View Full Version : NNTP Gateway (Usenet/Newsgroups)

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Cluster One
02-24-2004, 02:07 AM
Well it seems to be getting my login and password, its just not pulling anything from the server.

allan grossman
02-24-2004, 09:31 AM
Well it seems to be getting my login and password, its just not pulling anything from the server.
If it was getting your password you wouldn't be getting the 381 error ;)

Cluster One
02-24-2004, 09:56 PM
Doh, you are correct sir, thank you. Well I have tried pretty much everything and I am about ready to toss in the towel. I've re-installed it twice. It just shows the same screen.

Could it be something in the nntp.sql that didn't go in correctly? or need to be changed?

Cluster One
02-25-2004, 09:23 PM
Okay, i've added my login/pass into the SQL. It shows up there, but somehow the server is just not recieving it.

Its mind boggling.

03-01-2004, 08:23 PM
I have uploaded a newer gateway.php to page 44 to handle multiple attachments.


03-07-2004, 01:41 AM
I have been using this hack for months now, and Love it. I have only used the Email ( POP3) part of the software but resently have been attempting to suck down about 30-40K messages from a news group. I have run into several issues with this, first I time out. This is a manageble issue, I just take the last message # and plug it into the last message # field under edit, and start the process again. The larger issue is the post date. I would have expected that the post date would use the date from the news group. and it looked like it did for the first 2k ( the first pass that timed out ) but not for any of the follow on grabs. Is there something I can do to correct this ? or better yet is there someplace that I can stop the timeout. I've upped the run time in php.ini to 14400 ( 4 hours ) and it still says that there was a 60 second time out, that is just not right as it does run for 15-20 minutes before it times out.

Any Ideas

Kevin B

03-07-2004, 05:35 PM
OK I have not found a solution for this issue, but I believe that the failures are the reason that the date is off. Is there a way to limit the Number of new messages that the program will download in a single session ? It seems like I get around 2000 to 2200 messages each time before the timeout, What I'd like to do is only download 1000 messages and then diconnect, I believe that this will take care of the date issue.


03-07-2004, 07:25 PM
The gateway downloads where the last download left by the message number. You can find the message number for your server in the header. eg.

Xref: freenews.iinet.net.au aus.photo:73361

The 73361 is the message number. Set this number in your database (lastmsg), it will only download the messages higher than this message number.

03-07-2004, 09:00 PM
OK, Here is the solution for regulating the # of messages to download on each pass.

in gateway.php find

// retrieve each message and process
if ($grouptype == 'news'){
$lastmsg = ($group[lastmsg] >= $news->min()) ? $group[lastmsg] : $news->min();
$max = $news->max();
} else {
$lastmsg = 0;
$max = $Count;
for ($current = $lastmsg+1; $current <= $max; $current++){

and replace it with this

// retrieve each message and process
if ($grouptype == 'news'){
$lastmsg = ($group[lastmsg] >= $news->min()) ? $group[lastmsg] : $news->min();
$max = $news->max();
} else {
$lastmsg = 0;
$max = $Count;
// Total to grab at one time
$grab = 500;

if (( $max - $lastmsg ) > $grab ) {
$max = $lastmsg + $grab ;
echo "Downloading messages from ".$lastmsg." to ".$max."<br>";
for ($current = $lastmsg+1; $current <= $max; $current++){

To deal with the Date Stamp issue I have made one change that I plan on removing when I've uploaded all of the back posts from the news groups.

if ($group[lastmsg] == 0){
$date = strtotime($message[date]);
} else {
$date = strtotime($message[date]);
// $date = time();

03-13-2004, 06:55 PM
Im trying to change the email settings used with usenet posts.Right now it adds numbers and letters in between user name and Domain name..Example

KGB.11h4mb@pokerhelper.com KGB.11g8ob@pokerhelper.com StopTheKicking.127uvy@pokerhelper.com

I would like it to be username@pokerhelper.com

03-13-2004, 07:32 PM
This has been coverd somewhere within this very long thread. But here it is in short!

In the Function sendnews

$get_userinfo=$DB_site->query("SELECT signature,usertitle,customtitle FROM user WHERE userid=$newthread[userid] LIMIT 1");

and repalce it with:
$get_userinfo=$DB_site->query("SELECT signature,usertitle,customtitle,email FROM user WHERE userid=$newthread[userid] LIMIT 1");
$signature .= $newthread[username];

and below it put:

$my_email = $userinfo[email];

Then find ( around line 643 )

// post it
if ($grouptype=='news'){
$response = $news->post($cat . unhtmlspecialchars($newthread[title]),$group[newsgroup], "$newthread[username] <$msgid>", $message,"Date: ".date("D, j M Y H:i:s O",$newthread[dateline])."\r\nMessage-ID: <$msgid>\r\nOrganization: $settings[organization]\r\nUser-Agent: $settings[useragent]\r\nX-Newsreader: $settings[useragent]\r\nX-Originating-IP: $newthread[ipaddress]$ref");

and replace it with:

// post it
if ($grouptype=='news'){
$response = $news->post($cat . unhtmlspecialchars($newthread[title]),$group[newsgroup], "$newthread[username] <$my_email>", $message,"Date: ".date("D, j M Y H:i:s O",$newthread[dateline])."\r\nMessage-ID: <$msgid>\r\nOrganization: $settings[organization]\r\nUser-Agent: $settings[useragent]\r\nX-Newsreader: $settings[useragent]\r\nX-Originating-IP: $newthread[ipaddress]$ref");

That will do it I believe.


