit] [revert to original] [view original]
standardredirect [change original]
Subscribed Thread Templates [expand]
threadreview [change original]
threadreviewbit [change original]
threadreviewbit_ignore [change original]
Thread Management Templates [expand]
timezone [change original]
User Control Panel Templates [expand]
username_loggedin [change original]
username_loggedout [change original]
vB Code Templates [expand]
whoposted [change original]
whopostedbit [change original]
Who's Online Templates [expand]
yahoo [change original]
That's all folks
I have also uploaded my index file, The golbal.php is in the same directory as the index file.
Any ideas would be most grateful
Phil the novice
04-06-2002, 12:09 PM
no php-error?
what is the source code of the blank screen u get? (turn the template options on to see which templates were used)
if your script is anywhere online, pls let me know the url.
well the templates seem to be okey, when there is any content in it (also the right content).
upload the new index file in the /forum directory, where the original index file is. then u dont have to move other files or to change paths.
04-06-2002, 12:22 PM
el3m3nt, did you get my pn? :)
My vbindex -> :laugh: ;)
04-06-2002, 12:34 PM
got it and answered :).
04-06-2002, 12:36 PM
can you possibly implement the sessionlocation. That I get no "UNKNOWN LOCATION" Messages in the Online-List :)
04-06-2002, 12:48 PM
ehm.. well.. thats not really dificult. but it depends on how u rename the two index files.
u have to add 2 things in the online.php.. i'll post where and what. just a few moments pls :).
04-06-2002, 12:55 PM
In the online.php look for..
case 'index':
$userinfo[where] = "$bbtitle <a href='index.php?s=$session[sessionhash]'>Index</a>";
Add below another case..
case 'home':
$userinfo[where] = "$bbtitle <a href='home.php?s=$session[sessionhash]'>Home</a>";
if you name your index-file "home.php".
Look for..
case 'index.php':
$userinfo[activity] = 'index';
Add below..
case 'home.php':
$userinfo[activity] = 'home';
Just adapt ur code to the right names of ur files.
04-06-2002, 01:04 PM
i noticed a bug with the newsicons.. when there is no icon selected, the url to the pic is called { imagesfolder }/icons/icon0.gif. but icon0.gif doesnt normally exist.
soon i will release version 1.1 with the buddy-list feature (the user can see his/her buddies on the indexsite)
04-06-2002, 01:06 PM
thankyou :)
04-06-2002, 01:47 PM
Aehm... very cool, but now I cant go the Forums, it always beams me back to the new index... whats the way to go from here to the forums???
04-06-2002, 02:13 PM
rename before uploading the file to something like home.php oder index2.php, than you have also to modify some links in the templates but then you can use your old index file as normally :)
You can compare with my version where I did it also this way. I postet the link some posts above ;)
04-06-2002, 02:20 PM
THX a lot!
04-06-2002, 03:21 PM
damn! this looks great.
this is exact what I needed:D
thanx el3m3nt
Originally posted by el3m3nt
i noticed a bug with the newsicons.. when there is no icon selected, the url to the pic is called { imagesfolder }/icons/icon0.gif. but icon0.gif doesnt normally exist.
soon i will release version 1.1 with the buddy-list feature (the user can see his/her buddies on the indexsite)
when is the version 1.1 out maybe I should wait...
04-06-2002, 04:10 PM
Originally posted by KarateKid
can you possibly implement the sessionlocation. That I get no "UNKNOWN LOCATION" Messages in the Online-List :)
The best way to do this is to intsall FireFly's "Add Who's Online locations from Admin CP" hack located in this thread ( then you can add other locations easily as well.
04-06-2002, 07:25 PM
Hi NTLDR, element posted the solution above on top of site 2 ;)
04-06-2002, 08:42 PM
Hi el3m3nt,
I think I may a found a very minor bug, that causes a script error, at least with Internetr Explorer 6, the page still displays correctly, but depending on peoples options many anoying error messages pop up, and I like to get rid of these errors :D
On line 371 and 373 or there abouts in the php file (mine differs as I've hacked it :p )
The following lines:
$pollbits .= "<tr><td bgcolor=\"{secondaltcolor}\" width=\"5%\" onMouseOver=\"'{firstaltcolor}';'hand';\" onMouseOut=\"'{secondaltcolor}';\"><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"optionnumber[$option[number]]\" value=\"yes\"></td><td bgcolor=\"{secondaltcolor}\" colspan=\"3\"><smallfont>$option[question]</smallfont></td></tr>";
$pollbits .= "<tr><td bgcolor=\"{secondaltcolor}\" width=\"5%\" onMouseOver=\"'{firstaltcolor}';'hand';\" onMouseOut=\"'{secondaltcolor}';\"><input type=\"radio\" name=\"optionnumber\" value=\"$option[number]\"></td><td bgcolor=\"{secondaltcolor}\" colspan=\"3\"><smallfont>$option[question]</smallfont></td></tr>";
It doesn't seem to like the mouse roll over effects for the poll options that appear in the poll table (the onMouseOut & onMouseOver).
I removed these to lines and IE6 didn't report any script errors.
This may just be with mine! But I thought I'd let you know, other than that this hack works perfectly!
04-06-2002, 09:01 PM
I have no errors in IE6. I don't use whole hack but vote poll feature only.
04-06-2002, 09:05 PM
How do I change text/links/rollover color?
its not the right one from the forum:(
thanx for anyhelp
04-06-2002, 09:27 PM
it should be... cause it uses { firstaltcolor } etc...
u can try to change { firstaltcolor } to #000000 for example
04-06-2002, 09:33 PM
It got all my text and link colours and style correctly. Did you import it into the correct template set?
Looks like its just me with the script error in IE, either IE6 SP1 is rubish or I've messed up some where!
Do the mouse over effects work on the poll for you wooolF[RM]?
04-06-2002, 10:08 PM
now whole style looking correct :)
the only one thing I cant fix is the color where the backround color of
Thread l Threadstarter l Replies l Lastpost
04-06-2002, 10:47 PM
damn! my private forums "thread title" are showing up on the main page... how do I remove these, also members cant vote.
thanx in advance for any help
04-07-2002, 02:57 AM
I love the layout of this hack, but I also want to list the forum categories on the main page with the descriptions and all in place of the news part. Anybody think this could be done..?
04-07-2002, 03:49 AM
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
04-07-2002, 11:00 AM
anyone please?
How do I hide private forums to show up on the vbindex?
04-07-2002, 11:10 AM
hi dm,
thanks for ur bugreport.
i'm not sure, if i have the right solution for this problem..
find in index.php
$DB_site->query("SELECT threadid,forumid,title,postusername,lastposter,rep lycount FROM thread WHERE forumid!=$newsforum AND forumid!=$pollsforum AND visible order by lastpost desc limit $numthreads");
change the "visible" to "visible=1"
i dont know if the threads which are in private forums.. have visible=0... is that correct? if not.. we have to find another solution..
ps: version 1.2 release in 2 mins ;)
04-07-2002, 11:12 AM
el3m3nt, please do as I asked in my private message.
04-07-2002, 11:55 AM
sorry, firefly.. this is included with the newest version (1.2)
the file isn't available right now.. cause i found some minor bugs.. in a few mins the file will be online.
04-07-2002, 12:11 PM
okey.. the hackdb and the first post are updated :).
For upgrading from version 1.0 to 1.2: just reinstall the whole hack. means, update all templates with the new content and upload also the new index.php and don't forget to read the readme-file. follow the instructions... otherwise the hack wont work.
04-07-2002, 12:13 PM
HI All,
I implemented the vblinks Hack into the vbindex. This works quiet perfect as you can see here ->
when element releases his new version I'll compare my version with his one and will release a little vbportal, with the linkdatabase :)
04-07-2002, 12:29 PM
error in
LINE 154:
//today online hack end
// vBindex - start
// -------------------------
looking great :)
hmm my buddy list dont show up...
04-07-2002, 12:38 PM
dm, u didnt read the readme file. there u have to follow the instructions.. otherwise nothing works..
firefly draw attention to me that in the index.php of my hack is too much original code of vBulletin. so u have to copy this code out of the original index.php and insert it in the new index.php
got it? :)
04-07-2002, 12:50 PM
now the linkdatabase is shown, I'll put the files together and release it in a couple of minutes.
You can see the database here: Just click on "Linkdatenbank"
04-07-2002, 12:56 PM
ups sorry!
wow cool now it working :D
but still I cant put it on my public board, it still showing the private forums.
