View Full Version : Very Cool Hack

03-31-2002, 01:09 AM
that is quite nice... i may try it later on...

Ryan McBain
03-31-2002, 01:47 AM
Hey there is a cool rpg type hack that goes around your avatar. I dont know how the person did it but you can see it at

I asked the person who made the hack but they wont release it :(
Can someone make something like this???

Ryan McBain
03-31-2002, 04:05 AM
Yeah the person who made this hack is very good. I hope someone on here can make something like this...

03-31-2002, 05:10 AM
its mainly a template edit... hardly a hack. Exception of a few hacks found on this board.

Ryan McBain
03-31-2002, 05:37 AM
Originally posted by neo
its mainly a template edit... hardly a hack. Exception of a few hacks found on this board.

OK, in that case would it be easy to do? Can someone do this and post it? I really would like to put this on my board

03-31-2002, 07:26 AM
Originally posted by Ryan McBain
Hey there is a cool rpg type hack that goes around your avatar. I dont know how the person did it but you can see it at

I asked the person who made the hack but they wont release it :(
Can someone make something like this??? they are cheap. they act like they are php gods and they crawl all day long here at vB.org to get something cool. then they pretend they wrote all this and that. the LEVEL hack was written about 1000 years before their site was released. look what they state:That is a custom made hack by us. It isnt going to be released. There are similar clones, though, that you can find at vbulletin.org

But we all know where they got the idea from >_<as of the 'template' hack, this is extremly easy to make it, all you need is just a little html skills. in my oppinion, they should act normal and be modest, not "GODS".

03-31-2002, 09:15 AM
i have most of it done.. but its mainly suited for my board.

03-31-2002, 10:49 AM
<a href="http://www.fiendworld.com/showthread.php?s=&postid=5197#post5197" target="_blank">http://www.fiendworld.com/showthread...=5197#post5197</a> <--thats what i got

Ryan McBain
03-31-2002, 12:45 PM
Originally posted by E
i have most of it done.. but its mainly suited for my board.

Thats cool, do you think you can make the hack so other people can use it on their boards?

03-31-2002, 12:57 PM
I've personally coded those hacks................I dunno how you could possibly do it with just template editing.

And we had this hack on since June 2001 and are you calling me a ripper? ripping **** of other hacks and make it my own?

Well for your information.......I don't use any of the RPG hacks here coz they don't suit my taste so everything (RPG) at my place were custom coded.

If i'm correct it's the new clones i've seen that copied the ideas...back then there weren't that many RPG stat hacks, mine was finished around January 2001 and never botehr to release it O_o.

Are you saying that you can do all of those hacks with plain HTML ? I'll like to see that happens :D

I'll bet u 50 bucks you can't do it hahaha

I honestly don't appreciate people calling me ripper when I actually did put time into coding and debugging it, please look at it properly before making comments.

Well thank for your time and have a nice day

Ryan McBain
03-31-2002, 01:04 PM
Originally posted by Dejavuth
I've personally coded that hacks................I dunno how you could possibly do it with just template editing.

And we had this hack on since June 2001 and are you calling me a ripper? ripping **** of other hacks and make it my own? it was finished around January 2001

Well for your information.......I don't use any of the RPG hacks here coz they don't suit my taste so everything (RPG) at my place were custom coded.

If i'm correct it's the new clones i've seen that copied the ideas...back then there weren't that many RPG stat hacks

Well thank for your time and have a nice day

And it's extermly easy to code GIl ..weapon.hacks with just HTML?

I'll bet u 50 bucks you can't do it hahaha

Well the entire hack I can't do, thats why I hope someone will post it here :)

Bald Bouncer
03-31-2002, 06:50 PM
I knocked a quick version up, please if you use it at least make changes so it suits your forum, Ive done my best not to make it look a direct rip....alter the colours....

Bald Bouncer
03-31-2002, 06:51 PM
heres a ss....

Dean C
03-31-2002, 07:32 PM
i really like this bouncer... uve done a good job ...

nice to see someone sharing their postbit hack ;)


Dean C
03-31-2002, 07:49 PM
i apologise it was E's picture i clicked on ... cud E share this $postbit template with us please ???

