View Full Version : Would someone be willing to create this hack?

03-19-2002, 08:30 PM
Well if you are here, you must be interested somewhat so I guess I should now tell you what hack :).

I am looking for a hack that will make a user post in 1 forum before he/she will gain access to any of the other forums.

Say I have 4 forums:

- Introductions
- General Chat
- User Downloads
- Error Reporting

I want the user to post in introductions forum before he will see or be able to post or reply to anything in the other forums.

If this is already done or has been done, if someone would be kind enough to direct me to the hack it would help me greatly.

If this hack has not been created and someone is willing to attempt it I would appreciate it very much, I am not sure how large or small this would be, but it would be nice to have.


03-21-2002, 10:30 AM
cause I don't think that's a request of common interest, here a special untested solution for you.
I Assume guests may not post!

get the forumid of the forum Introductions with phpmyadmin:
select forumid from forum where title='Introductions'

Assume this is 4711.

Edit newthread.php

if (!$permissions[canview] or !$permissions[canpostnew]) {

below both occurences add

if ($bbuserinfo['posts']==0 && $forumid!=4711) {

edit newreply.php

if (!$permissions['canview'] or (!$permissions['canreplyown'] and $bbuserinfo['userid']==$threadinfo['postuserid'])) {

below add

if ($bbuserinfo['posts']==0 && $threadinfo[forumid]!=4711) {

perhaps you want replace the new show_nopermission(); by


then copy for example the template redirect_threadclosed to a new one calledredirect_firstintroduceyou and redesign it.

03-22-2002, 01:04 AM
If possible, I need it to where they can not view, see, or post in other forums except 1, in which they must post in to activate the others.

I appreciate your help though with this and at least an attempt at helping me, but I really need it like stated above for what I am trying to do.

(Yes, I do agree it is not a common request :))



03-22-2002, 01:00 PM
Not to see somthing ist more difficult.

With the simple solution he/she can post or reply in Forum 4711.

By letting away && $forumid!=4711 in newthread.php it's forbidden to start a new thread
By letting away && $threadinfo[forumid]!=4711 in newreply.php its forbidden to reply.

For the rest I see what I can do on monday or tuesday.

03-26-2002, 02:36 PM
not forgotten, but no time this week :(