View Full Version : Non forum graphics request

Ninth Dimension
03-31-2002, 02:59 PM
Hi, does anyone fancy turning there hand to doing me 7 images for my new site? These are not graphics for the forum, but rather for my new site :)

The sections that I need the images for are listed below:

- The Haunted Castle (Ghosts, etc..)
- Area 51 (Aliens, etc...)
- Realms of the Mind (Esp, etc...)
- The Strange Planet (Maybe a globe)
- Beasts of the Land (Crytozoology)
- The Dark Side (The occult)
- The Other Way (Pagan, wicca, etc..)

The images all need to be the same size, at about 100x100, and the bg colour needs to be #296BA5 but apart from these requirements, you are free to do what you want, just try and keep them serious (i.e. a photo of a ghost rather than a funny graphic of one)

Thanx all :)