I cant wait for version 1.3 ;)
el3m3nt.. lol.. you didnt even bother to change at least the install.txt look from my hack? you should do something. put a credit note in your files. you released this hack, because you got "inspired" from my work... them you got creative and copied some code bits from vbPortal? also you forgot to put a credit note for all the hacks you implemented in that index.php, hacks that are available here. did you wrote the "today online users" hack?
how colud you create your own hack and dont even change the variables or the install.txt? example:
Your file:// vBindex - start
// -------------------------
// news
// -------------------------
$newsquery=$DB_site->query("SELECT * FROM thread WHERE forumid='$newsforum' ORDER BY dateline DESC LIMIT $newsposts");
while ($news=$DB_site->fetch_array($newsquery)) {
$getnews=$DB_site->query_first("SELECT * FROM post WHERE threadid='$newsthreadid' ORDER BY postid ASC LIMIT 1");
if ($news[iconid]!=0) { $icon="<img src=\"{imagesfolder}/icons/icon$news[iconid].gif\" border=0>"; } else { $icon=""; }
eval("\$newsbits .= \"".gettemplate('home_newsbit')."\";");
eval("\$news = \"".gettemplate('home_news')."\";");My file:// news ***************************
$newssql=$DB_site->query("SELECT * FROM thread
WHERE forumid='$newsforum'
ORDER BY dateline DESC LIMIT $newsposts");
while ($news=$DB_site->fetch_array($newssql)) {
$getnewssql=$DB_site->query_first("SELECT * FROM post
WHERE threadid='$newsthreadid'
ORDER BY postid ASC LIMIT 1");
if ($newsavatarurl=="") {
eval("\$newsavatar = \"".gettemplate('home_avatar')."\";");
eval("\$newsbits .= \"".gettemplate('home_newsbits')."\";");
// end news ***********************Your Install text file:+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
| vBindex 1.2 - by el3m3nt ( |
| Thread:
| |
| Demo: |
| Screenshots: |
| Installation |
+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+My Install text file:+-----------------------------------------------+
| vbHome (lite) |
| Version 1.0 |
| By Nakkid ( hacker)
| Email(Messenger):
| This hack will create a vBulletin(powered) homepage for your website. |
| |
| The advantage of this hack is that you can interact better your |
| website with vBulletin. |
| vbHome (lite) is fully customizable through vBulletin templates, so |
| it's very easy to achieve any look or webdesign you want. |
| |
| NOTE: You are allowed to use this hack only if you agree not to remove |
| the vbHome (lite) link in the custom footer. |
+-----------------------------------------------+i really dont care if other people who you copied the hacks into your file dont mind about this, but for me, i want you to put a credit note into your index.php (or install text) file, stating that portions of your hack were inspired from vbHome (lite) by nakkid.
let me ask you this. if i would not release this hack, whould you release it by yourself?
04-07-2002, 01:15 PM
dm, solution:
in index.php look for...
$threadsquery = $DB_site->query("SELECT threadid,forumid,title,postusername,lastposter,rep lycount FROM thread WHERE forumid!=$newsforum AND forumid!=$pollsforum AND visible=1 order by lastpost desc limit $numthreads");
now edit the code like this...
..... WHERE forumid!=$newsforum AND forumid!=$pollsforum AND visible=1 AND forumid!=3 (<= your private forum) AND forumid!=5 etc.
just add the forumids of ur private forums...
04-07-2002, 01:24 PM
hehe nakkid. the look of the readme file.. is for me standard. i didnt copy anything of yours. if this disturb u really.. then say it to me.. and i will change the look ;).
yes i have copied the news feature of your script. sorry, i dont really care about credits and copyrights, cause for me counts the script and not the writer. when someone wants to use my code.. he could. i can understand if u want a credit note there.. i will put one, no problem. also for the online today hack.
i hope you won't become angry.
04-07-2002, 01:33 PM
I got an database error(therehas been a slight problem with database blah blah) it scared me :(
Im totally newbie when it comes to php. but I know how to copy/past lol.
here is the original line from index file:
and my private forumid is 11 and 38 can you please fix it for me?
$threadsquery = $DB_site->query("SELECT threadid,forumid,title,postusername,lastposter,rep lycount FROM thread WHERE forumid!=$newsforum AND forumid!=$pollsforum AND visible=1 order by lastpost desc limit $numthreads");
also the news icon dont show up.
thanx alot el3m3nt soon Im ready to go online :D:D:D
04-07-2002, 01:36 PM
]Originally posted by el3m3nt
hehe nakkid. the look of the readme file.. is for me standard. i didnt copy anything of yours. if this disturb u really.. then say it to me.. and i will change the look ;).
yes i have copied the news feature of your script. sorry, i dont really care about credits and copyrights, cause for me counts the script and not the writer. when someone wants to use my code.. he could. i can understand if u want a credit note there.. i will put one, no problem. also for the online today hack.
i hope you won't become angry.
That was pretty lame answer... :tired:
04-07-2002, 01:40 PM
to dm:
$threadsquery = $DB_site->query("SELECT threadid,forumid,title,postusername,lastposter,rep lycount FROM thread WHERE forumid!=$newsforum AND forumid!=$pollsforum AND forumid!=11 AND forumid!=38 AND visible=1 order by lastpost desc limit $numthreads");
this should work. np.
04-07-2002, 01:41 PM
Originally posted by wooolF[RM]
That was pretty lame answer... :tired:
we cleared it already thru pm.
04-07-2002, 02:00 PM
here I release the vbindex hack, which was originally written by element here with a full integrated vblinks database hack originally written by The Sisko.
The example for this hack you can view here:
This hack bases on the 1.2 of elements vbindex hack. And from the database hack I made many changes because it was originally for a very old version of vbb.
you can download the hack in english AND GERMAN
For Problems just post here :)
KarateKid :rambo:
another solution would be to define perms.
Originally posted by el3m3nt
for me counts the script and not the writer.if that's the case, why you released the hack? you had your script set the way you want. did you noticed that everyone here respects someone else's work? i see firefly to give credit to a person in cause and hell this guy creates a hack almost every day. he could rewrite any hack here to be different from the original, but he doesnt do it for the simple fact because he realizes someone spent some time on that hack... just me, look at my hacks. i always post a credit because that person who wrote that code deserves to be congratulated... he worked on that code and he saved me time. there are people who wrote code segments to make better my hacks. i'm happy with this because they are better then me in that area. and the result is one: others get a better hack out of it.
is not about writing: credit to xxxxx... is about being fair and not labeling as yours for something you didnt do. that's all i have to say. and no need to worry, i dont get angry. all i try to do is explain to you the way everyone else work here.
sorry if i repeat myself, i didnt see that "i dont care" line, so i felt obligated to repost again.
04-07-2002, 05:11 PM
All you did was copy some blocks from vbportal and put them into one php file.... What a jerk, you didn't even bother to rename the vars or remove my commented out errors....
BTW, if anyone wants to pre-view the PostNuke version of vbPortal you can see it here... It's still in developement, so don't ask :) And yes a couple things may break, it's still in Developement!!!
04-07-2002, 05:39 PM
hey guys,
first i have to apologize if i express me in a bad way. i learn english now just for 2 years, but i hope you know what i mean. and this should not be an excuse.
to the matter: i completly agree with you, nakkid. what i meant with "for me counts the script" is that i would like to have a script that works and that does what it should do. i just didnt take seriously where i should add a copyright or a credit note. i agree, the original writter of a code (segment) should get credits.
for my code thats not important.. when u'd like to get and use my code. just do it. credits arent really the important thing. this is just valid for little scripts. cms and boards scripts etc. are an other case.
hmm.. i'll porbably write more tomorrow.
Originally posted by el3m3nt
i agree, the original writter of a code (segment) should get credits.
for my code thats not important.. when u'd like to get and use my code. just do it. credits arent really the important contradict yourself. you say that credits are important then after, that they are not. and what exacly is your code? can you post a segment of code that you actually wrote?
04-07-2002, 07:09 PM
I agree totaly with element. I see no sence in bringing him in troubles. He made a good job and I add some things to his work. There is no reason for you to talk in this way with him. If you don't like the hack, you need not to install it. So stop making comments in this way :ermm: :ninja:
04-07-2002, 07:09 PM
karatekid, have u seen sources of both hacks?
04-07-2002, 07:13 PM
and I love you both el3m3nt & nakkid :D
need help with the news image icon, but Im not sure, should ask you guys, u r probably angry :(
the image still not show up tried both hacks.
04-07-2002, 07:30 PM
@wooolF[RM]: Yes :)
Look at my post :)
Originally posted by KarateKid
I agree totaly with element. He made a good job and I add some things to his work. There is no reason for you to talk in this way with him. If you don't like the hack, you need not to install it. So stop making comments in this way :ermm: :ninja: KarateKid, what hack you made? you mean the sisko's hack? el3m3nt basically copied several hacks and put them toghehter. he first started with my hack. he liked the idea, analised the code... then he said: i will make something cool. let me rip a little from vbPortal and vBulletin.. ahh wait.. there are some cool hacks that i can also label as mines.. "today's users online", etc.
do you guys think is this the way to do things around here? at least you KarateKid had the courtesy to mention it, sisko's hack mod.
and is not about stoping to make comments, is about being fair. you guys didnt work at all on those hacks. copying and pasting does not equal to hacking.
do you know how many hours i spend me on code making? i dont know very well php. so it's time consuming. lucky me i have good people here who help me out to clear questions. so after trying and testing my hacks, i see some guy comming out there and pretend that is his work? you are gotta be kidding right?
Tell me about it. I think someone should make a hack mod that totally encodes scripts used for vb and make it so vb can read them..O_O but its funny how people do this. I think you should tell one of the admins about this Nakkid
Originally posted by KarateKid
@wooolF[RM]: Yes :)
Look at my post :) wooolF referred to the code source, Karatekid. not at your hack. and btw, to refresh your memory, look what wajones (vbPortal owner and code writer) said:Originally posted by wajones
All you did was copy some blocks from vbportal and put them into one php file.... What a jerk, you didn't even bother to rename the vars or remove my commented out errors....that says it all, for me. i didnt had the chance to look at the vbPortal code, but this is comming straight from the source...
04-07-2002, 07:54 PM
oh my god. It's just a hobby. You must not take my hack. I see no sence in having a discussion about this.
Sorry if I'm a problem for you. Just ignore me please. I only wanted to give you all something, what I really like ;)
hobby?? lol. put it the way you want. let me put it in simple terms. please write a hack. pm me after. then i will take your hack and change the title and few variables. then say it's my work. cool? let me know please when you are ready. thanks.