03-31-2002, 07:51 PM
Dejavuth: your a idiot go away.

BB: nice job man :)

03-31-2002, 08:10 PM
the postbit part is easy O_o, ryan wasnt talking about that. the part about the classes and such is the custom made part, the formatting of the postbit like bb just did and e did was just a template edit. the part with the weapons and such we modified actual files that you upload. i think some people got confused on which part we he was talking about. and the part where i said about knowing where people got the idea from, i was referring to afterlab, since he got the inspiration from our forums, so then you see his item shop hack =p. 2 different hacks peoples.

03-31-2002, 10:35 PM
Someone was calling me a ripper

Now let's look at the card design :p looks familiar isn't :D

04-01-2002, 12:40 AM
Mist... u can use what i had... but u need the hacks installed... but put this in postbit:

mr e
04-01-2002, 02:35 AM
If you want the Level, Exp, HP, MP and such go into admin/functions.php and find

eval("\$post[profile] = \"".gettemplate("postbit_profile")."\";");
eval("\$post[search] = \"".gettemplate("postbit_search")."\";");
eval("\$post[buddy] = \"".gettemplate("postbit_buddy")."\";");

and ABOVE that do something like

$exp = $post[posts];
$hp = round($exp * .75);
if ($hp < 1) {
$hp = 1;
else {
$hp = $hp; }
$mp = round($jointime * $hp / 5);
if ($mp < 1) {
$mp = 1;
else {
$mp = $mp;
$lvl = round(($mp + $hp) / 5);
if ($lvl < 1) {
$lvl = 1;
else {
$lvl = $lvl;

then in the postbit template add $lvl, $exp, $hp, and $mp wherever you want. That is just a very simple Level, Exp, HP, MP hack and there ARE better one's out there if you look.

Ryan McBain
04-01-2002, 05:34 AM
Yeah I'm basicaly looking for that exact hack that I was talking about at http://www.ffimpulse.com/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=4984

Is the hack that has been put together here, like that? or just a beta??

Dean C
04-01-2002, 09:14 AM
E - what hacks have u got installed??

04-01-2002, 09:57 AM
Points hack... Points Donating hack... and my own version of the level hack...
for points hacks.. (if u have them installed) change field9 too ur point field... .the level hack if u have one installed change $level to whatever u needd like $showlevel or $lvl

Dean C
04-01-2002, 01:43 PM
thank you so much .... ill try this 2nite as soon as i get home ...

ill change the code a bit cuz i haven't got level bars and points hacks....

Thnax again :)


Dean C
04-01-2002, 04:58 PM
E cud u show me EXACTLY where to insert the postbit file because i tried inserting it today and it didn't work .... the actual box worked great but it mucked up the arrangement of the postbit and the message was everywhere...

if u cud just post the two lines before and affter where to insert it i wud be most grateful :)

04-01-2002, 08:55 PM
okay hold on...find... where it says
and replace that with the code... there will probably be a few things under $post[avatar] that u might want too take out... need any more help jusr drop it here.. peace

Ryan McBain
04-02-2002, 01:21 AM
Thanks for all the input guys. So what do I have to do to be able to have the same hack that was at the other site?

04-02-2002, 01:27 AM
it wasnt a hack it was a template edit that used other peoples hacks... which bit of it do u want?

Ryan McBain
04-02-2002, 02:02 AM
Originally posted by E
it wasnt a hack it was a template edit that used other peoples hacks... which bit of it do u want?

The whole thing :) the whole taco

04-02-2002, 03:00 AM
Well search for "the points hack" and "Yet another Level/stats hack"

Ryan McBain
04-02-2002, 03:11 AM
Oh I was hoping to get the "impulse hack" in one download. So I just need the points hack and the level stats hack, and the template hack, and thats it. I want it to look just like http://www.ffimpulse.com/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=4984

04-02-2002, 03:13 AM
i know...

Ryan McBain
04-02-2002, 10:13 AM
ok can you tell me what to do, step by step?

04-02-2002, 11:06 AM
install the Points and Level hack... then ill teell u whats next

Ryan McBain
04-03-2002, 01:22 AM
Ok if i install all of this now, will i have to do it again once vb3 comes out??

