View Full Version : Calendar Hack

10-01-2000, 04:56 PM
I have worked up a calendar hack at http://www.hedgehogwheels.com/forums/calendar.php

I am going to add a birthday option to the user profile and have the birthdays (of those who choose to set their birthday) shown on the calendar.

Anyone interested?

and don't ask me to turn it into a full-fledged date planner for your users cause I won't do it!

or maybe I will but I will have to think about the time that would take YUCK

10-01-2000, 05:11 PM
oh my lord... rangersfan you're the best - members love nothing more than to be noticed and loved and what better way then remember their birthdays (if they put a correct date in the first place) :D

i am interested, although i am gonna wait until i move servers before i add hacks again.

10-01-2000, 05:32 PM

The girls on my board would love this! Right now I'm using the Calendar by Matt Kruse (sp?) -- and its being a pain in the a$$ right now -- for no reason...

I need a change of pace....

Please release!!

10-01-2000, 05:34 PM
Wow! great stuff :)

Any chance you might turn it into a fully fledged date planner for our users ?

10-01-2000, 05:35 PM
rockergrrl please send me a link to the calender you are using so I can see what it does.

10-01-2000, 05:49 PM
Hey RangersFan...

The script is programmed in Perl (not PHP), and its located at: http://mkruse.netexpress.net/scripts/calendar/

I haven't been able to get barely any PHP Calendars to work right. I hate having to use phpmyadmin to install tables in mySQL... BAH! hehe

Can you make it easy for lil ol be who doesn't have access to shell?? hehe :)


10-01-2000, 06:09 PM
Thanks rockerrgrl that calendar script gives me lots of ideas to work on. I suppose I will try to turn it into a full calendar with stuff like this:

Show User's Birthdays (user can choose to not display their birthday and user can choose not to see others birthdays when viewing calendar)
Allow users to add events to the calender but they will be the only user who can see them.
Allow Mods/Admins to add events to the calender and they choose if it is a public event (everyone will see it) or just for themself.
Make the current day highlighted on the calendar
Try to make as much of it as possible in templates but templatizing is the LEAST fun part of making hacks.

Any more ideas?

Rockrrgrl it will require a new table in the database along with possibly a new field in the user table for the birthdate.

10-01-2000, 06:14 PM
just wondering if it can be done in a standalone php file(s) like the buddy list ?

10-01-2000, 09:12 PM
It is a stand alone file right now. You would have to modify member.php if you wanted the birthdays as it makes sense to allow the user to set their birthday in the profile, not in the calendar. Hopefully it will be nice enough that John would include it in a future release as it would go further in enhancing the "community" aspect of vBulletin.

10-01-2000, 10:03 PM
I don't want a full scale date planner, but if Moderators and Administrators could add events to the calendar it would be great. Would specially work in with trying to have Scheduled chats on sites with chat installed.

10-01-2000, 10:39 PM
I too am looking forward for this hack!

10-02-2000, 06:41 AM
Originally posted by rangersfan
It is a stand alone file right now. You would have to modify member.php if you wanted the birthdays as it makes sense to allow the user to set their birthday in the profile, not in the calendar. Hopefully it will be nice enough that John would include it in a future release as it would go further in enhancing the "community" aspect of vBulletin. i see, so by modifying member.php it would mean adding a new table to the forum database ?

10-02-2000, 01:46 PM
eva, no, if you look for the birthday hack you will see that it modifies member.php and adds 1 field to the user table.

The calendar hack will require the birthday hack but not vice-versa. The calendar hack won't do any modifying of current files (at least I don't think so!) as that is being handled by the birthday hack. It will require a new table to be added to hold the calendar events (other than birthdays).

10-02-2000, 10:38 PM
The hack looks fantastic. I'm still waiting to install any new hacks until John releases the new version, but this will be very high on my want list.

10-03-2000, 02:33 AM

whenever you're ready with the hack, I'll be here! :)

10-03-2000, 02:55 AM
You guys can have it as it right now. The birthday hack isn't going to change and calendar.php is a stand alone file so it is nothing to use it right now with birthdays. When I get the next version done sometime this week you can just dl the new calendar.php and the upgrade.php that will create the new table to hold the user events.

Just download the birthday hack in this same forum and dl Calendar.txt (http://www.hedgehogwheels.com/hacks/calendar_v.1.txt) and rename it to calendar.php. Make a link to calendar.php and away you go. The templates you need to make are listed at the top of calendar.txt

(if you click the link and see screwy code just view the source and copy/save it to calendar.php)

10-03-2000, 02:59 AM
Love you man!

BTW: did you get my email that I sent you this afternoon??


10-03-2000, 03:12 AM
Yes I did.

