03-15-2002, 05:44 AM
visit my site: http://www.macsubculture.com/
notice the right column with calendar and shoutbox. now click my forum link and you will see my style selector pull down menu thing. select my shadowbane style. notice how the html for the calendar and shoutbox are different with that style? now click the portal link. see how the calendar and shoutbox don't match the OS X look of the portal? i have my portal set to keep the OS X look no matter what style the user has selected on the forums. but the templates for the calendar and shoutbox don't match.
can i put anything in my scripts to make the calendar and shoutbox use my OS X template set on the portal page?
notice the right column with calendar and shoutbox. now click my forum link and you will see my style selector pull down menu thing. select my shadowbane style. notice how the html for the calendar and shoutbox are different with that style? now click the portal link. see how the calendar and shoutbox don't match the OS X look of the portal? i have my portal set to keep the OS X look no matter what style the user has selected on the forums. but the templates for the calendar and shoutbox don't match.
can i put anything in my scripts to make the calendar and shoutbox use my OS X template set on the portal page?