03-14-2004, 12:55 AM
thanks for the reply but i dont think thats what im looking for..That would use the email they registered with i believe..Its doesnt seem to work with VB3 Gateway either.

I just want to remove the random numbers/letters in the email.

KGB.11h4mb@pokerhelper.com KGB.11g8ob@pokerhelper.com StopTheKicking.127uvy@pokerhelper.com

I would like it to be username@pokerhelper.com

03-14-2004, 01:41 AM

I'm not using VB3 on my production boards, I dnd't relize that that is what you were using. Are you just trying to use a single email address for all posts? Or are you are you trying to just append the username to the @pokerhelper.com as if it were an emal address. Thus not exposing your users email address but not making it look like a made up address?


03-14-2004, 04:15 PM
it already puts the user name there.It wouldnt be a real addy.Just need to figure out how to remove the numbers/letters.

KGB.11g8ob@pokerhelper.com KGB is the user name for this one.It puts the period also.

03-14-2004, 05:03 PM
Ok, Im pretty new to VBForums administration, and Im having a hard time figuring out the instructions:

3. Go into your database and modify the settings in the nntp_settings table. Descriptions are available in there, but currently it's not integrated with the vB admin control panel.

4. Go in and set up your newsgroups in the nntp_groups table.

What does that mean?

03-14-2004, 09:41 PM
Nevermind...GOT IT! Jammin!

03-14-2004, 10:50 PM
Great work on this hack guys! It worked on the first attempt although it does want to download a text file here too. Is there an easy way to stop this behaviour with IE6?

2 other questions:
The imported content isn't searchable yet, is it?
I haven't tried to actually create a post in the newgroup yet so I have no idea if this feature is already in, but is it possible to add a little signature to posts from my board? for example, "this message has been posted through www.mysite.com"?

Edit: another question about a little detail I noticed. I see that the amount of thread views by default equals the amount of posts in one thread. Is there an easy way to put these on 0 by default?

Sorry if any of these questions have been asked, it's a rather long thread ;)

03-14-2004, 11:29 PM
I've been attempting to find a post that may be a solution to a problem that we are experiencing.

It seems that posts from a specific thread in the newsgroup can change their subject and still be threaded correctly, but when they are imported to the forum this is lost and replies to same thread with new subject are exported as new threads for those that are using news reader clients.

Receiving some complaints about this and wondered if there was a fix?

03-15-2004, 12:00 AM
Hmm...I thought I had everything working right, but I seem to have a problem, my posts are not being inserted into the USENET forum.


Any Ideas?

I can post to usenet via my newsclient, but the post I placed in the discussion forum never got uploaded.

03-15-2004, 12:09 AM
I think it has to do with this, maybe:
Email address domain email timelimit.yourserver.com
This domain is used for the msgid of the outgoing post and also for the email address sent to the newsgroups. In the future, I plan to impliment a time limited email address system so replys can go from email to PM.

I have not set that item, what should it be set too and could it be the reason my messages are not getting posted?

03-15-2004, 02:48 AM
Well, I have found a something...it posts the first message to USENET in a thread if I post a thread in my forum, but not subsequent ones.

allan grossman
03-15-2004, 09:43 AM
Great work on this hack guys! It worked on the first attempt although it does want to download a text file here too. Is there an easy way to stop this behaviour with IE6?;)

I'm not sure I understand this. It shouldn't be trying to download anything from here.

2 other questions:
The imported content isn't searchable yet, is it?

It sure is :)

My users don't like searching Usenet forums from a regular forum search, though. The way mine's set up, navbar searches for *new* posts don't include Usenet but regular and advanced searches do.

I haven't tried to actually create a post in the newgroup yet so I have no idea if this feature is already in, but is it possible to add a little signature to posts from my board? for example, "this message has been posted through www.mysite.com"?

It's already in there. Take a look at gateway.php and you'll see the signature routine. Mine are disabled for Usenet but the feature works just fine.

Edit: another question about a little detail I noticed. I see that the amount of thread views by default equals the amount of posts in one thread. Is there an easy way to put these on 0 by default?

Not that I know of - it'd be fairly simple to do with a query, though.

allan grossman
03-15-2004, 09:48 AM
Well, I have found a something...it posts the first message to USENET in a thread if I post a thread in my forum, but not subsequent ones.

jcrash, look at post #351 on page 24 of this thread. There's a version of nntp.php that does verbose output - you should be able to troubleshoot from there. Maybe it'll tell you where the problem is.

03-15-2004, 09:52 AM
I'm not sure I understand this. It shouldn't be trying to download anything from here.
There was already someone with the same problem:

Thanks for the info, it's very useful :) For some reason the content of the posts I imported aren't searchable yet but this may be related to the fact I didn't let it finish the import because of the browser's behavior.

allan grossman
03-15-2004, 09:53 AM
it already puts the user name there.It wouldnt be a real addy.Just need to figure out how to remove the numbers/letters.

KGB.11g8ob@pokerhelper.com KGB is the user name for this one.It puts the period also.

stroke, maybe you could think about this one for a bit before you implement it.

Posting to Usenet with a real email address will dramatically increase the amount of spam your users receive - and maybe your users won't be quite so grateful ;-)

I run my own mail server and the spam problem got bad enough that I finally altered the script to goober up the *domain* name instead of the username.

I have about five regular Usenet posters - and about three months after I installed the gateway the amount of spam my mail server received more than doubled. Spoofing the domain name instead of the username solved that problem.

allan grossman
03-15-2004, 09:58 AM
There was already someone with the same problem:

Thanks for the info, it's very useful :) For some reason the content of the posts I imported aren't searchable yet but this may be related that I didn't let it finish the import because of the browser's behavior.