10-03-2000, 03:20 AM
Alright...just checking... :)

10-08-2000, 09:58 PM
Hi rangersfan, I know, I am european time, and my weeknd is over....but I can't wait to see the new version...:D

10-25-2000, 08:36 PM
Hows it going with having the option for admin to add public events on the calender?

Is this option still likely to become available?

Great hack by the way



10-25-2000, 08:43 PM
I put it aside as I got bored with it and created the favorites hack instead. I will get back to work on it as it isn't much trouble. Is anyone using the calendar on their forum?

10-25-2000, 08:48 PM
Originally posted by rangersfan
I put it aside as I got bored with it and created the favorites hack instead. I will get back to work on it as it isn't much trouble. Is anyone using the calendar on their forum?

We have it installed on the SitePoint Forums. Works great. I am going to be adding features for Events and Reminders soon so we can use it to promote the Chat Room and Seminars. I plan on using your Birthday Hack as inspiration for this.

10-25-2000, 08:54 PM
I just installed it on mine and it works fine, as I say the only real thing I would like is to have the ability to add things to the calender, such as scheduled chats, competitions big club events etc.



10-25-2000, 09:31 PM
We can see how Wayne comes along on adding the hacks to the hack or I can do it...

10-25-2000, 09:45 PM

I wanted something like this so that my users can post public events on the calendar for chat events, etc.

10-25-2000, 10:04 PM
I will work on this next.

- Admin/Mod can post public or private notices
- Joe Schmoe can post private notices
- Should I add a permission so you can give a normal user who isn't a mod the right to post public notices on the calendar? ( probably )

10-25-2000, 10:12 PM
How come I missed this!

This is absolutely perfect!!!!!

Let me know if there is going to be a new version coming out soon, or if not, I'll use the current one!

10-25-2000, 10:27 PM
Give me a week to get it finished then come after me if I don't produce it.

10-25-2000, 11:56 PM
Giving a normal user permission to post public announcements would be great. But highlight the announcement in some way if it is from a mod or admin to give it some sort of feature or exclusivity.

Thanks Freddie.

10-26-2000, 02:35 AM
Rangersfan, any chance whatsoever you can extend the calendar so individual users can have their own calendars too? (Yes I saw your original post saying you wouldn't) :(

10-26-2000, 04:07 AM
By allowing users to post private events = their own calendar. They only see their events and any posted as public by an admin/mod/person given right to post public events.

10-26-2000, 05:13 AM
Sounds good!

10-27-2000, 08:05 PM
I'm working on it so you can follow it's progress on my forum. I am doing the coding on my live forum so you can see where I am at in the process at any time. Feel free to give me ideas/pointers at any time.


[Edited by rangersfan on 10-27-2000 at 05:18 PM]

10-28-2000, 04:38 AM
2 ideas worth exploring:

1) Event reminders via email.

2) Repeating events (example: per week, per month, per year).

10-29-2000, 12:07 AM
I am very new to VB -- just installed it yesterday, but am having a great time playing with the hacks. I love the calendar -- it's my favorite so far! I personally would love to see a user be able to post an event publicly. In my case, I'll have lots of pregnant women in there, and would like for them to have the ability to post their due dates or baby's birth date.

I suppose a way around this would be for the moderator to post the dates instead, which really wouldn't be a problem.

Would it be possible for certain events to only be posted in a particular forum? The possibilities seem endless!

Great work! Actually, I'm very impressed with everyone here -- which is the main reason I chose to purchase VB as opposed to you-know-who! I'm *loving* it!

10-29-2000, 02:06 AM
I can make a CP option where you can allow anyone to post a public event.

I am also leaning toward waiting until 2.0.0 is released so I can make any needed changes to this then instead of releasing it for 1.1.4 then having to update it for 2.0.0

10-29-2000, 11:19 AM
That would be wonderful! I didn't realize an updated version was coming out -- I must have missed that. Do you know when that is scheduled for? Hmmm, perhaps I should follow everyone's lead and hold off on any more hacks until then.

btw -- it just goes to show that posting to BBs is a very effective means of advertising. I happen to have a houseful of chins, so not only was I checking out Chins and Quills for BB ideas, I spent quite a bit of time reading the posts (too much as a matter of fact!):)

Thanks again!

11-05-2000, 11:42 PM
The hack is nearing completion - just need to put in alot of control panel options setting who can do what and some other minor things like deleting an event.

11-06-2000, 12:06 AM
I'm anxiously awaiting!

11-06-2000, 01:14 AM
Also you can go to my calendar and look at the current day - I have set up a changelog using the calendar and you can see what I have to do and submit ideas.


01-13-2001, 06:01 AM

[Edited by VirtueTech on 01-13-2001 at 03:25 AM]