View Full Version : Moderator Queue ON <--- anyone use...

03-30-2002, 03:55 AM
...this feature at all ?

Just wondering...

Because how it works now:
The box with text is something like 1/50 of the normal display size,
even with this small font ( difficult to read ) it's only big enough for very small posting.
Imagine, there is a half site text, to read it you really need to copy all somewhere else:
1) click in the box,
2) ctrl-a ,
3) ctrl-c ,
4) select any editor window
5) ctrl-v
---> now finaly you can read the text, decide if you want to approve it;
anyway you would need to have a very special editor to check the links if there are some,
else every link: copy and paste in some browser
6) select vb moderation window
7) select validate ( or delete )
---> that all just for an option to edit "on fly",
while editing of other ppl.'s postings is for most admins is probably NO-NO thing,
better just to delete; for instance i would get mad if some admin/moderator
would edit my posting; i would say - better dont approve it then,
if you think it's that bad...
( at least he should post then why he edited it etc. ... so it's not an easy thing anyway )
---> go on with the next post awaiting approvement, the same 7 steps :/

To say it's "not efficient" would be like to say nothing...

What would be really efficient imo:
just display for admin all unapproved posts in the forum along with approved for moderator
displayed in different color or very "can not miss"-icon,
the text in different color ( or icon at the post ) in threaded,
the subject in forum view in different color ( or icon near this topic ) in forum view,
the forum name in board ( or category ) view in differnt color or with special icon.
That is my dream <--- one can dream
It would not only save clicks, but the moderator would see the post in context,
what can make the ( right ) decision approve or not much easier !

And i think there are not so many moderators,
who dont read the board else then while moderating ( just as work )
most of them read the board, so mostly they would
read these postings anyway,
if not - they just can check few places where different colors/icons left.

Guess it would be to much work to implement,
but if there other ppl. using moderation ON at all,
could someone make a hack, so at least the moderator can with one click
"maximize" the unapproved posting ( in the same or even better in new window )

Hm... if even this is too difficult,
is there at least some way to change the size of this box to site site-wide and higher ( longer ) ?

By the way, the link "Located in" dont work...

Thanks in advance


03-31-2002, 06:27 PM
Hm... w/o any knowledge in php and vB code
i could improve few things:
1) The edit ( im fact "read" not edit for me, cuz i'm not going to edit any user's postings ) window
is now larger

2) The link "Located in" is only not fixed now,
but also points at the thread, not just forum
( in case of new postings in existing threads ),
and opens the link in new window.

The rest i could not impove,
and i doubt, i can :(

1) The most important ( i missed in my first post ) :
"Posted by:" is empty if the user is not registered !
( so i would have to disable guest posting,
since the moderator will not be able to check if the autor
used abusive name,
what makes the whole idea
of the forum, like it should be, senseless... )

2) Text size ( too small )

3) Background and text color ( most of us like white/bright on dark, like in this forum heh )

4) (Edit-)Window's size: for small postings too large ( high ),
for big postings - too small,
it should have dynamic size to contain the whole text

Could anyone help me ?


05-19-2005, 09:12 PM
Hi Burns,

Did I read this correctly that you managed to increase the moderator's queue edit window in modcp? I would like to do this also, but can't figure out how...

Thanks :-)