Ah. I gotcha now :)

I'm not sure whether this is a browser or a webserver problem. The browser clearly knows what to do with php content or the user couldn't read or post here. Maybe gateway.php was uploaded as binary instead of ASCII? I'm just guessing, though :)

Contents of your Usenet forums should be searchable - you can look at my forum if you like. You should be able to search as an unregistered user -


cheers -

03-15-2004, 10:02 AM
I have about five regular Usenet posters - and about three months after I installed the gateway the amount of spam my mail server received more than doubled. Spoofing the domain name instead of the username solved that problem.
Cool info there. I'm still somewhat holding back on testing this gateway thing first before applying it to my live forum. So is this domain spoofing thing is being done by default?

Maybe gateway.php was uploaded as binary instead of ASCII? I'm just guessing, though :)
I uploaded it through SCP. I don't think that there's a problem with the file itself since it is importing, but it tries to make me download the file's output or something.

allan grossman
03-15-2004, 10:33 AM
Cool info there. I'm still somewhat holding back on testing this gateway thing first before applying it to my live forum. So is this domain spoofing thing is being done by default?

No - by default it spoofs the *username* but leaves the domain name intact.

I uploaded it through SCP. I don't think that there's a problem with the file itself since it is importing, but it tries to make me download the result or something.

That's kinda strange. I guess I'd look at browser settings, then.

03-15-2004, 10:39 AM
I assume so too. I'm installing lynx on my box so it won't matter all that much. Sorry for the newbie question but which changes do I have to make to spoof the domain name instead?

allan grossman
03-15-2004, 11:25 AM
I assume so too. I'm installing lynx on my box so it won't matter all that much. Sorry for the newbie question but which changes do I have to make to spoof the domain name instead?
Don't worry about it - the only dumb question is an unasked one ;)

This one I might have to give you when I get home - I can't run phpmyadmin on my work network, but I believe I spoofed the domain name in the database itself.

03-15-2004, 11:30 AM
Perfect, I can't wait. Thank you! :)

edit: hmm, I just completed a full synchronize on my test forum and it again didn't add any words to the Search Index. I had to manually "Rebuild Search Index" to get the forum searchable.

yet another edit: Ah, I just noticed that outgoing email is on timelimit.yourserver.com, so I changed it in something else ;)

03-15-2004, 12:49 PM
I'm testing this in one of the many test newsgroups and noticed some strange behavior. Right now I'm not receiving any of the posts I made with Outlook Express on my forum while Outlook Express does show all the posts I created or replied to via the forum.

I changed the lastmsg to 0, pruned all the posts, reset the counters and started importing but now it only imports 52 of 262 posts. I've tried this with gateway.php from gateway_Mar2.zip and also after making the adjustment listed here:
https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost.php?p=483250&postcount=759 (only applied the "regulating the # of messages to download on each pass" change).

03-15-2004, 01:08 PM
jcrash, look at post #351 on page 24 of this thread. There's a version of nntp.php that does verbose output - you should be able to troubleshoot from there. Maybe it'll tell you where the problem is.

Any chance of getting it to log the output? I have it set to run in the Scheduled Tasks window twice every hour.

The weird thing is that when I post on an existing thread and run the scheduled task manually (via RUN NOW), most post hits the USENET forum just fine.

I'm trying to figure it out, but without a log of the error when it occurs, it is hard.

I'll check out the verbose output, thanks.

allan grossman
03-15-2004, 01:19 PM
Any chance of getting it to log the output? I have it set to run in the Scheduled Tasks window twice every hour.

The weird thing is that when I post on an existing thread and run the scheduled task manually (via RUN NOW), most post hits the USENET forum just fine.

I'm trying to figure it out, but without a log of the error when it occurs, it is hard.

I'll check out the verbose output, thanks.
I run it as a crontab every ten minutes and redirect the output to a text file - it logs just fine, but I don't know how you'd do it using vB's scheduled task interface.

03-15-2004, 02:06 PM
I run it as a crontab every ten minutes and redirect the output to a text file - it logs just fine, but I don't know how you'd do it using vB's scheduled task interface.

I point the scheduled task to the filename...perhaps this is the problem.

It seems like it should work though.

I use this as the filename: ./includes/cron/gateway.php

And, I just place my gateway.php in that folder.

It does seem to be related to me running it manually or not. Maybe I'll see if I can get my host to run it as a cron tab.


allan grossman
03-15-2004, 02:49 PM
I point the scheduled task to the filename...perhaps this is the problem.

It seems like it should work though.

I use this as the filename: ./includes/cron/gateway.php

And, I just place my gateway.php in that folder.

It does seem to be related to me running it manually or not. Maybe I'll see if I can get my host to run it as a cron tab.

It'll work as a scheduled task but there's no way I can think of to redirect the output to a log file using vB - at least I don't think there is.

The way I do it is0 * * * * /usr/bin/lynx -source "http://ebassist.com/vb3/gateway.php" > /var/log/cron.usenet
10 * * * * /usr/bin/lynx -source "http://ebassist.com/vb3/gateway.php" >> /var/log/cron.usenet
20 * * * * /usr/bin/lynx -source "http://ebassist.com/vb3/gateway.php" >> /var/log/cron.usenet
30 * * * * /usr/bin/lynx -source "http://ebassist.com/vb3/gateway.php" >> /var/log/cron.usenet
40 * * * * /usr/bin/lynx -source "http://ebassist.com/vb3/gateway.php" >> /var/log/cron.usenet
50 * * * * /usr/bin/lynx -source "http://ebassist.com/vb3/gateway.php" >> /var/log/cron.usenetThe single angle bracket in the first instance overwrites the old file and the double brackets just append data to the existing file - so my log is overwritten every hour. If you want to keep more log than that you could set a daily, weekly or monthly cron job to overwrite the log instead of doing it once every hour.