04-03-2002, 10:38 AM

mr e
04-03-2002, 10:19 PM
Your probably going to have to reinstall most hacks once vB3.0 comes out. Also no one is going to give you that EXACT hack, you have to be a little original, I gave you the lvl hack and the rest is just making a table with some rounded corners for gfx and the points/lvl hack in the table.

Originally posted by Ryan McBain
Ok if i install all of this now, will i have to do it again once vb3 comes out??

Ryan McBain
06-02-2002, 12:34 AM
Originally posted by E
install the Points and Level hack... then ill teell u whats next

Ok I finialy got around to installing the points and level hack. What do I do next???

Dean C
06-02-2002, 07:24 AM
if i completely duplicate their postbit at ffimpluse (images and all) .... wud any1 like it??? excluding the hacks that is...

Ryan McBain
06-02-2002, 01:19 PM
Originally posted by Mist
if i completely duplicate their postbit at ffimpluse (images and all) .... wud any1 like it??? excluding the hacks that is...

I would like it :)

thats what im trying to do. Can you help me?

06-02-2002, 02:16 PM
meh, I wouldn't use that ugly-as-hell ffimpulse postbit...god, 90% of the post is a sig image, and the font is tiny :puke:

and yeah, it's all the shinra points hack with a few modifications, I did the same thing a few months ago, just modified the profile field and change the name in the template.

the only "god" that created these is Shinra :)


Ryan McBain
06-02-2002, 02:33 PM
Originally posted by heretic
meh, I wouldn't use that ugly-as-hell ffimpulse postbit...god, 90% of the post is a sig image, and the font is tiny :puke:

and yeah, it's all the shinra points hack with a few modifications, I did the same thing a few months ago, just modified the profile field and change the name in the template.

the only "god" that created these is Shinra :)


Well I would like to have some cool design around my levels hack, but I dont know how to do it. Can someone help me??

06-02-2002, 02:42 PM
well, to start, for something like you want I'd make your forums a wee bit wider.

then decide how you want the information arranged. after that post what you want and I'll see what I can throw together

Ryan McBain
06-02-2002, 02:54 PM
Well something like they have at http://www.ffimpulse.com/forum
Have tables around each level, and have something where it shows that the user is online or offline. So how wide should I make my board?

06-02-2002, 09:35 PM
I would like it also.

06-02-2002, 09:50 PM
when I get a chance, I'm working on something else at the moment.... it's simple HTML

Ryan McBain
06-02-2002, 10:11 PM
okie dokie

Ryan McBain
06-08-2002, 04:43 PM
Originally posted by heretic
when I get a chance, I'm working on something else at the moment.... it's simple HTML

You got any free time yet? :)

06-08-2002, 05:45 PM
All you need to do is rip them like they ripped other's hacks. here's the source, just edit the table cell with the current user info, then get the images, and edit the source stuff with the cooresponding post variables.

