View Full Version : Suggestion: Graphical Forum Statistics

10-05-2000, 01:16 PM

Think about this one; I think this would be a very cool tool:

Some sort of diagram which represents the amount of posts posted per day and the same for registered members and visits...In this way you can easily see what kind of progress/degress your forum makes and it's usefull to make analysyses for some sort of reason...
Maybe even a function to make a graph for each member which represents his post-addiction or something like that

All this in a linear graph...(with the use of GDlib)

It's that I'm lacking the time to do this otherwise it would be ready right now :)

So what do you think?

Anyone who do has the time and motivation to make something like this?

The title suggestion misleads my purpose; It's moreless an idea to hack this in; So I put the thread in this forum on purpose

[Edited by Mas*Mind on 10-05-2000 at 10:18 AM]