Some hosts will let you set up your own cron jobs - it might be worth a look ;)

03-15-2004, 03:25 PM
What am I doing wrong? I put the counter on 0, pruned every post, and only get 7 threads/10 posts.

1 group(s) gatewayed.
Logging in to xxxxx, group alt.test.a
Getting message number 49524: forum post
Getting message number 49525: forum post
Getting message number 49526: New thread; 'test today' from Aard Vaark
Getting message number 49527: New thread; 'test' from Mike (remove XX's to reply)
Getting message number 49528: New thread; 'test' from Mike (remove XX's to reply)
Getting message number 49529: forum post
Getting message number 49530: forum post
Getting message number 49531: forum post
Getting message number 49532: forum post
Getting message number 49533: forum post
Getting message number 49534: forum post
Getting message number 49535: forum post
Getting message number 49536: forum post
Getting message number 49537: forum post
Getting message number 49538: forum post
Getting message number 49539: forum post
Getting message number 49540: forum post
Getting message number 49541: forum post
Getting message number 49542: forum post
Getting message number 49543: forum post
Getting message number 49544: forum post
Getting message number 49545: forum post
Getting message number 49546: forum post
Getting message number 49547: forum post
Getting message number 49548: forum post
Getting message number 49549: forum post
Getting message number 49550: forum post
Getting message number 49551: forum post
Getting message number 49552: forum post
Getting message number 49553: forum post
Getting message number 49554: forum post
Getting message number 49555: forum post
Getting message number 49556: forum post
Getting message number 49557: forum post
Getting message number 49558: forum post
Getting message number 49559: forum post
Getting message number 49560: forum post
Getting message number 49561: forum post
Getting message number 49562: forum post
Getting message number 49563: forum post
Getting message number 49564: forum post
Getting message number 49565: forum post
Getting message number 49566: forum post
Getting message number 49567: forum post
Getting message number 49568: forum post
Getting message number 49569: forum post
Getting message number 49570: forum post
Getting message number 49571: forum post
Getting message number 49572: forum post
Getting message number 49573: forum post
Getting message number 49574: forum post
Getting message number 49575: forum post
Getting message number 49576: forum post
Getting message number 49577: forum post
Getting message number 49578: forum post
Getting message number 49579: forum post
Getting message number 49580: forum post
Getting message number 49581: forum post
Getting message number 49582: forum post
Getting message number 49583: forum post
Getting message number 49584: forum post
Getting message number 49585: forum post
Getting message number 49586: forum post
Getting message number 49587: forum post
Getting message number 49588: forum post
Getting message number 49589: forum post
Getting message number 49590: forum post
Getting message number 49591: forum post
Getting message number 49592: forum post
Getting message number 49593: forum post
Getting message number 49594: forum post
Getting message number 49595: forum post
Getting message number 49596: forum post
Getting message number 49597: forum post
Getting message number 49598: forum post
Getting message number 49599: forum post
Getting message number 49600: forum post
Getting message number 49601: forum post
Getting message number 49602: forum post
Getting message number 49603: forum post
Getting message number 49604: forum post
Getting message number 49605: forum post
Getting message number 49606: forum post
Getting message number 49607: forum post
Getting message number 49608: forum post
Getting message number 49609: forum post
Getting message number 49610: forum post
Getting message number 49611: forum post
Getting message number 49612: forum post
Getting message number 49613: forum post
Getting message number 49614: forum post
Getting message number 49615: forum post
Getting message number 49616: forum post
Getting message number 49617: forum post
Getting message number 49618: forum post
Getting message number 49619: forum post
Getting message number 49620: forum post
Getting message number 49621: forum post
Getting message number 49622: forum post
Getting message number 49623: New thread; '446' from Jeff Spicoli
Getting message number 49624: New thread; '449' from Jeff Spicoli
Getting message number 49625: New thread; 'testing the post' from Bird fan
Getting message number 49626: Thread found; 'Re: testing the post' from Bird fan
Getting message number 49627: Thread found; 'Re: testing the post' from Bird fan
Getting message number 49628: Thread found; 'Re: testing the post' from Bird fan
Getting message number 49629: New thread; 'tetiee' from Bird fan
Getting message number 49630: forum post
Getting message number 49631: forum post
Getting message number 49632: forum post
Getting message number 49633: forum post
Getting message number 49634: forum post
Getting message number 49635: forum post
Getting message number 49636: forum post
Getting message number 49637: forum post
Getting message number 49638: forum post
Getting message number 49639: forum post
Getting message number 49640: forum post
Getting message number 49641: forum post
Getting message number 49642: forum post
Getting message number 49643: forum post
Getting message number 49644: forum post
Getting message number 49645: forum post
Getting message number 49646: forum post
Getting message number 49647: forum post
Getting message number 49648: forum post
Getting message number 49649: forum post
Getting message number 49650: forum post
Getting message number 49651: forum post
Getting message number 49652: forum post
Getting message number 49653: forum post

03-15-2004, 03:47 PM
Hey, I just logged into my Control Panel at my host (f5hosting) and noticed I have access to make my own cron tab.

Evidently, it emails me the results.

Do I need to change this line of code to make sure it has the content Im looking for?

if ($log != 'cron'){
echo $message;

allan grossman
03-15-2004, 04:09 PM
Hey, I just logged into my Control Panel at my host (f5hosting) and noticed I have access to make my own cron tab.