04-07-2002, 08:08 PM
]yay! nice idea! could u PM me one karatekid? I have not released some yet... your one that I will rip will be my first, but shhhhhh, don't say to anyone! ;)
04-07-2002, 08:14 PM
you're quiet cool :D
I wrote in the first lines of my explanation in the install readme were I got the original code from. So keep cool. :cool:
i know you did this. i mention it before. you are the only one who had the courtesy to explain it.
04-07-2002, 08:24 PM
Originally posted by -=dm=-
now whole style looking correct :)
the only one thing I cant fix is the color where the backround color of
Thread l Threadstarter l Replies l Lastpost
Have you managed to fix this yet? If not the template you need to edit is home_threads just search in the text for threadstarter, that will take you to the right area and then you want something similar to the following where your code is:
<td width="15%" align="center" background="{imagesfolder}/back.gif"><smallfont color="{tableheadbgcolor}"><b>Threadstarter</b></smallfont></td>
background="{imagesfolder}/back.gif" refers to the background image if you use one, if not change that line to bgcolor="{tableheadbgcolor}" where {tableheadbgcolor} is the color you want the background to be. Do this for all three.
I don't think el3m3nt was / has been trying to claim creadit for all the hacks he has used that have been written by other users, he only released the file cus me and a couple of other users said that we would like to use it, he wasn't claiming credit in my opinion. I think that he didn't give credit to the original hackers as he feels that no one needs to creadit him if they use any code he produces and perhaps therefore asumed others think the same way, which of course not everyone does.
I do see you point though and el3m3nt should have creadited the original writer of the code and has done now, I don't think he has ever tried to claim the credit for other peoples code, but only for the fact that he managed to merge them in a way people want to use.
i understand. as i said earlier in the thread, i aproached him polite and asked him about it. he told me that he doesnt care about credits, only the file counts. please read the thread to understand better.
and personally i think we discussed enough this matter. el3m3nt doesnt look into my eyes as a thief. i'm sure that in his mind, he only tried to help others. unfortunatelly he chosed the easy way, copy and paste.
i dont write php code for a long time.. but in every single hack i downloaded from this site, i saw others giving credit for soemone else's work. so i did the same because it seemed to me logic and honest.
that's all i have to say.
all the best,
04-07-2002, 08:37 PM
I didn't mean to sound rude nakkid, I agree with you 100% that he should have given you and the other hackers credit.
I know all the hard you work you and other people put in to help others and I know that I am most greatfull even if others are not.
I hope there's no hard feelings.
one more thing. look at this new guy Darren. he wanted a main page also. he did his own hack in a different aproach. he asked in forums alot, because he's new. he learned the hard way and he spent hours to test. (i saw him working on this for almost a week - yes i do read almost every post out there) he came up with his first hack and he kindly answered to all my questions. he is modest and he's fair. he did a great job on his install.txt file and he detailed every single step carefully. and for a new guy, ne didnt forget to credit the user (one) he took a code segment.
what can you say to a person like that? you tell me please. everyone.
read his thread:
04-07-2002, 09:00 PM
I certainly agree that producing your own code and learning the hard way is far better in the long run, at least that way you get something out of it, a lot of knowlage and your able to feel proud of what you have created.
I have looked at his hack and I must agree it looks very good indeed and will be trying it out, thanks for pointing that out nakkid.
I guess its just alot harder for some then others, I know I have great difficulty in programming, in any language, which is the one of the areas I'd really like to be good in, yet in other areas of comptuting I excel.
Its a shame more people arn't as committed and honest as Darren and a majority of the other members are.
04-07-2002, 09:26 PM
Thaaaaaaanx NTLDR :):):)
now its just like how I want it:)
can you pleeeeease also help me with the newsimage icon?
thanx in avance
04-07-2002, 09:28 PM
Originally posted by -=dm=-
Thaaaaaaanx NTLDR :):):)
now its just like how I want it:)
can you pleeeeease also help me with the newsimage icon?
thanx in avance
No problem, glad I could help, I've read the thread but am not quite sure what the newsimage icon problem you have is?
Is it the non-existant icon0.gif problem? or something else? Let me know and I'll try my beft to help help you out.
04-07-2002, 09:38 PM
Yes it the news icon0.gif I have copied the icon0.gif in the icon dir but still not working.
it shows up like this:
(brokenimage).gif" border="0"> NEWS (title)
04-07-2002, 09:47 PM
Into which directory have you put icon0.gif into? It should be in { imagesfolder }/icons/ where { imagesfolder } is the directory where your images are, like the user cp, member list buttons etc are.
If your using the defualt template this will be forumurl/images (forumurl is the url to your forum directory)
If you don't know where { imagesfolder } is:
In the Admin CP, click styles, Modify, select fonts colours ect for the style you are using.
Find the Image Path section and the image folder path that is entered in the textbox there will point you to your { imagesfolder }
Let me know if this works or not.
04-07-2002, 10:13 PM
hmm...still not working
I have copied it the right place in the icon dir.
this is from the vbindex.php
if ($news[iconid]!=0) { $icon="<img src=\"{imagesfolder}/icons/icon$news[iconid].gif\" border=0>"; } else { $icon=""; }
04-07-2002, 10:20 PM
Just tried what I posted in this message and it wasn't the solution!
04-07-2002, 10:39 PM
OK, here's the Fix:
if ($news[iconid]!=0) { $icon="<img src=\"{imagesfolder}/icons/icon$news[iconid].gif\" border=0>"; } else { $icon=""; }
if ($news[iconid]!=0) { $icon="$news[iconid]"; } else { $icon=""; }
And your icons should appear and no icon will apear if one isn't selected in the post.
Can you update the zip with this fix el3m3nt?
Let me know to make sure this works for you -=dm=-
04-07-2002, 10:46 PM
Wooooooooow thank you NTLDR :):):)
You made my day now I can sleep well lol
now its working correct.
04-07-2002, 10:51 PM
No problem, gald to of been some use for a change ;)
Hope you get it all working great.
PS your site looks pretty cool from that small screen shot :cool:
Let me know if you have any more probs :)
04-08-2002, 07:40 AM
I have this all setup and am very impressed, However i have got one suggestion.
In the threads template it currently displays ALL new posts even ones in private forums for guests. Is there anyway that this can be changed to just reflect normal posts?
Also any html that is working in the post (say news post) will not come through onto vbindex
04-08-2002, 12:25 PM
Originally posted by freeshares1
In the threads template it currently displays ALL new posts even ones in private forums for guests. Is there anyway that this can be changed to just reflect normal posts?
See this post for the fix:
04-08-2002, 12:38 PM
Hi NTLDR & el3m3nt :)
I have a litle problem...members can not vote:( the get the no premission message:(
How can i fix this?
04-08-2002, 01:19 PM
nice work
04-08-2002, 02:26 PM
Originally posted by freeshares1
I have this all setup and am very impressed, However i have got one suggestion.
In the threads template it currently displays ALL new posts even ones in private forums for guests. Is there anyway that this can be changed to just reflect normal posts?
Also any html that is working in the post (say news post) will not come through onto vbindex
this problem is fixed in version 1.3 (release today).
04-08-2002, 02:38 PM
Originally posted by nakkid
el3m3nt basically copied several hacks and put them toghehter. he first started with my hack. he liked the idea, analised the code... then he said: i will make something cool. let me rip a little from vbPortal and vBulletin.. ahh wait.. there are some cool hacks that i can also label as mines.. "today's users online", etc.
Originally posted by NTLDR
I don't think el3m3nt was / has been trying to claim creadit for all the hacks he has used that have been written by other users, he only released the file cus me and a couple of other users said that we would like to use it, he wasn't claiming credit in my opinion. I think that he didn't give credit to the original hackers as he feels that no one needs to creadit him if they use any code he produces and perhaps therefore asumed others think the same way, which of course not everyone does.
I do see you point though and el3m3nt should have creadited the original writer of the code and has done now, I don't think he has ever tried to claim the credit for other peoples code, but only for the fact that he managed to merge them in a way people want to use.
nakkid, it was never my intention to claim credit for hacks which i havent written. As NTLDR said, i asked in the beta hacks forum.. if somebody would be interested in this hack. first i wrote this hack just for my website.
04-08-2002, 02:43 PM
ahja.. nakkid, question: why do you write me per pm, there is no problem for you (i wrote you that i copied the newscode from vbhome), but here you make such a huge thing around it? (dont know how to say this correctly in english :/)
04-08-2002, 02:56 PM
Originally posted by -=dm=-
hmm...still not working
I have copied it the right place in the icon dir.
this is from the vbindex.php
if ($news[iconid]!=0) { $icon="<img src=\"$news[iconid].gif\" border=0>"; } else { $icon=""; }
actually you dont have to change this code. the mistake is that you havent updated the home_newsbit template.
but NTLDR proposed a solution which works too. the difference is, that with my solution you dont have to create a icon0.gif. when iconid==0 there wont be shown an icon.
04-08-2002, 03:32 PM
to everyone who installed vbindex: pls send me a pm with a link to your website. so i can add your link to the first post of this thread.. (more demo-sites).
04-08-2002, 03:59 PM
Hi el3m3nt
I have already v1.2 installed, do I need to uinstall it and then rehack?
whats new in v1.3?
this hack changed the whole look of my forum, sure I?ll post the link when I finish the works.
it look way better now :)
btw Im having problem with poll block, members get the no premission message, how do I fix this?