<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=168>
<TD width=24><IMG height=23
src="Final Fantasy Impulse - Hack Question_files/top_left.gif"
<TD vAlign=center width=142 bgColor=#4a7b9d>
<DIV align=center><B><FONT
face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"
color=#cccccc size=2>Impulse ID </FONT></B></DIV></TD>
<TD width=10>
<DIV align=right><IMG height=23 src=""
<TABLE cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=2 width=168>
<TD vAlign=center width=32 bgColor=#4a7b9d><B><FONT
face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"
color=#cccccc size=1>Name:</FONT></B></TD>
<TD vAlign=center bgColor=#92a4b0 colSpan=3>
<DIV align=center><FONT size=1><B><FONT
face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"
color=#333333>Ryan McBain</FONT></B></FONT></DIV></TD></TR>
<TD vAlign=center width=32 bgColor=#4a7b9d><B><FONT
face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"
color=#cccccc size=1>Rank:</FONT></B></TD>
<TD vAlign=center bgColor=#92a4b0 colSpan=3>
<DIV align=center><FONT size=1><B><FONT
face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"
src="Final Fantasy Impulse - Hack Question_files/1.gif"><BR>Bite
<TD vAlign=center width=32 bgColor=#4a7b9d>
<DIV align=center><B>N/A</B></DIV></TD>
<TD vAlign=center bgColor=#92a4b0 colSpan=3>
<DIV align=center><FONT size=1><B><FONT
face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"
color=#ffffff><IMG alt=""
src="Final Fantasy Impulse - Hack Question_files/ff7_barret_a.jpg"
<TD vAlign=center width=32 bgColor=#4a7b9d><B><FONT
face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"
color=#cccccc size=1>Class:</FONT></B></TD>
<TD vAlign=center bgColor=#4a7b9d colSpan=3>
<DIV align=center><FONT color=#333333><B><FONT
face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"
<TD vAlign=center width=32 bgColor=#4a7b9d><B><FONT
face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"
color=#cccccc size=1>Equip:</FONT></B></TD>
<TD vAlign=center bgColor=#4a7b9d colSpan=3>
<DIV align=center><FONT color=#333333 size=1><B><FONT
face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"></FONT></B></FONT></DIV></TD></TR>
<TD vAlign=center width=32 bgColor=#4a7b9d><B><FONT
face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"
color=#cccccc size=1>HP:</FONT></B></TD>
<TD vAlign=center width=38 bgColor=#92a4b0>
<DIV align=center><FONT color=#ffffff size=1><B><FONT
face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">6</FONT></B></FONT></DIV></TD>
<TD vAlign=center width=24 bgColor=#396495><B><FONT
face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"
color=#cccccc size=1>EXP:</FONT></B></TD>
<TD vAlign=center width=26 bgColor=#92a4b0>
<DIV align=center><FONT color=#ffffff size=1><B><FONT
face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">76</FONT></B></FONT></DIV></TD></TR>
<TD vAlign=center width=32 bgColor=#4a7b9d><B><FONT
face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"
color=#cccccc size=1>GIL:</FONT></B></TD>
<TD vAlign=center width=38 bgColor=#92a4b0>
<DIV align=center><FONT color=#ffffff size=1><B><FONT
face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">214</FONT></B></FONT></DIV></TD>
<TD vAlign=center width=24 bgColor=#396495><B><FONT
face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"
color=#cccccc size=1>LVL:</FONT></B></TD>
<TD vAlign=center width=26 bgColor=#92a4b0>
<DIV align=center><FONT color=#ffffff size=1><B><FONT
face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">8</FONT></B></FONT></DIV></TD></TR>
<TD vAlign=center width=32 bgColor=#4a7b9d><B><FONT
face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"
color=#cccccc size=1>Tribe:</FONT></B></TD>
<TD vAlign=center bgColor=#4a7b9d colSpan=3>
<DIV align=center><FONT color=#000000 size=1><B><FONT
face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><FONT
<TD vAlign=center width=32 bgColor=#4a7b9d><B><FONT
face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"
color=#cccccc size=1>Limit:</FONT></B></TD>
<TD vAlign=center bgColor=#4a7b9d colSpan=3>
<DIV align=center><FONT color=#000000 size=1><B><FONT
face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=168>
<TD width=24><IMG height=23
src="Final Fantasy Impulse - Hack Question_files/bottom_left.gif"
<TD vAlign=center width=135 bgColor=#4a7b9d>
<DIV align=center><B><FONT
face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"
color=#cccccc size=1>LOST SOUL</FONT></B></DIV></TD>
<TD width=10>
<DIV align=right><IMG height=23
src="Final Fantasy Impulse - Hack Question_files/bottom_right.gif"

Ryan McBain
06-08-2002, 06:01 PM
thanks for the code, so do i post this in the postbit, plus dont have to edit certain things like personal titles?