Evidently, it emails me the results.

Do I need to change this line of code to make sure it has the content Im looking for?

if ($log != 'cron'){
echo $message;

I dunno, jcrash. I didn't change mine :)

allan grossman
03-15-2004, 04:11 PM
What am I doing wrong? I put the counter on 0, pruned every post, and only get 7 threads/10 posts.

The 'forum post' thingies are telling you the post is already in the forum database.

Set the counter to zero and prune *all* posts out of the forum. If you're already running the script as a cron job, disable the cron until you've got the forum populated.

03-15-2004, 04:51 PM
The 'forum post' thingies are telling you the post is already in the forum database.

Set the counter to zero and prune *all* posts out of the forum. If you're already running the script as a cron job, disable the cron until you've got the forum populated.
I've pruned every post and put lastmsg on 0. I've updated every counter to make sure that the forum is indeed empty and yet with a new import it always gives this "Getting message number *: forum post" message.

edit: i'm using the original files and gateway.php from gateway_Mar2.zip

03-15-2004, 08:17 PM
I assume nobody else has this problem? Sadly enough I can't seem to get this hack to work after I pruned the forum once.

allan grossman
03-15-2004, 09:02 PM
Perfect, I can't wait. Thank you! :)

edit: hmm, I just completed a full synchronize on my test forum and it again didn't add any words to the Search Index. I had to manually "Rebuild Search Index" to get the forum searchable.

yet another edit: Ah, I just noticed that outgoing email is on timelimit.yourserver.com, so I changed it in something else ;)
Ogmuk, I spoofed the domain name in the nntp_settings table in the database. You'll see where it goes.

On the other thing, maybe creating a new forum is the thing to do. Something is still linking posts to Usenet articles.

03-15-2004, 10:50 PM
I have tried putting it in a new forum but with the same result :/ It probably only will matter when I pick a different newsgroup but when this happens to my live forum I'd like to be able to fix this problem too. But I'll test this later.

Hmm, I never imported anything from this newsgroup and it does the same (only imports 20 of 89 posts):
Logging in to xxxx.xxxxx.xx, group alt.test.test
Getting message number 122508: forum post
Getting message number 122509: forum post
Getting message number 122510: forum post
Getting message number 122511: forum post
Getting message number 122512: forum post
Getting message number 122513: forum post
Getting message number 122514: forum post
Getting message number 122515: forum post
Getting message number 122516: forum post
Getting message number 122517: forum post
Getting message number 122518: forum post
Getting message number 122519: forum post
Getting message number 122520: forum post
Getting message number 122521: forum post
Getting message number 122522: New thread; 'test' from test
Getting message number 122523: New thread; 'test' from test
Getting message number 122524: forum post
Getting message number 122525: forum post
Getting message number 122526: forum post
Getting message number 122527: forum post
Getting message number 122528: forum post
Getting message number 122529: forum post
Getting message number 122530: forum post
Getting message number 122531: forum post
Getting message number 122532: forum post
Getting message number 122533: forum post
Getting message number 122534: forum post
Getting message number 122535: forum post
Getting message number 122536: forum post
Getting message number 122537: New thread; 'test' from JD
Getting message number 122538: New thread; 'just testing' from beth omernik
Getting message number 122539: New thread; 'how about now?' from zelda b.
Getting message number 122540: forum post
Getting message number 122541: forum post
Getting message number 122542: forum post
Getting message number 122543: forum post
Getting message number 122544: forum post
Getting message number 122545: forum post
Getting message number 122546: New thread; 'test' from pryapuss
Getting message number 122547: forum post
Getting message number 122548: New thread; 'you guessed it' from rinse
Getting message number 122549: forum post
Getting message number 122550: forum post
Getting message number 122551: New thread; 'not a test?' from rabit
Getting message number 122552: forum post
Getting message number 122553: New thread; 'test' from Vladimir Prus
Getting message number 122554: forum post
Getting message number 122555: forum post
Getting message number 122556: New thread; 'a test' from Harry Poster
Getting message number 122557: forum post
Getting message number 122558: New thread; 'test a test b test c' from rabit
Getting message number 122559: New thread; 'testing Unison' from Karim Kabbabe
Getting message number 122560: forum post
Getting message number 122561: New thread; 'test' from Your name
Getting message number 122562: New thread; 'test' from john doe
Getting message number 122563: New thread; 'test' from testing
Getting message number 122564: New thread; 'peter his test' from Peter Dedrie
Getting message number 122565: forum post
Getting message number 122566: New thread; 'test ignore 1812' from Geno Z Heinlein
Getting message number 122567: forum post
Getting message number 122568: forum post
Getting message number 122569: forum post
Getting message number 122570: New thread; 'test 1839' from Geno Z Heinlein
Getting message number 122571: forum post
Getting message number 122572: forum post
Getting message number 122573: New thread; 'test5' from dybb
Getting message number 122574: forum post
Getting message number 122575: forum post
Getting message number 122576: forum post
Getting message number 122577: forum post
Getting message number 122578: forum post
Getting message number 122579: forum post
Getting message number 122580: forum post
Getting message number 122581: forum post
Getting message number 122582: forum post
Getting message number 122583: New thread; 'Test check' from Benedikt Plitt
Getting message number 122584: forum post
Getting message number 122585: forum post
Getting message number 122586: forum post
Getting message number 122587: forum post
Getting message number 122588: forum post
Getting message number 122589: forum post
Getting message number 122590: forum post
Getting message number 122591: forum post
Getting message number 122592: forum post
Getting message number 122593: forum post
Getting message number 122594: forum post
Getting message number 122595: forum post
Getting message number 122596: forum post
[root@localhost root]#

03-15-2004, 11:20 PM
Are you running the March 2 gateway.php version too, Allan? And did you made any changes to the file?

