View Full Version : I have too many queries! (apparently)

Tim Wheatley
03-10-2002, 07:38 AM
Hi, here's how many queries I have:

On my biggest forumdisplay:
Page generated in 0.0892940 (-1,617.22% PHP - 1,717.22% MySQL) seconds with 61 queries.
PHP version 4.1.2 (Debug mode) with GZIP compression library disabled.

On a large thread with an attachment in every post:
Page generated in 0.3617310 (-1,224.86% PHP - 1,324.86% MySQL) seconds with 111 queries.
PHP version 4.1.2 (Debug mode) with GZIP compression library disabled.

The forum mainpage (index):
Page generated in 0.3371010 (-1,501.54% PHP - 1,601.54% MySQL) seconds with 114 queries.
PHP version 4.1.2 (Debug mode) with GZIP compression library disabled.

Where do I start looking to fix this stuff? I am a PHP novice :)

03-10-2002, 07:53 AM
hmm ur the 2nd guy who gets negative signs on my hack... did you follow exacly all the instructions? after all, if you installed wrong the hack, the queries might be displayed wrong also, not only the PHP usage.

make sure you install version 1.3 and clear all your cookies before you download the attachment.


Tim Wheatley
03-10-2002, 07:58 AM
I don't get negative all the time, it's actually quite a coincidence to see that many in a row...

03-10-2002, 07:59 AM
Page generated in 0.3719050 (-1,254.32% PHP - 1,354.32% MySQL) seconds with 43 queries.a page like yours built in 0.3 sec? i doubt it. please review your hack install.

btw, i never get a negative.

Tim Wheatley
03-10-2002, 08:04 AM
lol *realisation of dumbness* I guess you're right :)

03-10-2002, 10:17 AM
Stick &explain= to the end of the URL, then look at the bottom. The REAL number is there. I hope for you it's not too large!

Tim Wheatley
03-16-2002, 01:48 PM
It is, VERY large...

So here's what I'm gonna do (I've done this with my test board and it was 'ok' I guess...

Simply delete manually all the php files - as nothing is stored in them which affects the boards content.

Then install 2.2.4 fresh (minus of course any template or edited php files), then install my old hacks (which I can find in my profile here) one by one, having checked mysql queries after each to see which one is the problem.

I've already backed up my important templates which I'll need to bring back. Everything else is already backed up in the database.

Tim Wheatley
03-18-2002, 05:35 AM
This is going really well. :)

The board FLIES now. :)