04-08-2002, 04:05 PM
hi dm,
in v1.3 you will now see only these threads which you have the permission to see.
for upgrading from 1.2 to 1.3 u have just to rehack (to uninstall makes no sense). means update the templates with the new ones and readd the original vbulletin code to the new index-file. then upload and it should be done :).
hmm.. well then you have to give them the permission to vote on these polls :). i'm quite sure that the permission to vote nothing has to with the vBindex script. can your members vote in the pollforum? if yes, they can also vote on the index-site.
04-08-2002, 04:14 PM
cool thanx I?ll start allover agan:D
no my users cant see the poll forum.
actually I hidden them like u say in readme.
Create a pollforum and a newsforum. Write down the two forumids.
(You can hide these forums from normal users if you want.)
04-08-2002, 04:15 PM
jap .. but you have give the normal registered users the right to vote in this forum.
04-08-2002, 04:22 PM
Originally posted by -=dm=-
no my users cant see the poll forum.
actually I hidden them like u say in readme.
Have you just hidden the forum? Or have you made it Private? If it's just hidden it should work, you need to make sure that the permissions on the forum are set to at least: Can vote on polls
Yes, you may need to change some others to.
Originally posted by el3m3nt
ahja.. nakkid, question: why do you write me per pm, there is no problem for you (i wrote you that i copied the newscode from vbhome), but here you make such a huge thing around it? (dont know how to say this correctly in english :/) you said in the pm that you will give credit to everyone. i looked at the file after and you never did. that's the only reason i got a little high. i apologise.
04-08-2002, 04:57 PM
ah easy, nakkid. no problem. take the whole thing here not sooooo very seriously. of course, everyone should be correct and fair.. but don't let determine this your life.
04-08-2002, 05:00 PM
Originally posted by NTLDR
Have you just hidden the forum? Or have you made it Private? If it's just hidden it should work, you need to make sure that the permissions on the forum are set to at least: Can vote on polls
Yes, you may need to change some others to.
exactly. when the members just may vote, then this option satisfy. i'm not sure if they can then also look at the pollresult. never tested.
is not to determine my life. is to be fair to everyone here on this board. that's all.
all the best,
04-08-2002, 05:07 PM
Originally posted by nakkid
is not to determine my life. is to be fair to everyone here on this board. that's all.
all the best,
that is what i wrote ;).
a little note to vBindex:
look for..
$getdailypost=$DB_site->query_first("SELECT count(*) AS posts FROM thread WHERE thrread.lastpost>=".(time() - (24 * 60 *60 * $days)));
this counts the new threads. if u wanna count the new posts.. replace it with..
$getdailypost=$DB_site->query_first("SELECT count(*) AS posts FROM post WHERE post.dateline>=".(time() - (24 * 60 *60 * $days)));
04-08-2002, 06:02 PM
Originally posted by el3m3nt
actually you dont have to change this code. the mistake is that you havent updated the home_newsbit template.
but NTLDR proposed a solution which works too. the difference is, that with my solution you dont have to create a icon0.gif. when iconid==0 there wont be shown an icon.
Now I have the same problem again:(
The NTDLR solution works perfect but not with u r new version.
cuz now it also showing the thread icon.
this version is even better, keep up the good work:)
Im so happy its like I got the vB v3.0 :D:D:D
EDIT EDIT: I have updated the home_newsbit template.
04-08-2002, 06:49 PM
Do you get the error for the news and threads or just the threads now -=dm=-?
04-08-2002, 07:06 PM
I get the same error like in the screenshot.
but the thread icons are showing up correct.
(brokenimage).gif" border="0">
04-08-2002, 07:14 PM
So its the just the news error you have? Is that correct, I take a look now...
04-08-2002, 07:21 PM
Yes only news error.
04-08-2002, 07:23 PM
In the template home_newsbit:
That should correct the broken links for the news icons in v1.3 :bunny:
04-08-2002, 07:41 PM
Yeah cool! now its showing up again lol
a BIG Thanx to you both el3m3nt & NTLDR :)
04-08-2002, 08:03 PM
Originally posted by -=dm=-
Yeah cool! now its showing up again lol
a BIG Thanx to you both el3m3nt & NTLDR :)
No problem dm, glad I could help you and this great hack out, I hope to see how you have implimented this hack soon!
04-09-2002, 05:29 AM
I installed this hack with {getmicrostats} in the footer template and it is reporting 83 queries...can this be true?
04-09-2002, 06:44 AM
dm, probably you mixed the two solutions (my one and NTLDR one). but when it works now then its okey :).
Fazle, i have only 54 on it depends on how many threads you wanna display and how many newsarticles. if i show 30 threads i have 104 queries. so 83 can be true.. :)
04-09-2002, 10:36 AM
me back again :lick:
Originally posted by el3m3nt
dm, probably you mixed the two solutions (my one and NTLDR one). but when it works now then its okey :).
yeah your right, I have installed this hack 3 times :D
the poll system dont work for me:(
I have a stupid question :D how do I hide poll forum from normal members and still let them vote on the mainpage(vbindex) cuz when I change the settinges in "Registered user group" the forum settings jumps to "private forum" see the screenshot.
04-09-2002, 01:05 PM
you have to give the registered user the right to vote for the pollforum... not for the usergroup "Registered".
so go to "Forums & Moderators > Permissions > Choose your Pollforum > Registered > Edit"
There you set "Can view forum" to no and "Can vote on polls" to yes. you can also allow them to post replies (comments) or all other settings.
got it? :)
04-09-2002, 01:13 PM
html-code in the news:
look for...
replace with..
$newstext=str_replace("<br />","",$newstext);
Thanks to nakkid, Gimp and FireFly for drawing attention to me on this.
2 new actions (getdaily and getsticky!) and threads-table-title depends on the action!
look for...
if ($action=="" or $action=="getactive") {
// active threads
$threadsquery = $DB_site->query("SELECT threadid,forumid,title,postusername,lastposter,rep lycount,iconid FROM thread WHERE forumid!=$newsforum AND forumid!=$pollsforum ".$threadsql." AND visible=1 order by lastpost desc limit $numthreads");
if ($action == "getnew") {
// new posts
$threadsquery = $DB_site->query("select threadid,forumid,title,postusername,lastposter,rep lycount,iconid from thread WHERE visible=1 AND lastpost>=".$bbuserinfo[lastvisit]." AND open<>10 ".$threadsql." order by lastpost desc limit $numthreads");
replace with...
if ($action=="" or $action=="getactive") {
// active threads
$threadsquery = $DB_site->query("SELECT threadid,forumid,title,postusername,lastposter,rep lycount,iconid FROM thread WHERE forumid!=$newsforum AND forumid!=$pollsforum ".$threadsql." AND visible=1 order by lastpost desc limit $numthreads");
$threadstitle="Latest Threads";
if ($action == "getnew") {
// new posts
$threadsquery = $DB_site->query("select threadid,forumid,title,postusername,lastposter,rep lycount,iconid from thread WHERE visible=1 AND lastpost>=".$bbuserinfo[lastvisit]." AND open<>10 ".$threadsql." order by lastpost desc limit $numthreads");
$threadstitle="Newest Posts";
if ($action == "getdaily") {
// posts today
$threadsquery = $DB_site->query("select threadid,forumid,title,postusername,lastposter,rep lycount,iconid from thread WHERE visible=1 AND thread.lastpost>=".(time() - (24 * 60 *60 * $days)).$threadsql." order by lastpost desc limit $numthreads");
$threadstitle="Posts Today";
if ($action == "getsticky") {
// sticky threads
$threadsquery = $DB_site->query("select threadid,forumid,title,postusername,lastposter,rep lycount,iconid from thread WHERE visible=1 AND sticky=1 ".$threadsql." order by lastpost desc limit $numthreads");
$threadstitle="Sticky Threads";
now modify the template "home_threads":
- 2 new options (select)
- replace "Latest Threads" (title) with $threadstitle
that's it. all these improvements will be included in version 1.4.
pls write me all suggestions and ideas how we all can improve this script :).
04-09-2002, 03:40 PM
Originally posted by el3m3nt
you have to give the registered user the right to vote for the pollforum... not for the usergroup "Registered".
so go to "Forums & Moderators > Permissions > Choose your Pollforum > Registered > Edit"
There you set "Can view forum" to no and "Can vote on polls" to yes. you can also allow them to post replies (comments) or all other settings.
got it? :)
Hi el3m3nt
I did everything like you wrote above but stil no luck:(
I get the no premission message...
04-09-2002, 05:14 PM
hmm... i will this try .. hope i find the problem. sorry, i dont know really where the problem could be. when you give this usergroup the permission to vote.. the should be able to vote. hmm.. funny.
i'll report you tomorrow.. sorry.
04-09-2002, 05:21 PM
Originally posted by -=dm=-
I have a stupid question :D how do I hide poll forum from normal members and still let them vote on the mainpage(vbindex) cuz when I change the settinges in "Registered user group" the forum settings jumps to "private forum" see the screenshot.
If you just want to hide the forum so it doesn't appear on the front page install this hack by Firefly then set the permissions to that users can reply to threads/posts or create new posts.
04-09-2002, 05:52 PM
wow.. congrats NTLDR.. your board looks really very nice :). GJ.
04-09-2002, 06:04 PM
Originally posted by el3m3nt
wow.. congrats NTLDR.. your board looks really very nice :). GJ.