03-16-2004, 10:04 AM
Ogmuk, I spoofed the domain name in the nntp_settings table in the database. You'll see where it goes.
Wouldn't you still get the spam as a result of your domain name in the signature of the posts?

I've again tried various things in attempt to fix my problem. The only thing I haven't tested yet is importing the posts on an entirely new test board.

allan grossman
03-16-2004, 11:37 AM
Wouldn't you still get the spam as a result of your domain name in the signature of the posts?

I've again tried various things in attempt to fix my problem. The only thing I haven't tested yet is importing the posts on an entirely new test board.
I've commented out the signature routine in gateway.php :D

On the other problem - I'm afraid I'm clueless, Ogmuk. I'm sorry I don't know more, but maybe lierduh or someone else will pop in and lend a hand.

Good luck!

allan grossman
03-16-2004, 11:40 AM
Are you running the March 2 gateway.php version too, Allan? And did you made any changes to the file?
No - I'm still running the Feb 12 version. I don't allow attachments in the Usenet forums because they're text-only newsgroups, so the added features don't do amything for me. Besides - the one I have is working ;)

03-16-2004, 12:27 PM
Cool. Could you upload that older version since I can't download it from lierduh's post anymore?

allan grossman
03-16-2004, 12:36 PM
Cool. Could you upload that older version since I can't download it from lierduh's post anymore?

Be happy to.

Remember the signature routines in this one have been altered and then commented out. You might want to replace them with the current routines.

03-16-2004, 01:27 PM
Thanks. I tried it with that file but the same result. Actually the output is even weirder (small part of the output):
Getting message number 49633: forum post
Getting message number 49634: forum post
Getting message number 49635: forum post
Getting message number 49636: Getting message number 49637: forum post
Getting message number 49638: forum post
Getting message number 49639: forum post
Getting message number 49640: Getting message number 49641: Getting message number 49642: forum post
Getting message number 49643: Getting message number 49644: Getting message number 49645: Getting message number 49646: Getting message number 49647: Getting message number 49648: Getting message number 49649: Getting message number 49650: Getting message number 49651: Getting message number 49652: Getting message number 49653: Getting message number 49654: Getting message number 49655: forum post
Getting message number 49656: forum post
Getting message number 49657: forum post
Getting message number 49658: forum post
Getting message number 49659: forum post
Getting message number 49660: forum post
Getting message number 49661: forum post
Getting message number 49662: forum post
To what else could this be related? Dated PHP/MySQL?

allan grossman
03-16-2004, 02:32 PM
Thanks. I tried it with that file but the same result. Actually the output is even weirder (small part of the output):

To what else could this be related? Dated PHP/MySQL?
I have no idea :(

I know I'm not a lot of help here - but the thing should work. I don't know why it doesn't.

03-16-2004, 03:39 PM
I have no idea :(

I know I'm not a lot of help here - but the thing should work. I don't know why it doesn't.
No problem ;) I hope others still read this thread.

03-16-2004, 10:30 PM
Looking back my guess is that emptying the fields useragent and organization caused this odd behavior, that or it just can't handle a full forum prune. I completely emptied the database of my test board and reinstalled. Its working like it should so I won't change those two fields anymore. :)

Only one problem that I still have, it won't add the imported messages to the search index. It will only add the messages that were posted via the forum to the search index. Is there anything specific I have to do to enable this? ;)

edit: I've just tried searching on your forum Allan but I can't search on any words from the Guest users. I assume that this feature isn't available yet so I'll just create the gateway on my live forum without a search option for now.

allan grossman
03-16-2004, 11:14 PM
Looking back my guess is that emptying the fields useragent and organization caused this odd behavior, that or it just can't handle a full forum prune. I completely emptied the database of my test board and reinstalled. Its working like it should so I won't change those two fields anymore. :)

Only one problem that I still have, it won't add the imported messages to the search index. It will only add the messages that were posted via the forum to the search index. Is there anything specific I have to do to enable this? ;)

edit: I've just tried searching on your forum Allan but I can't search on any words from the Guest users. I assume that this feature isn't available yet so I'll just create the gateway on my live forum without a search option for now.
I didn't know you couldn't search on guest users. I'm gonna quit indexing the Usenet forums :D

Can you search on guests from within the forum itself?

allan grossman
03-16-2004, 11:16 PM
I didn't know you couldn't search on guest users. I'm gonna quit indexing the Usenet forums :D

Can you search on guests from within the forum itself?
If you rebuild the search index it'll work, I think.

Head back to my forum and search on the keyword "bassist". You'll see all kindsa Usenet hits.

03-16-2004, 11:25 PM
If you rebuild the search index it'll work, I think.
Yup, I think I mentioned that earlier too. Only if you update it manually it will work ;) I was hoping that it would be done automatically.

