View Full Version : Free vBulletin Buttons..

03-19-2002, 03:37 AM
Free vBulletin Buttons..

I made these in like an hour (purple default 101) and I will continue to design more "Free" vBulletin buttons. If you Like this set of buttons or would want to see these in different colors, just e-mail me and I will design these in the color of your choice. Just because I'm a Nice Guy :)


*Making A Mockery* Hmmm....

03-19-2002, 04:57 AM
Very nice! You're good. :)

03-19-2002, 05:07 AM
I paid $5 for the real deal. I spend more on coffee on any given day.

03-19-2002, 05:18 AM
looks good dude, you got talent that i dont have

03-19-2002, 08:54 AM
]Look very good! :) nice design :)

03-21-2002, 05:40 AM
Originally posted by BustaCap
I paid $5 for the real deal. I spend more on coffee on any given day.

Thanks for noticing. :)

03-21-2002, 09:44 PM
Your buttons are cool man! Firstly where can I get them, and secondly is there any chance of the colour being changed? Keep up the good work!

Aaow AnD wHiTe
03-21-2002, 10:01 PM
Wow, really nice! Congrats. If they were in spanish or if you release the PSDs so we can translate them, we would use them for sure :)

03-22-2002, 02:22 AM
Know what would be even better though if ya made a forums button and a calander button to work with VBPortals Script

03-22-2002, 09:05 PM
would like to get a copy of these also. very nice

03-23-2002, 05:30 AM
They look nice to me :) - I would like them for my own website but I just finished my custom set (too me about 3 hours because people would not stop calling me :)).

If you wish though, send them to submissions@bbaddons.com, I would love to have them in our database (as long as you are releasing them free of course).


03-23-2002, 09:45 AM
I've been looking for something to brighten up my board a bit, if it's not too much trouble I'd like to have some in orange to match the carrot in my logo. My site is at http://www.veggieboards.com

No hurry. And if you don't have time that's fine. I do like the buttons I have now but these are really nice. :)

03-24-2002, 08:44 PM
Has Anyone recieved a responce about these buttons yet?

03-24-2002, 09:32 PM
Originally posted by c-pr0mpt

Thanks for noticing. :)

They aren't the same as your button set. Though the similarity is visible, they are actually markedly different. It does disgust me to see you, and the general population, at Yaxay.com, to use the colloquial term, "anal" about similarities in other people's graphical work. It would behoove you to have respect for other people's work and not resort to such defamation and finger pointing at every chance you receive. I think the buttons are very nice and better than your button set.

03-24-2002, 09:47 PM
Gotta agree.

c-prompts little board there has turned into a collection of 15 year olds whining about every site on the net having stolen their graphics and kissing c-prompts ass.

c-prompt...you're embarrsing yourself with your constant whing, moaning and complaining. You were told to stuff it by jelsoft, I suggest you make it stick.

People don't like doing business with unprofessionals, and if you continue to perpetuate this immature attitude, no one will bother doing business with you, regardless of how "great" they think your design skills are.


03-24-2002, 09:51 PM
Originally posted by -pj-
Gotta agree.

c-prompts little board there has turned into a collection of 15 year olds whining about every site on the net having stolen their graphics and kissing c-prompts ass.

c-prompt...you're embarrsing yourself with your constant whing, moaning and complaining. You were told to stuff it by jelsoft, I suggest you make it stick.

People don't like doing business with unprofessionals, and if you continue to perpetuate this immature attitude, no one will bother doing business with you, regardless of how "great" they think your design skills are.


Glad i'm not alone on this view. Haha, you registered just to post that. Nice. :D

03-28-2002, 01:40 AM
LOL what’s the problem. I think C-prompts website kicks ass, although i did notice whilst looking through the site people moaning if the buttons look even remotely similar then they will moan. Or if you use orange and blue together that is it to them that is a down right copy which is just stupid. I mean don’t get me wrong I think your site is by far the best I have seen the layout and graphics is just amazing, I would love to be able to create things like that, but even on Vbulletin.com someone created some grey buttons and everyone moaned that they look like yours, and as he said “how many ways can you make a grey button”.