Thanks el3m3nt, I'm in the process or converting my entire site into vb Templates to use with your hack :D
04-09-2002, 06:59 PM
Originally posted by NTLDR
Thanks el3m3nt, I'm in the process or converting my entire site into vb Templates to use with your hack :D
damn this is one of the best forums :) I just love the whole design it looks great nice works buddy. its in my "good looking vB?s" bookmarks catagory now;)
when I saw this hack by el3m3nt, the first thing I did was REMOVE the whole postnuke site from my server, I better like vBindex, its just what I need.
btw I have just installed the hack by FireFly, but still no luck:(
members are only able to vote if they can see the forum this is strange, I know Im probably over looking something....god I should take a break... :D
04-09-2002, 07:04 PM
Originally posted by -=dm=-
damn this is one of the best forums :) I just love the whole design it looks great nice works buddy. its in my "good looking vB?s" bookmarks catagory now;)
when I saw this hack by el3m3nt, the first thing I did was REMOVE the whole postnuke site from my server, I better like vBindex, its just what I need.
btw I have just installed the hack by FireFly, but still no luck:(
members are only able to vote if they can see the forum this is strange, I know Im probably over looking something....god I should take a break... :D
Thanks -=dm=- I'm glad you like the site, I've managed to hack vBindex so it can power multiple pages using the format home.php?&page=template_name so I can run my how website off it, I like vBindex much more than Postnuke or vbportal which so many sites use.
Have you still got the forum set as a private forum? If you do then you need to make it so its not private and just hidden with firefly's hack... I'll post my permissions on my polls forum for you so you can see what I've got.
See attached jpeg for my polls forum permissions.
04-09-2002, 07:21 PM
Forums are not set as private.
as member the get no permission message and moderators and admin the get this message:
The action you have attempted could not be performed as your session appears to be invalid. Click the below link to attempt this action again with a new session.
Try this action again!
this is strange...
ok thanx let me try this.
04-09-2002, 07:36 PM
now the are able to vote, cool:D:D:D
but mod/admin are still getting the above messageThe action you have attempted.....
04-09-2002, 07:36 PM
Has changing the permissions to the same as those in the attachment above made any difference?
04-09-2002, 08:07 PM
yeah NTLDR
it was your attachment/screenshot wich helped me out :)
"but mod/admin are still getting the above messageThe action you have attempted..... "
04-09-2002, 08:11 PM
I think to correct that you need to clear the sessions in your database, I may be wrong though. Have you tried loging out closing the browser, visiting again, logging back in and trying to vote again?
Also can admins and mods vote in the forum on the poll? Or does that message come up then as well?
04-09-2002, 09:13 PM
Also can admins and mods vote in the forum on the poll? Or does that message come up then as well?
this comes as well...
hmm... as el3m3nt say its probably not the vBindex which causing this problem.
therefor my latest posts are not related to vBindex anymore, so maybe I should
start a new thread in the "General Hacking Discussion
Thanx ;)
04-09-2002, 09:32 PM
Did you try the logout, close browser, login?
If that doesn't work, I think you need to empty the 'session' table in your MySQL database.
04-10-2002, 01:24 PM
hmm.. dm, i got this message (session problem) on my localhost too. i dont really now what it means. But there's a link below this message. When i followed this link.. it has worked.
It cannot be a problem with vBindex.. cause the vbindex-script just reads the latest poll in the pollforum. nothing more. the action of voting.. has nothing to do with it.
ehm.. when you cannot fix it anyway.. contact a mod or a dev or just ask somebody who could help you :).
04-10-2002, 01:28 PM
Originally posted by NTLDR
Thanks -=dm=- I'm glad you like the site, I've managed to hack vBindex so it can power multiple pages using the format home.php?&page=template_name so I can run my how website off it, I like vBindex much more than Postnuke or vbportal which so many sites use.
very nice idea, ntldr. something like this.. i wanna use/write too. but it has to be independent of vbulletin. another script i'm gonna write is a script which creates php-files incl. content & design.
04-10-2002, 01:57 PM
That sounds good el3m3nt, I look forward to seeing that :D
04-10-2002, 02:00 PM
I am trying to install this. I am running php3 on my forum. I have this installed with all the templates. I now get this:
Parse error: parse error in /usr/sites/ on line 345
What is going on.
04-10-2002, 02:31 PM
Originally posted by netman
I am trying to install this. I am running php3 on my forum. I have this installed with all the templates. I now get this:
Parse error: parse error in /usr/sites/ on line 345
What is going on.
Firstly you need to change the file name to home.php3 if you are using php3 extensions, also you will need to change the file names within this hack to .php3
This hack may require PHP4+ in order to work though.
04-10-2002, 02:37 PM
Ok i did this and i get the same error.
04-10-2002, 03:02 PM
This hack may only be PHP4+ compatible then, perhaps el3m3nt can tell you.
04-11-2002, 09:13 AM
ehm.. actually i dont really know.. vB needs PHP 4.0.4 so.. i think.. vBindex too, sorry netman.
why don't you update to the .php version?
04-11-2002, 10:33 AM
I guess thats my next question is what is involved in upgrading to php. all my templates reference .php3 right now. Can i upgrade easily.
04-11-2002, 10:44 AM
ouh nice question.. hmm.. search in the forums.. this question has been asked quite a lot, i guess.
04-11-2002, 10:46 AM
found: :)
04-11-2002, 10:50 AM
That is what i was looking for.
04-11-2002, 04:09 PM
i will release a small update i hope this week.. i'd like to include the calendar to the index-site too :).
04-12-2002, 12:35 AM
is it possible for me just to put the news thing on a table on a seperate page....i want some 1 to be able to post in a thread and have a prievew and a link to that forum on a new page in a this possible? that would be perfect for me..
thanx in advanced
04-12-2002, 10:07 AM
hmm.. you have to create a new file which only reads the newsforum and display it. also a new custom template.. would be necessary.
should i write it for you? wouldnt be a problem :).
04-12-2002, 11:27 AM
I`ve just tried installing this hack but i`m getting this error
Parse error: parse error in /home/blake/public_html/forum/index.php on line 350
any ideas how to fix this, Thanks
04-12-2002, 01:34 PM
]what's on line 350? :)
04-12-2002, 02:18 PM
ok well according to editplus
is on line 350
04-12-2002, 02:57 PM
]now u have to wait to author of this hack to answer... :)
I just gave u a lil tip : alway write what's on line xxx when u get an error like u did there :)
04-12-2002, 03:50 PM
ok no problem m8 i got it sorted, now just did the hack again and it worked
04-12-2002, 04:16 PM
probably you didnt execute the instructions in the readme file? :) or what was the problem?..
04-12-2002, 04:19 PM
I have no idea why it didn`t work i normally use wordpad to edit the files but the hack wouldn`t work so i tried it with editplus and it worked
04-12-2002, 04:25 PM
jap.. use always editplus or notepad.. not wordpad, cause wordpad uses, like word, formats.. so the text is not pure text as it is in editors like editplus :).
04-12-2002, 10:01 PM
for some reason it doesnt get the session hash for me on the maine page so if some one votes for a poll they get an error
04-12-2002, 10:28 PM
Originally posted by Slynderdale
for some reason it doesnt get the session hash for me on the maine page so if some one votes for a poll they get an error
I'm not sure the cause of this, I'm gonna look into that tomorrow but I've had that problem to and couldn't figure out why it didn't work, -=dm=- also had this problem.
Thanks for pointing out whats wrong Slynderdale ;)
04-13-2002, 12:25 AM
yea, i noticed the hidden values for s=session[sessionhash] in the polls, but s doesnt get the value, the same goes for the login section too.
04-13-2002, 12:30 AM
NTLDR i like your forums and vbindex home page
04-13-2002, 06:24 AM
Hi Slyndredale,
could you describe me where exactly the sessionhash wont be displayed?.. if it looks like "s=session[sessionhash]" then you have to put a $ for session[sessionhash].
04-13-2002, 01:09 PM
Could someone please tell me how i can add my welcome panel to the page so i can have it in the center and at the top of the page. Thanks
04-13-2002, 01:13 PM
ehm.. put the welcome panel code for the 'forumhome' template.. in the 'home' template before $threads.
then you have to add the php-code which you actually add to the original index.php to the index.php of vBindex. put this code after the variables at the top of the file.
report me if it works :).
04-13-2002, 01:54 PM
Thanks m8, it worked but i didn`t like the way it looked so i`ve removed it, one more thing anything i put in the home_right template don`t show up it`s probably me doing something wrong again lol
ok forget the home_right template i`ve sorted that now,knew it was my fault lol :o
04-13-2002, 01:58 PM
in the 'home' template you have to replace the <!-- $right --> with $right. so it'll be no more a comment.. but will be displayed.
you can edit the welcome panel that it looks like you want.. just edit the html-code. that wont give any problems.
04-13-2002, 02:02 PM
Thanks alot el3m3nt for your help, i just edited my post as you where replying to let you ;)
04-13-2002, 02:06 PM
hehe.. no problem :).
04-13-2002, 05:07 PM
Originally posted by el3m3nt
Hi Slyndredale,
could you describe me where exactly the sessionhash wont be displayed?.. if it looks like "s=session[sessionhash]" then you have to put a $ for session[sessionhash].
its just s= theres no value fors, i checked the code and theres $ before it
04-13-2002, 05:13 PM
Originally posted by Slynderdale
NTLDR i like your forums and vbindex home page
Thanks Slynderdale, your feedback is very much apriciated, I'm gald you like that look of my site :D
04-13-2002, 05:14 PM
Originally posted by el3m3nt
ehm.. put the welcome panel code for the 'forumhome' template.. in the 'home' template before $threads.
then you have to add the php-code which you actually add to the original index.php to the index.php of vBindex. put this code after the variables at the top of the file.
report me if it works :).
This is one of this first things I did when I installed vBindex, the welcome panel has allways worked fine for me.