Ryan McBain
06-08-2002, 06:06 PM
hmmm i dont really know how to edit this code down, i just want it to work with what i have on my postbit right now.... here is my postbit


<!-- Idea by: Nic Wolfe (Nic@TimelapseProductions.com) -->
<!-- Web URL: http://fineline.xs.mw -->

<!-- This script and many more are available free online at -->
<!-- The JavaScript Source!! http://javascript.internet.com -->

<!-- Begin
function popUp(URL) {
day = new Date();
id = day.getTime();
eval("page" + id + " = window.open(URL, '" + id + "', 'toolbar=0,scrollbars=0,location=0,statusbar=0,men ubar=0,resizable=0,width=525,height=225,left = 262,top = 259');");
// End -->

<table bgcolor="{pagebgcolor}" width="{tablewidth}" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"><tr><td width="10"><img width="10" height="1" src="{imagesfolder}/space.gif" alt=""></td><td width="100%"><!-- spacer -->

<table cellpadding="{tableouterborderwidth}" cellspacing="0" border="0" bgcolor="{tablebordercolor}" {tableouterextra} width="{contenttablewidth}" align="center"><tr><td>
<table cellpadding="4" cellspacing="{tableinnerborderwidth}" border="0" {tableinnerextra} width="100%">
<td bgcolor="$post[backcolor]" width="175" valign="top" nowrap>
<a name="post$post[postid]"></a>
<smallfont><br>Registered: $post[joindate]<br>
Location: $post[field2]<br>
Posts: $post[posts]<smallfont><br>
<p> <b>Level: $showlevel<br>
Activeness: $hp / $maxhp
<table width="100" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" bordercolor="#000000">
<td bgcolor="#9E9E9E"><img src="images/bar/bhg.gif" width="$hpf%" height="9"><img src="images/bar/bhb.gif" width="1" height="9"></td>
Popularity: $mp / $maxmp
<table width="100" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" bordercolor="#000000">
<td bgcolor="#9E9E9E"><img src="images/bar/bmg.gif" width="$mpf%" height="9"><img src="images/bar/bmb.gif" width="1" height="9"></td>
Level Rate: $ep%
<table width="100" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" bordercolor="#000000">
<td bgcolor="#9E9E9E"><img src="images/bar/bxg.gif" width="$ep%" height="9"><img src="images/bar/bxb.gif" width="1" height="9"></td>
<td bgcolor="$post[backcolor]" width="100%" valign="top"> <smallfont></table><br>[<A HREF="javascript:popUp('http://www.ryanmcbain.com/forums/level.php')">How does this work?</A>]

<!-- Script Size: 0.73 KB -->
<td bgcolor="$post[backcolor]" width="100%" valign="top">
<smallfont>$post[icon] <b>$post[title]</b></smallfont>
<p align="right"><smallfont><a href="report.php?s=$session[sessionhash]&postid=$post[postid]">$post[iplogged]</smallfont></p>
<td bgcolor="$post[backcolor]" width="175" height="16" nowrap><smallfont>$post[foldericon]
$post[postdate] <font color="{timecolor}">$post[posttime]</font></smallfont></td>

<td bgcolor="$post[backcolor]" width="100%" valign="middle" height="16">
<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<tr valign="bottom">
$post[profile] $post[pmlink] $post[useremail] $post[homepage] $post[search] $post[buddy]
<!-- $ post[icqicon] --> <!-- $ post[aimicon] --> <!-- $ post[yahooicon] -->
<td align="right" nowrap><smallfont>
<a href="editpost.php?s=$session[sessionhash]&action=editpost&postid=$post[postid]"><img src="{imagesfolder}/edit.gif" border="0" alt="Edit/Delete Message"></a>
<a href="newreply.php?s=$session[sessionhash]&action=newreply&postid=$post[postid]"><img src="{imagesfolder}/quote.gif" border="0" alt="Reply w/Quote"></a>

<!-- spacer --></td><td width="10"><img width="10" height="1" src="{imagesfolder}/space.gif" alt=""></td></tr></table>

06-08-2002, 07:09 PM
how much HTML do you know?

Ryan McBain
06-08-2002, 07:12 PM
i know a little, my problem is i dont know how to mix my html code for my postbit now, to work with the code you gave me

06-08-2002, 08:34 PM
really, it would take some tweaking since you have knoman's hack. I would check out webmonkey for table tutorials and play with your postbit. I can't give you the code because I don't know how YOU want it arranged.

this isn't like a hack, it's a design.

Ryan McBain
06-08-2002, 08:37 PM
oh i see, I just need the design tables for each bar level, I just need a design that goes around what I have right now. hmmmmm