Another thing I noticed with some quick tests. For example when people use 5 spaces, is there a way to get the 5 spaces to show on your forum too? Some ASCII signatures will not be displayed correctly on your forum is one reason that it would be handy ;)

edit: and a bug I noticed if you edit some of the posts to view their content. This is one piece from a message:

> test test test test test test test test test test test test test test
> test test test test test test test test test test test test test test
> test test test test test test test test test test test test
> > test test test test test test test test test
> > test test test test test test test test test
> > > test test test test test test test test test test test test test
test test
> > > test test test test test test test test test test test test
> > > test test test test test test test test test test test test test
test test[color=blue][color=green][color=darkred]
> > > test test test test test test test test test


I'm referring to the large amount of useless repeating COLOR vbcode if it wasn't obvious


It adds to the database's size when importing hundreds of messages a day ;)

03-17-2004, 09:49 PM
Another thing. How difficult is it to make gateway.php, once it is loaded, convert the posts that were send via the forum into how they will be shown to the rest of the newsgroup, with 72 characters per line, signature, etc?

allan grossman
03-17-2004, 11:30 PM
Another thing. How difficult is it to make gateway.php, once it is loaded, convert the posts that were send via the forum into how they will be shown to the rest of the newsgroup, with 72 characters per line, signature, etc?
Each quoted post will be a different color. Nested quotes, nested colors :)

I don't think you can hack a 72-character display without doing some major alterations on vBulletin files, Ogmuk - the gateway picks up the post *after* it's been posted to the forum. You'd have to hack both newthread.php and newreply.php - and both would be systemwide changes.

03-17-2004, 11:44 PM
I meant it in a way that it would edit the original post and replace it with a 'paste' of the 'echo' (if that makes any sense), so that you can see how it looks without using a newsreader. I think it would only need to remember the latest posts which were uploaded so it can download these with the next synchronization and replace the originals (preferably without turning them into unregistered users. so it would need to only replace the post's content).

No idea if such a thing is possible though or how much work it would be to change this :)

allan grossman
03-18-2004, 08:13 AM
It'd be a lot of work. You're talking about changing core functions in the script ;)

03-18-2004, 12:51 PM
Yeah, it probably is. :/

Another thing that made me curious. How do you quote quotes? I tried:
But the result is this:

> > > > text here
> > more text here> >

While I was hoping to get this:

> > text here
> > more text here

allan grossman
03-18-2004, 01:26 PM
Yeah, it probably is. :/

Another thing that made me curious. How do you quote quotes? I tried:

But the result is this:

> > > > text here
> > more text here> >

While I was hoping to get this:

> > text here
> > more text here
When you see nested quotes it's because some folks who post to Usenet are lazy. Rather than cleaning up the quoted text they just hit the 'reply' button and each post that quotes another adds another level of nesting to the mess.

It's one of the pitfalls of Usenet - but I see it on vB forums where people can't be bothered to clean up after themselves and only quote relevant text.

I'm not sure how you'd set the script to ignore nested quotes. I wish I was a programmer, but all I am is a geek :(

03-18-2004, 03:19 PM
I don't want it to ignore nested quotes, I'd rather have it quote the quote (quote twice) like the example I mentioned since that would come useful but now it behaves very odd to these nested quotes.

allan grossman
03-18-2004, 03:48 PM
I don't want it to ignore nested quotes, I'd rather have it quote the quote (quote twice) like the example I mentioned since that would come useful but now it behaves very odd to these nested quotes.
I guess you could try hacking the routine yourself - as long as you're not working on the only copy of gateway.php you have you should be reasonably safe :D

03-18-2004, 05:21 PM
So no one knows about the changed subject threading bug?

03-18-2004, 05:27 PM
If you disable the edit ability for users in this forum I don't think it can occur, can it?

03-18-2004, 11:34 PM
No, but people can change the subject line using a news reader; the thread in the newsreaders maintains continuity, but the post with the altered subject creates a new thread.

03-21-2004, 12:42 AM
/me wonders when this will be officially available for vB3 Gold

03-21-2004, 11:17 PM
Any idea why my USENT messages wouldn't be returned very frequently from searches? It seems like only threads that I post on via my forum return in the search window.

03-21-2004, 11:22 PM
Any idea why my USENT messages wouldn't be returned very frequently from searches? It seems like only threads that I post on via my forum return in the search window.
It seems that imported posts from Usenet aren't automatically added to the search index, although some of us would like to see that differently ;)

03-22-2004, 12:11 AM
I'd like to see a working example of this on 3.0.0 Gold if someone has it... I think it would add a ton of functionality to my board, but I'd like to see some implementation first. :)


03-22-2004, 05:46 AM
So no one knows about the changed subject threading bug?

I remember noting that. Before inserting, gateway.php searches for the same subject. It really should insert the post by looking up the reference field.

The original gateway.php does not have reference field, hence it was implemented this way.

One of the TO DO, ie. if no official release comes out soon.:)

Another thing on the TO DO list is the text wrapping for quoted text. Quoted text is wrapped unnecessary at the moment. "> >"s are added to quoted text pushing the line beyond the 72 characters.

03-22-2004, 05:54 AM
For people who have problems importing or herhaps search index building, please check your web server's error log. There might be clues in there.

One important setting in php.ini you need to change for vB3 is:

memory_limit = 16M ; Maximum amount of memory a script may consume

The default memory_limit is 8MB. vB3 will cripple with only 8MB, but only for large queries.

allan grossman
03-22-2004, 11:01 AM
I'd like to see a working example of this on 3.0.0 Gold if someone has it... I think it would add a ton of functionality to my board, but I'd like to see some implementation first. :)


I've had it running for awhile - I'm gatewaying four newsgroups. Works fine under vB3 Gold.


03-22-2004, 04:32 PM
/me waits patiently for an official usenet gateway release for VB3 Gold

03-22-2004, 07:52 PM
For people who have problems importing or herhaps search index building, please check your web server's error log. There might be clues in there.

One important setting in php.ini you need to change for vB3 is:

memory_limit = 16M ; Maximum amount of memory a script may consume

The default memory_limit is 8MB. vB3 will cripple with only 8MB, but only for large queries.

Well, #1, I dont have access to that file, I think...it would be controlled by my host, right?