04-13-2002, 05:18 PM
Originally posted by Slynderdale
its just s= theres no value fors, i checked the code and theres $ before it
Which file, template is this in? I think I may have this bug in my site, you can find and s=session[sessionhash] lines that need to be changed.
04-13-2002, 05:33 PM
Originally posted by NTLDR
Which file, template is this in? I think I may have this bug in my site, you can find and s=session[sessionhash] lines that need to be changed.
home_poll and home_login, the sessionhash vaible is blank
04-13-2002, 06:02 PM
OK, I think this is the fix:
Change This (in home_poll):
<input type="hidden" name="s" value="$session[sessionhash]">
To This:
<input type="hidden" name="s" value="$session[dbsessionhash]">
I think it should work then :D
The Piper
04-13-2002, 07:59 PM
I just installed both vBulletin and vbIndex, as I'm planning on using them both as the backend for my website (old version at and new test-version at I really like what vbIndex does, and I was thinking of using it to power all pages on my website.
So what I'd like to do was to use the header, footer and the left and right blocks in ALL of my pages, and the only thing that would change would be the center "window", where the latest threads and news are. But since vbIndex uses templates so much, I'm pretty lost as to how I should proceed to get what I want. I thought of using require's (as SSI's) as I'm doing right now on, but for all I tried, it doesn't work. So, could anyone please help me out?
Also, if this is possible, would it be too heavy on my server? I ask this because I think there are many MySQL queries and all, so is this a practical option? Sorry, but I'm really a beginner in both MySQL and PHP...
Thanks a lot and congrats el3m3nt for such a nice hack!!!! I've tried using phpNuke, postNuke and so many other portal scripts but never liked them. With your script I got exactly what I wanted.
04-14-2002, 12:53 AM
The Poll problem fixed ;)
04-14-2002, 05:50 PM
Originally posted by The Piper
I just installed both vBulletin and vbIndex, as I'm planning on using them both as the backend for my website (old version at and new test-version at I really like what vbIndex does, and I was thinking of using it to power all pages on my website.
So what I'd like to do was to use the header, footer and the left and right blocks in ALL of my pages, and the only thing that would change would be the center "window", where the latest threads and news are. But since vbIndex uses templates so much, I'm pretty lost as to how I should proceed to get what I want. I thought of using require's (as SSI's) as I'm doing right now on, but for all I tried, it doesn't work. So, could anyone please help me out?
Also, if this is possible, would it be too heavy on my server? I ask this because I think there are many MySQL queries and all, so is this a practical option? Sorry, but I'm really a beginner in both MySQL and PHP...
Thanks a lot and congrats el3m3nt for such a nice hack!!!! I've tried using phpNuke, postNuke and so many other portal scripts but never liked them. With your script I got exactly what I wanted.
Yes this can be done very easily, I'll post the modifications you need to make to have a mulipaged vBindex site after, see My vBindex (in my sig) for an example of a multipaged version of vBindex.
As for server load etc, I'm no MySQL expert, but as long as the number of queries is <=30 (or there abouts) it should be fine.
This is what I've been lead to belive, someone may correct me on that ;)
04-14-2002, 05:51 PM
Originally posted by -=dm=-
The Poll problem fixed ;)
Yey!! I'm glad I've finally been able to fix this bug ;)
04-15-2002, 01:43 AM
Page generated in 20.847882032394 seconds with 44 queries,
spending 20.519717216492 doing MySQL queries and 0.32816481590271 doing PHP things.
Query: SELECT *, FROM poll LEFT JOIN thread ON (thread.pollid = poll.pollid) WHERE thread.forumid='244' ORDER BY poll.dateline DESC LIMIT 1
Time before: 2.2398979663849
Time after: 20.608139038086
The Piper
04-15-2002, 05:26 PM
Originally posted by NTLDR
Yes this can be done very easily, I'll post the modifications you need to make to have a mulipaged vBindex site after, see My vBindex (in my sig) for an example of a multipaged version of vBindex.
As for server load etc, I'm no MySQL expert, but as long as the number of queries is <=30 (or there abouts) it should be fine.
This is what I've been lead to belive, someone may correct me on that ;)
Thanks a lot, NTLDR. I look forward to hear from you. By the way, I`ve checked your vBindex page and it looks great, that's exactly what I want to do. In a way, it's what a portal system would allow me to do, but I don't like the way how every page using a portal system looks exactly the same as other pages... That way I could keep my own design but still use the nice features of vBindex.
Thanks again,
04-15-2002, 07:26 PM
Originally posted by The Piper
In a way, it's what a portal system would allow me to do, but I don't like the way how every page using a portal system looks exactly the same as other pages... That way I could keep my own design but still use the nice features of vBindex.
This is why I've chosen not to use a portal system, because it looks the same as everyone elses site and is mean't for a lot of things I don't need or want to do, this way I can fully integrate with my forums and have a common design thoughout my site.
Here is the code you need to find and change for a muli-paged vBindex:
In the vbindex php file change (its right at the end):
if (!$page)
// no page specified
to get the homepage use http://mysiteurl/forumsdir/vbindex.php to get any other page use http://mysiteurl/forumsdir/vbindex.php?page=template_name
vbindex.php is what you have called the index.php file included with vBindex
template_name is the name of the template that contains the page.
Let me know if you have any problems,
04-15-2002, 07:26 PM
If you want to define a set number of templates that you use in every or many pages you can also add the code to the vbindex.php
eval("\$homefooter .= \"".gettemplate('home_footer')."\";");
Add After It:
// my templates
eval("\$homestats = \"".gettemplate('home_stats')."\";");
Where $homestats is an example of what you want to place in your page eg, puting $homestats on a page to display stats where you want and home_stats is the name of the template with the code.
This can save alot of editing etc, when you change menus etc.
The Piper
04-15-2002, 09:51 PM
I just tested both things and they work perfectly!!! I'll be redesigning my web site and hopefully by next week it will be all templates. A good thing is that now I'll be able to edit all of my pages through the vBulletin control panel, from what I understood. And also whenever I backup the VB database, I'll back up my whole site with it. Sweet! :)
Anyway, thank you *SO MUCH* to both you NTLDR for helping me out with this and to el3m3nt for making the hack. I'll let you know whenever the website is ready so you can check it out.
Cheers! :)
04-15-2002, 10:06 PM
No problem, glad could help you out with this, I look forward to seeing your new site ;)
04-15-2002, 11:54 PM
Originally posted by DarkReaper
Page generated in 20.847882032394 seconds with 44 queries,
spending 20.519717216492 doing MySQL queries and 0.32816481590271 doing PHP things.
Query: SELECT *, FROM poll LEFT JOIN thread ON (thread.pollid = poll.pollid) WHERE thread.forumid='244' ORDER BY poll.dateline DESC LIMIT 1
Time before: 2.2398979663849
Time after: 20.608139038086
Fix? Please? :)
04-16-2002, 07:25 AM
Originally posted by DarkReaper
Fix? Please? :)
There is no fix, other than to remove the poll feature from the vBindex PHP file, which isn't technically a fix.
04-16-2002, 09:31 AM
hm.. DarkReaper.. i don't know how to optimize the sql-querie you posted. if its anyhow possible.. let me know. otherwise you cannot do alot :/
04-16-2002, 09:37 PM
How the hell can that query take 20 seconds though?!
04-18-2002, 08:26 PM
I tried to install this by following the code exactly and got this.
Parse error: parse error in /home/indiamik/public_html/india/newindex.php on line 371
Any suggestions or ideas where I messed up. I followed the instructions word for word and redid it a few times. I show nothing for a line 371 in my Php Coder.
Also there is a typo in the index.php in the English version 1.3 $templatesused.='home_threadbit,home_treads,forumh ome_loggedinuser,';
home_treads should be home_threads.
04-18-2002, 09:34 PM
What is on, or around line 371 in newindex.php? And did you copy the code from an unhacked origional vBulletin index.php that is the same version as you use on your board?
This is probably totally newbie kind of question, but:
After installing vBindex 1.3 as instructed, I find myself with the fact that news and polls are not showing. I have created a forum calles newsforum and a forum called pollforum with normal permissions. Although the threads are viewing all right, I cannot view news or polls.
Any help will be appreciated.
Best regards,
04-19-2002, 08:54 AM
Originally posted by NTLDR
What is on, or around line 371 in newindex.php? And did you copy the code from an unhacked origional vBulletin index.php that is the same version as you use on your board?
Hmmm...I will check this over the weekend. Since I used a version that is on my forum, but the index is slightly hacked up. I will check there first and compare an old and new version and see if there is anything different.
04-19-2002, 09:00 AM
Originally posted by hkim
This is probably totally newbie kind of question, but:
After installing vBindex 1.3 as instructed, I find myself with the fact that news and polls are not showing. I have created a forum calles newsforum and a forum called pollforum with normal permissions. Although the threads are viewing all right, I cannot view news or polls.
Any help will be appreciated.
Best regards,
Though I haven't sucessfully installed this hack yet, I would probably check the index.php that you uploaded from this hack. Did you change the variables in the first few lines to match up with the forum id numbers?
// news forum
// polls forum
These two numbers are generic numbers and should be changed to the value of that forum id.
I would check that first.
Aha...Thanks, Mike! I think that should do the trick!
Best regards,
04-19-2002, 10:03 AM
Originally posted by NTLDR
What is on, or around line 371 in newindex.php? And did you copy the code from an unhacked origional vBulletin index.php that is the same version as you use on your board?
Aha....I figured it out finally. My cookies were messing with it because I used differant styles and didn't add all the new templates to the style that I was using. I just added them to the default template, not the templates for the style that I had chosen to view my board in. now....time to hack it up and add my own stuff.