Anyways back to topic, the buttons look great, I would love a set like that.

03-29-2002, 04:37 AM
I take the no response from c-pr0mpt means he has nothing to say back because everything that guy said was true...... :p

04-09-2002, 01:49 PM
I actually resigned from further participation at yaxay.com because of this.
There are some really good designs there, but the nagging about non-existant rips just got too much.

Sorry C... Too many immature little naggers on your board.

04-10-2002, 04:34 PM
wow, very nice, me likes :)

and yes, you are a nice guy :)

04-10-2002, 06:21 PM
I dont care who made them and where they came from .......
I would like a set in grey or silver

I have made some with psp7 but I am still trying to learn 24 bit
although i may just change them all over to JPG so I can get the lite affect =P

But very nice work...
i ALSO THINK bmp FILES are better
but may take a little longer to load =p

04-10-2002, 08:05 PM
Those are very nice buttons. Is there any way you could post the PSDs?

04-10-2002, 08:12 PM
After reading that stuff about c-pr0mpt, I checked out their rips forum. That's pathetic. Every time a person that was reported and gave a PERFECTLY LEGITIMATE REASON to ripping somehting off, they just said things like, "lol what a n00b. good exuse." (mispellings and lack of caps are there on purpose.)

04-11-2002, 03:51 AM
Originally posted by -pj-
Gotta agree.

c-prompts little board there has turned into a collection of 15 year olds whining about every site on the net having stolen their graphics and kissing c-prompts ass.

c-prompt...you're embarrsing yourself with your constant whing, moaning and complaining. You were told to stuff it by jelsoft, I suggest you make it stick.

People don't like doing business with unprofessionals, and if you continue to perpetuate this immature attitude, no one will bother doing business with you, regardless of how "great" they think your design skills are.


My constant whining? How is the above post thanking someone for noticing something whining? There is more to this button set than what you are all assuming. It really has nothing to do with the above screenshot.

Jelsoft told me to stuff it? News to me.

My business sure is doing good then for an "unprofessional" that is. :)

04-11-2002, 03:51 AM
Originally posted by Kakarot
I take the no response from c-pr0mpt means he has nothing to say back because everything that guy said was true...... :p

Don't come here often.

04-11-2002, 03:55 AM
Originally posted by Kyomu

They aren't the same as your button set. Though the similarity is visible, they are actually markedly different. It does disgust me to see you, and the general population, at Yaxay.com, to use the colloquial term, "anal" about similarities in other people's graphical work. It would behoove you to have respect for other people's work and not resort to such defamation and finger pointing at every chance you receive. I think the buttons are very nice and better than your button set.

I never said they were the same as my buttons.

Why is it yaxay gets so much flack for the rippers forum? Many graphics forums have these (Pixeljunction, Shadowness to name two). Why is it so wrong to put a spotlight on people who steal others work?

04-11-2002, 03:56 AM
Originally posted by Lanigironu
After reading that stuff about c-pr0mpt, I checked out their rips forum. That's pathetic. Every time a person that was reported and gave a PERFECTLY LEGITIMATE REASON to ripping somehting off, they just said things like, "lol what a n00b. good exuse." (mispellings and lack of caps are there on purpose.)

There is no perfectly legitimate reason to steal someones work. Im sorry to see people like you think it is ok.

04-11-2002, 04:02 AM
Originally posted by LilleMartin

Sorry C... Too many immature little naggers on your board.

No offense taken. Im not entirely thrilled with alot of the members either.

tachibana ukyo
04-11-2002, 04:59 AM
Originally posted by c-pr0mpt

No offense taken. Im not entirely thrilled with alot of the members either.

Thats why banning was put in the cp. :p

04-11-2002, 05:12 AM
They aren't doing things "wrong". Just immaturity. Not much to do about that.

