View Full Version : Dumb question - Sql commands

02-26-2002, 02:12 PM
I suppose I shouldn't be doing this if I can't even figure out how to do what I'm assuming is the easiest thing in the world for the rest of you ...but,

How do I "run sql commands"? From the mysql prompt? I tried the following example from fastforward's MIME SMTP hack and got something about database not being specified - assuming the vBulletin database. (also found these in the vBpad hack, which I would also like to install, so this isn't hack specific). This is just an example.

"3) Run the following SQL commands:

INSERT INTO setting VALUES (300,11,'Use MIME/HTML','html_use','1','This will send mail as MIME/HTML unsless the user selects otherwise.','yesno',5);"

Is there a different syntax I need to be using? Is there a way to specify the database in the code example above? I think I remember somewhere that you can 'import' these kinds of things directly into the database ...but, of course, I don't know how to do that.

Just need a bit of help to get started ...then the fun begins. Thanks for any help you can provide.

02-26-2002, 03:10 PM
PhpMyAdmin, Tubedogg posted a nice little article how 2 install PhpMyAdmin and how 2 run a query in PhpMyAdmin:

Good luck :up: ;)