Dear NTLDR/Lee,
Thanks for the info. With risk of sounding somewhat lame, could you please give me some more specific information on how to implement this? E.g.
1. Do I have to rename the index.php to vbindex.php?
2. The new pages, do I create them within the vbulletin control panel?
3. How can a new template page look like? What do I have to include? Specific example would be great.
Best regards,
Originally posted by NTLDR
This is why I've chosen not to use a portal system, because it looks the same as everyone elses site and is mean't for a lot of things I don't need or want to do, this way I can fully integrate with my forums and have a common design thoughout my site.
Here is the code you need to find and change for a muli-paged vBindex:
In the vbindex php file change (its right at the end):
if (!$page)
// no page specified
to get the homepage use http://mysiteurl/forumsdir/vbindex.php to get any other page use http://mysiteurl/forumsdir/vbindex.php?page=template_name
vbindex.php is what you have called the index.php file included with vBindex
template_name is the name of the template that contains the page.
Let me know if you have any problems,
Well, it was a stupid request when you gave so clear information at the first place. I found it out by myself after a few minutes.
Thanks anyway! :p
04-19-2002, 01:44 PM
Originally posted by hkim
Well, it was a stupid request when you gave so clear information at the first place. I found it out by myself after a few minutes.
Thanks anyway! :p
No problem hkim, if you run into problems let me know, I wouldn't say your question was lame, everyone has different abilities here and I'm quite happy to help anyone who has any problems with anything I've produced.
I hope everything works fine when you impliment the changes.
04-19-2002, 02:56 PM
Nice work here, this is what I was looking for and it work really great! I'Ve first setup vbhome light but this one fits my needs a lot more as I'm not a programmer and vbhome is almost impossible for me to custumize the way I want.
Got 2 more things I need to ask:
1- Is there a way to use the usergroups permissions of the forum for the threads display?
2- Is is complicated to add a block with the latest 5 thread titles of a specific forum ? (with links to the thread)
Hope those 2 requests will not be too complicated to do...
Thanks a lot!
04-19-2002, 05:25 PM
1- you mean the threads display of the latest threads? in v1.3 of vbindex you can only see these threads on the index-site which you have permission to see.
2- nope, no problem :). add anywhere in the index-file (but before the output of the home-template)!
$forumid='forumid of the specific forum';
$query = $DB_site->query("SELECT threadid,title FROM thread WHERE visible=1 AND forumid='$forumid' order by lastpost desc limit $limit");
while ($last5array = $DB_site->fetch_array($query)) {
$last5.='<a href=\"showthread.php?s=$session[sessionhash]&threadid=$threadid\">$threadtitle</a><br>';
now just add the variable $last5 anywhere in the right or left-template.
04-19-2002, 05:52 PM
Thanks a lot, I think something must be messed up then because threads of private forums are seen by everyone in the latest threads column. Not the threads themselves but the titles and it can reveal some sensitive content so...
Where should I look to try finxing this out?
BTW thanks a lot for your fast response, very kind from you ;)
For the code above, I've tried it without success. I forget something maybe?
$query = $DB_site->query("SELECT threadid,title FROM thread WHERE visible=1 AND forumid='$forumid' order by lastpost desc limit $limit");
while ($last5array = $DB_site->fetch_array($query)) {
$last5.='<a href=\"showthread.php?s=$session[sessionhash]&threadid=$threadid\">$threadtitle</a><br>';
I put this in my index file right bellow the variables settings then I've put $last5. I have the link displayed as it it in the code, showing me this: $threadtitle with the code in the link! ("showthread.php?s=$session[sessionhash]&threadid=$threadid\")
Grrr, I'm not a coder sorry! lol
04-19-2002, 09:58 PM
One more thing, maybe I'll look a bit newbie wit all those questions but as I say I'm not a programmer! I don't find how to enable the right block, any tips for this?
Thanks! ;)
04-20-2002, 07:39 PM
In the template home look for a line similar to:
<!-- $right -->
And chnage it to this:
You should then be able to see the right block.
Don't worry about feeling like a newbie if you do, we all had (have) to start somewhere :D
04-20-2002, 08:39 PM
Good, thanks a lot ;)
Some more newbie question:
1. In the lef/right block, there is a link to "My Notepad". What is this? In my default installation of vBulletin 2.2.5 it seems not to be existing?
Best regards,
Originally posted by el3m3nt
2 new actions (getdaily and getsticky!) and threads-table-title depends on the action!
if ($action == "getsticky") {
// sticky threads
$threadsquery = $DB_site->query("select threadid,forumid,title,postusername,lastposter,rep lycount,iconid from thread WHERE visible=1 AND sticky=1 ".$threadsql." order by lastpost desc limit $numthreads");
$threadstitle="Sticky Threads";
now modify the template "home_threads":
- 2 new options (select)
- replace "Latest Threads" (title) with $threadstitle
that's it. all these improvements will be included in version 1.4.
pls write me all suggestions and ideas how we all can improve this script :). [/B]
04-21-2002, 12:18 PM
You can get it here, this is a hack called vbpad, this allow your users to keep some personal notes in their CP.
Another one: after installing vBindex, when selecting Forum home in the Forum Jump, I'm redirected to the first page. However, I would like this selection to redirect to a list of available forums instead. How do I do this?
04-21-2002, 05:00 PM
Originally posted by hkim
Another one: after installing vBindex, when selecting Forum home in the Forum Jump, I'm redirected to the first page. However, I would like this selection to redirect to a list of available forums instead. How do I do this?
What did you call the PHP file in the zip (the vb index php file)? If you called that index.php and renamed your forums index.php to say forums.php for example then thats why you are taken to vbindex and not tghe forum home page.
If this is then if you wish to leave the file names like this then I belive you either have to modify functions.php or set the $bburl in the options to point to url/forums.php where forums.php is the forums home page.
I could be wrong as I haven't tried it!
From what I can see, your site is working in a manner that I would like, e.g. when choosing "forum home" from the Forum jump menu, the user is redirected to the forum list page. Did you do some additional tweaking?
What I did when I installed the vBindex, was that I renamed the original index.php to home.php. After copying the necessary code from the original index.php to vBindex index.php, I then upload it to the vB folder on my site. I have also added your modification for multiple vBindex pages. What should I do?
Best regards,
I think I got it....I should problably change the variable in forumdisplay.php?
// jump from forumjump
$goto = '';
switch($forumid) {
case 'home': $goto = 'index'; break;
// jump from forumjump
$goto = '';
switch($forumid) {
case 'home': $goto = 'home'; break;
04-21-2002, 06:27 PM
Hi el3m3nt
Im back :D
I have litle problem with the vBindex:(
its the left block, I dont understand
? New posts [ 22 ] this should be 17
? Posts today [ 17 this should be 22
this is strange I didnt change the original code.
can you please help me?
04-21-2002, 07:43 PM
Originally posted by hkim
I think I got it....I should problably change the variable in forumdisplay.php?
// jump from forumjump
$goto = '';
switch($forumid) {
case 'home': $goto = 'index'; break;
// jump from forumjump
$goto = '';
switch($forumid) {
case 'home': $goto = 'home'; break;
I don't think that will work, I think you need to change where index points to, what file was this in?
Well it seems to work after I made the change. For me it seems to be logical to point the jump string to home, since the forum listing declared by vbulletin index is name home.php now...but here is how my files are organized:
vbulletin index.php --> vbulletin/home.php
vbindex index.php --> vbulletin/index.php
If you got time, I got another question as well:
How do I use the home-templates in for example the default template for forum display? Do I have to define $templatesused in the beginning of forumdisplay.php?
04-21-2002, 11:05 PM
It was just a guess based on the snipit of text :D
To use say home_left in the forum listing you would need to make sure that the templates were defined. I'm not 100% sure what screen you wanted it on, if u wanted it on the forums home (the origional index.php) and in the Forum display (forumdisplay.php) then you need to define it in global.php
Which specific screen(s) did u want it on? Either a screenshot or the name of the .php file that appears in the browser would be best :D
04-22-2002, 03:10 AM
Originally posted by el3m3nt
1- you mean the threads display of the latest threads? in v1.3 of vbindex you can only see these threads on the index-site which you have permission to see.
2- nope, no problem :). add anywhere in the index-file (but before the output of the home-template)!
$forumid='forumid of the specific forum';
$query = $DB_site->query("SELECT threadid,title FROM thread WHERE visible=1 AND forumid='$forumid' order by lastpost desc limit $limit");
while ($last5array = $DB_site->fetch_array($query)) {
$last5.='<a href=\"showthread.php?s=$session[sessionhash]&threadid=$threadid\">$threadtitle</a><br>';
now just add the variable $last5 anywhere in the right or left-template.
I applyed this code as mentioned to me by el3m3nt to help me displaying the last 5 threads of a specific forum and I got this result, it seems the info is not processed or something:
$threadtitle (showthread.php?s=$session[sessionhash]&threadid=$threadid\)
$threadtitle (showthread.php?s=$session[sessionhash]&threadid=$threadid\)
$threadtitle (showthread.php?s=$session[sessionhash]&threadid=$threadid\)
$threadtitle (showthread.php?s=$session[sessionhash]&threadid=$threadid\)
$threadtitle (showthread.php?s=$session[sessionhash]&threadid=$threadid\)
Is there something I do wrong or soething is missing? Any idea anyone?
04-22-2002, 05:32 PM
Originally posted by -=dm=-
Hi el3m3nt
Im back :D
I have litle problem with the vBindex:(
its the left block, I dont understand
? New posts [ 22 ] this should be 17
? Posts today [ 17 this should be 22
this is strange I didnt change the original code.
can you please help me?
