View Full Version : TRICK! Absolute Text Sizes.

03-01-2002, 02:24 PM
Okay, well I had gotten fed up with text sizes always being able to be made bigger or smaller through IE (by going "View > Text Size") so I changed all my <smallfont> and <normalfont> to work with a style allowing me to set what I want the font to be, and the point size of it. UNCHANGABLE! hahahaha, I don't know if anyone is going to use this, but im going to post it anyhow.

Step 1
-Login to your vB control panel

Step 2
-Go Templates > Modify > Expand List

Step 3
-Find the "headerinclude" template and click [edit] then scroll down the template and find </style> just above that tag add this and Save Changes
.f1 {
.f2 {
Step 4
-Go Replacements > Modify > Expand List

Step 5
-Find "<normalfont" and click [edit] replace the "Code to Insert" with this <FONT class=f1 and click Save Changes

Step 6
-Find "<smallfont" and click [edit] replace the "Code to Insert" with this <FONT class=f2 and click Save Changes

Thats it, now play with that code to entered to get the size, and font you like, and done. Hope somepeople find it useful! Sorry if its rushed, I gotta get out the door!


03-02-2002, 07:43 PM
nobody used this? geez...

03-02-2002, 07:56 PM
well its a nice trick, but the resize thing is there for people with bad eyevision so that they can enlarge the font if they think its too small, and since the default on IE is medium then only people who need bigger fonts will use that option and only they will get a worse looking design.

03-27-2002, 10:08 PM
This is actually exactly what I was looking for.

People with vision problems will likely have their screen resolution increased as it is. Plus, they are going to be in the minority. I would much rather be able to control the way my forums look for the majority of my users, without having to worry about differences in browser settings.