Alpha Male
04-11-2002, 08:23 PM
So where can I actually download these free buttons? :D

04-11-2002, 10:01 PM
email the guy :)

04-11-2002, 11:58 PM
He has another version for download on yaxay. Slightly Different.


04-12-2002, 12:21 AM
I fully back C-pr0mpt on this one.
He doesn't nag or whine, only points out the truth, which some people ignore.

04-12-2002, 01:48 AM
Originally posted by c-pr0mpt

There is no perfectly legitimate reason to steal someones work. Im sorry to see people like you think it is ok.

Most plagiarism is is done unintentionally. People might think that a certain design looks cool and apply it in their own way (not copying exactly). Looking at many webpages leaves a sort of an imprint in your mind. You might think that your design is original, but it could be an almost exact copy of another site.

Of course stealing work intentionally is not accepted in any way. But if you refuse to give the person the benefit of the doubt, you are no better than them.

04-12-2002, 02:01 AM
I dont care about copies. People can copy all they want. No laws/rules against copying. Stealing someones work is ripping and means just taking it from their page. This is what is wrong. And when something is ripped from my web site there is no benefit of the doubt to be given. I know I didnt give it out, so its a rip. No permission was given, and no one asked.

Chris M
04-12-2002, 11:29 AM
My email account isnt working right now, so could I ask here?

Could I get a lightish red set of buttons?



tachibana ukyo
04-12-2002, 06:13 PM
Originally posted by c-pr0mpt
They aren't doing things "wrong". Just immaturity. Not much to do about that.

immature leads to annoying, and annoying mems; should be banned. :laugh:

04-13-2002, 05:50 PM
does anyone have these buttons? i think this guy is [better wash my mouth][better wash my mouth][better wash my mouth][better wash my mouth]ing with everyone.

04-16-2002, 08:56 AM
in this day in age on the internet m, it is VERY difficult to claim ANYTHING as yours, and original, there is a VERY good chance what alot of people have done, has alerady been done a million times.

When someone 'copies' your idea, it means it is a good one, and if they alter it, then it is not really copying now is it?, as opposed to something influenced by the creator.

I have done many gfx's, and have then seen others like it on the net a while after, but i do not assume they copied me, as opposed to perhaps had the 'same idea' and were 'influenced' by others.

Simple as that, so anyways, the buttons are good, and i hope to maybe get some :) from whoever will do them, if i can't figure it out.

04-16-2002, 09:31 AM
lol, I'm laughing a bit reading this thread since a lot of folks seem to just think c-pr0mpt is whining and has never been ripped or if he has its just people who took a quick glance at his work and were inspired to create.

I can personally say I have reported sites to corey which contained complete rips of yaxay as well as one site which had a complete styleset of yaxay in a zip file for download as well as the buttons.

Perhaps some folks are easy to pass it off as nothing, but like it or not yaxay is considered one of the best looking vBs by many people (myself included) and its that way because c-pr0mpt spent a lot of time on it. It's a shame to see it just blatently stolen and passed around and even more a shame to see people saying that its just fine to do so.

I'm kinda wandering from the original point of posting this which was to point out a couple things to Mathiau. Though I get the gist of what you are trying to say I have heard that argument a million times before and would like to respectfully disagree. Millions of people have written poems but that doesnt make my work any less original, it should be the same for art. And I would hate to think that some cat could just come along and change boat to sailboat and claim it as theirs.

07-02-2002, 08:34 AM
Originally posted by Bane
Perhaps some folks are easy to pass it off as nothing, but like it or not yaxay is considered one of the best looking vBs by many people (myself included) and its that way because c-pr0mpt spent a lot of time on it. It's a shame to see it just blatently stolen and passed around and even more a shame to see people saying that its just fine to do so.

my thoughts exactly, i dont think there is a vB out there that could come close to the look of yaxay, and ill be damn sure there isnt an admin out there that has worked as long and as hard as corey has on yaxay