View Full Version : [ REQ ] *** The Best Hack *** [ REQ ]

09-29-2000, 10:17 AM
[ REQ ] = [ REQUEST ]

IF $userloggedin = ON Then

$AddTheadButtonInvisiable = False
$AddReplyButtonInvisiable = False
$AddTheadButtonInvisiable = True
$AddReplyButtonInvisiable = True


it's agood idea .. right !?

so the user will not see Add topic image Until he logged in ... :D

09-29-2000, 10:23 AM
i think it is better to encorage people to try and post a new thread. Then they realise they have to register. Otherwise some people will wonder why they can't start a new thread and will just leave.

otherwise change the else to give a new image "You need to register to post first"

09-29-2000, 07:33 PM
if the user is logged in, should the True's and False's be reversed?

09-29-2000, 07:47 PM
yes :)

09-30-2000, 12:38 PM
any programmer can do it ?