View Full Version : Calendar & Private Event Reminder hack testing

03-07-2002, 10:00 PM
I am not sure if I have posted this in the right forum, if not please let me know and I'll be happy to repost in the appropriate forum.

I have a hack in the form of a cron script that will send birthday, event reminders emails, using birthday and private event reminder template(s).

I need help with people willing to test this stuff on their site. You should be able to setup a cron job and test it.


1. Birthday and Private Event Reminders
2. User can turn off Private Event Reminder
3. Works in any/all time zones
4. Tracks reminders & greetings to ensure that only 1 is sent.
5. Custom Birthday Email Template
6. Custom Private Event Reminder Email Template
7. One email per private event even on same day.
8. Cron driven, cron should be run periodically to catch all
time zones. For example, a person celebrating a birthday
in the US wont be sent a greeting from a vb forum in
Australia until after midnight local US time.
9. Minimal impact to existing code & database, just needs
one field under User Additional Options (created via Admin CP)
and a seperate reminder table in the database.

For details/doc check out this page:




03-08-2002, 09:23 PM
is it you that made the script? let me know.


03-09-2002, 03:00 AM
Thanks for asking.

Yup! Built, and tested 100%, it basically uses Perl DBI/DBD, SMTP and Date modules. Used MySQL query date and time functions.

The EMAIL and BIRTHDAY template files say more than one reminder for a single event, that is not correct, currently ONE and ONLY ONE REMINDER is setup per event. The time of event will depend on when you run your cron job. You should run cron jobs as frequently as every hour to catch all time zones, i.e. then birthday and reminder emails will be generated as early as just after midnight local time zone(s). Say it is your birthday and also a private event on the same day, you will get exactly 2 reminders for it. If you have a birthday and 3 private events, then you will get 4 emails, and so on ...

Please email me with any issues. Have fun sending birthday greetings and those important private event reminders in ALL time zones :supwink: !!