Yeah i`m having the same problem with the New posts and Posts today counts, anyone know how to fix this? thanks
04-23-2002, 10:00 AM
jap i noticed that :).
the following counts the posts (of the new posts and the posts in the last 24 hours)
$getnewpost=$DB_site->query_first("SELECT count(*) AS posts FROM post WHERE dateline>'$bbuserinfo[lastvisit]'");
$getdailypost=$DB_site->query_first("SELECT count(*) AS posts FROM post WHERE dateline>=".(time() - (24 * 60 *60 * $days)));
you can also count the new threads if you want..
$getnewpost=$DB_site->query_first("SELECT count(*) AS posts FROM thread WHERE dateline>'$bbuserinfo[lastvisit]'");
$getdailypost=$DB_site->query_first("SELECT count(*) AS posts FROM thread WHERE dateline>=".(time() - (24 * 60 *60 * $days)));
or another possibility.. count the threads ordered by last post
$getnewpost=$DB_site->query_first("SELECT count(*) AS posts FROM thread WHERE lastpost>'$bbuserinfo[lastvisit]'");
$getdailypost=$DB_site->query_first("SELECT count(*) AS posts FROM thread WHERE lastpost>=".(time() - (24 * 60 *60 * $days)));
Note: i didnt tested all queries.. pls ask if you get any errors :).
04-25-2002, 09:22 AM
Where should i go to translate this menu?
I didn't find any template..
04-25-2002, 10:47 AM
template 'home_logout'
04-25-2002, 04:45 PM
Still searching to solve this problem, any help please? :confused:
Originally posted by el3m3nt
1- you mean the threads display of the latest threads? in v1.3 of vbindex you can only see these threads on the index-site which you have permission to see.
2- nope, no problem :). add anywhere in the index-file (but before the output of the home-template)!
$forumid='forumid of the specific forum';
$query = $DB_site->query("SELECT threadid,title FROM thread WHERE visible=1 AND forumid='$forumid' order by lastpost desc limit $limit");
while ($last5array = $DB_site->fetch_array($query)) {
$last5.='<a href=\"showthread.php?s=$session[sessionhash]&threadid=$threadid\">$threadtitle</a><br>';
now just add the variable $last5 anywhere in the right or left-template.
I applyed this code as mentioned to me by el3m3nt to help me displaying the last 5 threads of a specific forum and I got this result, it seems the info is not processed or something:
$threadtitle (showthread.php?s=$session[sessionhash]&threadid=$threadid\)
$threadtitle (showthread.php?s=$session[sessionhash]&threadid=$threadid\)
$threadtitle (showthread.php?s=$session[sessionhash]&threadid=$threadid\)
$threadtitle (showthread.php?s=$session[sessionhash]&threadid=$threadid\)
$threadtitle (showthread.php?s=$session[sessionhash]&threadid=$threadid\)
Is there something I do wrong or soething is missing? Any idea anyone?
04-25-2002, 10:35 PM
I haven't read through this whole thread so maybe my problem with this has been solved already.
But here we go. I installed this hack and am testing it out, and the problem that I run into is that it changes my database for the "most users ever online". Every time I mess with the hack it resets mysql table back to the amount that was online today only.
Is there anyway I can go back and revert, or should I just dump the table and insert a new one.
Does this hack change that table in anyway?
I hope this makes sense.
04-25-2002, 11:06 PM
Had this issue too, but I don't know how to fix it so I've removed the max users display...
04-26-2002, 08:16 AM
Yeah i have the same thing with the most users every online, i would love to know how to fix/repair this. Thanks
04-26-2002, 03:25 PM
ehm.. i'm not sure.. and i didnt test it..
just delete this part...
if ((int)$maxusers[0] <= $totalonline) {
$time = time();
$maxloggedin = "$totalonline " . $time . " " . $maxusers[2] . " " . $maxusers[3];
$DB_site->query("UPDATE template SET template='$maxloggedin' WHERE title='maxloggedin'");
$maxusers[0] = $totalonline;
$maxusers[1] = $time;
04-26-2002, 06:18 PM
ok thanks, i`ll give it a shot ;)
04-26-2002, 08:39 PM
Hmmm...something is awry...the fix didn't work for me.
This is what happens, I have the php file loaded up for test purposes until I figure all of it out. It is named newindex.php just for ease of use (I haven't really messed with it since installing it). If I go to my forum the number "Most users ever online" works and functions like it should.
If I pull up the newindex.php it resets the "most users ever online" back to one (or however many are online at that time). I don't click anything it just changes on the load.
I followed the instructions you left above but it didn't seem to cure it.
Any other suggestions?
04-26-2002, 08:51 PM
Well I've modded my file to see how it goes, I'll yet everyone know if it works, this is one thing that has really bugged me since installing vBindex :D
04-27-2002, 05:49 AM
Originally posted by el3m3nt
if ((int)$maxusers[0] <= $totalonline) {
$time = time();
$maxloggedin = "$totalonline " . $time . " " . $maxusers[2] . " " . $maxusers[3];
$DB_site->query("UPDATE template SET template='$maxloggedin' WHERE title='maxloggedin'");
$maxusers[0] = $totalonline;
$maxusers[1] = $time;
Well I have removed this code and it hasn't worked for me either, has this fixed the problem for anyone else?
04-27-2002, 07:15 AM
I also removed the code but it didn`t work for me either
04-27-2002, 09:55 AM
Originally posted by Juanito
Had this issue too, but I don't know how to fix it so I've removed the max users display...
Me and NTLDR did the same, we removed it too :D
04-27-2002, 06:24 PM
OK, I have removed the folloing code from the file and at the moment it seems to be working correctly.
Either remove (or comment out each line with // ):
// today online hack by Mystics - start
if ((int)$maxusers[0] <= $totalonline) {
$time = time();
$maxloggedin = "$totalonline " . $time . " " . $maxusers[2] . " " . $maxusers[3];
$DB_site->query("UPDATE template SET template='$maxloggedin' WHERE title='maxloggedin'");
$maxusers[0] = $totalonline;
$maxusers[1] = $time;
$todayloggedinusers = "";
$numbertodayonline = 0;
$numbertodayonlineinvisible = 0;
$todayusers=$DB_site->query("SELECT userid, username, usergroupid, lastactivity, invisible FROM user
WHERE lastactivity > " . mktime(0,0,0,date("m"),date("d"),date("Y")) . "
ORDER BY username");
while ($todayuser=$DB_site->fetch_array($todayusers)) {
if ($todayuser['invisible']==1 and $bbuserinfo['usergroupid']!=6) {
if ($bbuserinfo[usergroupid] == 6) {
$todayonline = $numbertodayonline;
} else {
$todayonline = $numbertodayonline - $numbertodayonlineinvisible;
//today online hack by Mystics - end
The downside to this is that you can't display the number of registered users logged in today on the vBindex page, so you also need to remove (or comment out):
<a href="online.php?s=$session[sessionhash]">Online Today</a>: <b>$todayonline</b><br>
From the template home_left
Let me know if this works for you, it seems to for me at the moment :D
04-27-2002, 08:27 PM
Perfect, that seems to have fixed it.
Thank you!!!!!
04-28-2002, 05:11 PM
ok would it be possible and if so how would i do it, but instead of having the most user every online stats, replace it with online today stats? thanks
04-28-2002, 05:52 PM
Originally posted by wintz
ok would it be possible and if so how would i do it, but instead of having the most user every online stats, replace it with online today stats? thanks
Thats what the hack origionally did, had the online today stats, it is posible to keep this feature in, but then you lose the ability to store the most ever online users (in a day and members in a day), although I am looking into a solution for this.
04-28-2002, 06:25 PM
How would one go about applying this hack so that when a user wants to access this they don't have to go to:
Instead, they can go to
04-28-2002, 06:41 PM
The quickest and easist was I have found is to have a simple HTML redirect page that just sends them to when they go to
04-29-2002, 12:26 AM
Hi... I just installed vbIndex and everything is working except the news icons. A blank pic with an [X] in it comes up folled by '.gif" border="0"> News Title' This may have already been answered, but I didnt see anything on the pages I looked at. (I gave up after about page 8).
04-29-2002, 07:43 AM
All i did was to put this <img src="{imagesfolder}/icons/icon0.gif" border="0"> in the home_newsbit name a gif to icon0 and upload it to the icon dir
04-29-2002, 11:00 AM
I need help... :(
I have installed the hack... it works perfect :) except for 2 things:
-It says 'No poll available'
-No news shows up, only the 'latest threads' and that's it
I tried everything, I DO have the variables set correctly, but it just doesn't show up!?!?!
please help me, because I REALLY want to get this hack installed :D
04-29-2002, 12:58 PM
@FlyingDutchman :
recheck ur variables at the top of index.php .. maybe its because the permissions :lick:
@LightBringer :
i did that thing. put ur new index.php to ur root. and ur forum's index.php is in forum/index.php .. i mean:
/index.php -> this is new one.. vbindex thing
/forum/index.php -> normal forum index file .
here what u have to do :
put chdir("forum"); before require('./global.php'); in vbindex's index.php.
then modify all ur vbindex templates.. all you have to do is putting "forum/" before all links and imgs
it should work :lick:
04-29-2002, 06:17 PM
Originally posted by erdem
@FlyingDutchman :
recheck ur variables at the top of index.php .. maybe its because the permissions :lick:
uhm, I may be dumb, but I'm not so dumb after all, and as I said I tried everthing, from editing the permissions to changing templates to changing index.php, tried the german version, and so on...
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