View Full Version : Latest Poll on non-vB page?

03-08-2002, 09:17 PM
I'm looking to have the latest poll show up on the front page just like vbportals.com has but without using vbportals :p Here is an example:


I looked at tubedogg's but that lists the subject only, not the actual latest poll where they can vote on the front page. Anyone implemented this outside of vbportal?

03-16-2002, 01:26 PM
I want this as well. Actually, in reading throughout the site, there is a lot of people that want it.

I cant believe no one has done this hack.

03-16-2002, 07:02 PM
i'll look into it :)

03-16-2002, 07:19 PM

how exactly to do this is beyond me

03-16-2002, 07:39 PM
This would be great, I need it too :o

11-26-2002, 05:25 PM
So no one ever figured this on out? its been a few months since the last post so maybe someone has :)

11-26-2002, 10:00 PM
I would be interested in this too. I have been looking for this functionality for a year now. I am not a hacker, though... :(

anyone done it?

11-27-2002, 08:08 AM
Originally posted by Evoir
I would be interested in this too. I have been looking for this functionality for a year now.
Guys don't you think this hack is a little bit pointless? In vb polls only members can cast votes therefore it makes meaningless to display these polls in non-vb pages, especially in site main page.

If you need a poll in your site main page or non-vb page, there is no need to hack vb to display a vb poll there, there are numerous free polling scripts on the internet and you can use any of them, don't you think so?

Here is a good start for you:

12-06-2002, 06:32 PM
Actually, I hadn't thought of the issue of member status. Maybe that's why it hasn't been developed yet. We currently use another polling software on our home page, but I'd like the idea of linking people right into the forums to discuss the poll. Also, I like how easy it is to post a poll in vB.

Isn't it possible to allow anyone (including guests) the ability to vote in a poll?

0Ld G33z3r
01-15-2003, 06:54 AM
Originally posted by Logician

Guys don't you think this hack is a little bit pointless? In vb polls only members can cast votes therefore it makes meaningless to display these polls in non-vb pages, especially in site main page.

If you need a poll in your site main page or non-vb page, there is no need to hack vb to display a vb poll there, there are numerous free polling scripts on the internet and you can use any of them, don't you think so?

Here is a good start for you:

Nah - It would really help - as i have made a site - so when some one loggs on using my main page - it redircts to the main page thus allowing them to vote - and - all you would have to do is enable the bourd so guests can post reaplies etc - and most people would have cookies enabled so they do not have to log on all the time - so it would be a very good idea :)

02-24-2003, 09:25 PM
Has anyone come up with this yet, or does it keep getting shot down by those that don't like the feature?

Example - vbHome Lite - has the ability to put a poll on their maine page. So do others.. so, why not take that same logic to a non-vb page for those of us not interested in using vbhome lite or just want to put a poll somewhere else.

I don't even much care if the voting part is availbale - a link can be provided to the person to go vote if they like. Poll results - something that would catch people's eye as they browse into our main home page... like "hey, whats this poll thing.." - next thing you know, they have signed up in the forums and are voting and posting away... (this wouldn't be the case using a separate poll script unrelated to the forums)

Or even within other pages of a web site it would be cool to have a poll show up if one is available related to the topic in the site...

Anyway, this is my vote for someone to do this. (and not as a separate page like another hack I've seen here)

I'm sure not many are doing new hacks for vb2x but maybe someone finally got one to work?


02-25-2003, 06:49 AM
THis would a very good addon for all the reasons mentioned above. Hope it gets made.

08-22-2003, 06:22 PM
I create a new page called "customPoll.php" which I include on my website homepage. It basically gets which ever poll I want to include on the page. Its not that efficient, in that if I want to display another poll, I have to edit the file to do it...

... but it does the job!!

check out www.yu-gi-oh-online.co.uk to see it in action!!

//get the poll from the DB

$host = 'x';
$username = 'x';
$password = 'x';
$db = 'x';
$conn_type = 'mysql_pconnect';

$connection = mysql_connect( $host, $username, $password ) or die( "Connection Error" );

$query = "SELECT * FROM poll WHERE pollid='2'";
$result = mysql_query($query);
$row = mysql_fetch_array($result);

//split up the options, and the votes
$splitoptions=explode("|||", $row[options]);

//now lets output the poll
<link href="../images/style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">

<table width="250" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" class="links_table">
<td height="30" colspan="2" class="links_top"><div align="center"><strong><font size="2">Current
<td colspan="2" height="35"><?php echo $row['question']; ?></td>
//output each option and number of votes
for ($x=0;$x<=sizeof($splitoptions)-1;$x++)
echo "<TR>";
echo "<TD align='right'><strong>" . $splitoptions[$x] . ": </strong></TD>";

//get the % of votes (used for the bar image)
$size = round($splitvotes[$x] / $row['voters'] * 100);
echo "<TD align='left' width='100'><img src='../images/bar.gif' width='" . $size . "' height='5' alt='Number of Votes: " . $splitvotes[$x] . "'></TD>";
echo "</TR>";

<td height="52" colspan="2"><div align="center"><a href="http://www.yu-gi-oh-online.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?threadid=29">Click
here to place your vote!</a></div></td>

hope people find it useful!

11-13-2003, 10:39 PM
What about getting it to display a link to the results or the Poll Forum (category) to see past polls?

12-08-2003, 05:35 PM
I'm acctually thinking that using some of the pluhNews source plus mfacer's source, I might be able to hack together something that will work... just gotta get my dev box back up..

Darren Lewis
12-18-2003, 08:56 PM
I've done this as part of my API for VB3.

On your non-vb page, you'll place a tag like

<?php vb3api_poll("2"); ?>

This will then pull the latest poll from forum id 2.

I've got a few other tweaks to work on such as allowing you to specify multiple forums to search for polls.

Not planning on releasing this until vb3 is final.

I've got a test page for my API at http://dev.thebookforum.com/test.php

The link may not always be there as that's my dev site.

12-19-2003, 09:30 PM
Definately interested in this aswell. It will help pull members in to register if nothing else ;-)

Ian Cunningham
03-21-2004, 06:59 PM
I've done this as part of my API for VB3.

On your non-vb page, you'll place a tag like

<?php vb3api_poll("2"); ?>

This will then pull the latest poll from forum id 2.

I've got a few other tweaks to work on such as allowing you to specify multiple forums to search for polls.

Not planning on releasing this until vb3 is final.

I've got a test page for my API at http://dev.thebookforum.com/test.php

The link may not always be there as that's my dev site.

Is this now released?