03-18-2002, 10:00 PM
I wrote this hack time ago to address my own needs to findout dupe users when they register.
Now I published it and hope could be useful to someone...
This hack, basically does this:
when there are new users to activate (Admin awaiting moderation, usergroup=4), the Admin can press the link 'Dupe matches grid' in AdminCP just below the user list. A new window will appear with the list of pending users followed by a complete list of possible duplicates (configurable max number, default 25 per user).
Note: you must have user moderation enabled, of course...
Each user is listed with userid, username, password, email, ipaddress, posts, lastlogin, etc..
The dupe matches are found analyzing
- similar usernames,
- similar emails,
- same passwords (I know it's md5 hashed, but... just in case...:) )
- similar ip address
- cross matching username and email account (without hostname)
Each possible match is evidenced in bold.
Affinities are found with a variation of levenshtein() and metaphone() php functions.
Tolerance are configurable and even is managed a correction needed on shortest words and or words containing number digits, which otherwise would raise a lot of false matches.
I put that config at the top of function, you can fine tune yourself, but max values like '1' aren't too bad and enough to find most common dupes ... Higher values could return too many false affirmatives.
Thanks to Dlst who sometime ago published something similar but involving only the username.
Very very simple to apply.
Involves only one php file. No templates.
Manages almost all user characteristics.
Visible only to admins (AdminCP).
Leave the admin to decide what should do: delete, email, track, and so on...
The hack, once installed, is itself facultative. You can decide to search dupes or not, and in case refresh the awaiting list on the main AdminCP page...
Screenshots are impossible as there should be a list of horizontal black lines covering user data for obvious privacy reasons ... :)
Just install it in one minute and give a look yourself
Let me know any problem (even I've been using for about three months...)
I wrote this hack time ago to address my own needs to findout dupe users when they register.
Now I published it and hope could be useful to someone...
This hack, basically does this:
when there are new users to activate (Admin awaiting moderation, usergroup=4), the Admin can press the link 'Dupe matches grid' in AdminCP just below the user list. A new window will appear with the list of pending users followed by a complete list of possible duplicates (configurable max number, default 25 per user).
Note: you must have user moderation enabled, of course...
Each user is listed with userid, username, password, email, ipaddress, posts, lastlogin, etc..
The dupe matches are found analyzing
- similar usernames,
- similar emails,
- same passwords (I know it's md5 hashed, but... just in case...:) )
- similar ip address
- cross matching username and email account (without hostname)
Each possible match is evidenced in bold.
Affinities are found with a variation of levenshtein() and metaphone() php functions.
Tolerance are configurable and even is managed a correction needed on shortest words and or words containing number digits, which otherwise would raise a lot of false matches.
I put that config at the top of function, you can fine tune yourself, but max values like '1' aren't too bad and enough to find most common dupes ... Higher values could return too many false affirmatives.
Thanks to Dlst who sometime ago published something similar but involving only the username.
Very very simple to apply.
Involves only one php file. No templates.
Manages almost all user characteristics.
Visible only to admins (AdminCP).
Leave the admin to decide what should do: delete, email, track, and so on...
The hack, once installed, is itself facultative. You can decide to search dupes or not, and in case refresh the awaiting list on the main AdminCP page...
Screenshots are impossible as there should be a list of horizontal black lines covering user data for obvious privacy reasons ... :)
Just install it in one minute and give a look yourself
Let me know any problem (even I've been using for about three months...)