Secondly, I'm not sure what you mean by search index building. That all happens automatically, right? You can go to my site here (http://www.pokerplayerforums.com/) and search on the word "party" it is in a TON of the usenet posts and you won't get one hit.

03-22-2004, 07:58 PM
search index building has to be done manually through the control panel as far as i know

03-22-2004, 09:04 PM
search index building has to be done manually through the control panel as far as i know

No, I have a routine to do that in the script after the post is imported.

Around line 364, I have:


If the script has an error when building the search index, then the search index won't get built. Also if the "similar thread" function is turned on. It uses the fetch_similar_threads function. This function takes a lot of memory in vB3. If you have only 8MB, then that could well be your problem.

Have you checked your error log? what is your memeory_limit setting?

03-22-2004, 09:09 PM
Well, #1, I dont have access to that file, I think...it would be controlled by my host, right?

Secondly, I'm not sure what you mean by search index building. That all happens automatically, right? You can go to my site here (http://www.pokerplayerforums.com/) and search on the word "party" it is in a TON of the usenet posts and you won't get one hit.

Yes, your host will control the php.ini file. However, the chances are you can use .htaccess in your forums' directory and increase your memory_limit through an entry of: php_flag

If unclear, google .htaccess and php_flag.

Again, have you checked your error log?

allan grossman
03-22-2004, 09:49 PM
Woohoo! lierduh's back!

Good to see you, my man!

03-23-2004, 02:14 AM
OK, I have read this thread but based on the number to messages in the thread and the updates/re-updates I'm not too clear on whether there is a VB3 Usenet hack or not. The way people are talking here it sounds like there isn't but the following sites have a VB3 usenet hack (from google search "VBulleton 3.0" AND "usenet"


I'm a newbie so if someone could
1. clean up a lot of the past posting and give an update about a VB3 usenet hack
2. give a download link to the updated file
3. instructions for newbies

i would appreciate it

03-23-2004, 02:57 AM
Download the hacked gateway.php for vB3 from page 44. Or following the link in the very first post.

03-23-2004, 08:01 AM
I've got it working on vB3 Gold at http://www.myispforum.com/ if anyone is looking for an example... I have two newsgroups currently running:

alt.internet.access (http://www.myispforum.com/forumdisplay.php?f=44)
alt.comp (http://www.myispforum.com/forumdisplay.php?f=45)

I replied to one newsgroup post, but I'm not sure if that part is working yet, and I have yet to see any new posts come in, but I love the way it looks... Great way to syndicate lots of data for the search engines. :)

03-23-2004, 12:34 PM
/me waits from an official nntp gateway usenet release within the VB3 Code modification forum

03-23-2004, 01:12 PM
No, I have a routine to do that in the script after the post is imported.

Around line 364, I have:


If the script has an error when building the search index, then the search index won't get built. Also if the "similar thread" function is turned on. It uses the fetch_similar_threads function. This function takes a lot of memory in vB3. If you have only 8MB, then that could well be your problem.

Have you checked your error log? what is your memeory_limit setting?

There are no errors in my error log that would pertain to memory etc. A couple missing file errors (nothing php related).

How do I check memory limit?

03-23-2004, 01:17 PM
There are no errors in my error log that would pertain to memory etc. A couple missing file errors (nothing php related).
Same here.
max_execution_time = 30 ; Maximum execution time of each script, in seconds
memory_limit = 16M ; Maximum amount of memory a script may consume (8MB)

03-23-2004, 02:28 PM
/me wishes this could work with the vb3 dbprefix

03-23-2004, 02:55 PM
* Bro_Joey_Gowdy wishes this could work with the vb3 dbprefix
?? have you read the thread, or the last post I made? I have it working on vB3 gold, and it seems that others do to.


03-23-2004, 04:51 PM
I can't seem to get a post made in the forum update to the newsgroup... the post works on the site, but it seems to never have been sent back to the NNTP server...

Any Ideas?

03-23-2004, 08:03 PM
I can't seem to get a post made in the forum update to the newsgroup... the post works on the site, but it seems to never have been sent back to the NNTP server...

Any Ideas?

What is on your screen if you run it manually. If you use IE and it tries to download instead of displaying it on the screen. Please fix the Windows registry following the instruction here:


03-23-2004, 08:45 PM
When I run the script, this is the output... it's getting threads, but I haven't seen any sent.

4 group(s) gatewayed.
Logging in to ***.******.com, group alt.internet.access
Logging in to ***.******.com, group alt.comp
Logging in to ***.******.com, group alt.comp.hardware
Getting message number 240543: Thread found; 'Re: New Hard Drive...best way to transfer info ???' from ~misfit~
Getting message number 240545: Thread found; 'Re: New Hard Drive...best way to transfer info ???' from Shep?
Getting message number 240546: Thread found; 'Re: Setting CPU Speed (Asus A7V133)' from ~misfit~
Getting message number 240547: Thread found; 'Re: Beware of Directron.com' from J. Codling
Getting message number 240548: Thread found; 'Re: Loud fan follow-up' from Greg Logging in to free.teranews.com, group alt.windows-xp
Getting message number 43365: New thread; 'Software restriction policy' from brenden
Getting message number 43366: Thread found; 'Re: XP firewall' from Tom McCune

I've logged into the groups online, but my post isn't showing up in the group, and there have been other posts since mine that posted to the newsgroup.

I am working on the gateway.php file, and have set it up in the admincp as a Scheduled Task.... only downside is it either has to run every minute (way too much) or every hour (maybe a little slow to update) I was having a hell of a time with the cron job working properly on my server.

03-23-2004, 09:50 PM
When I run the script, this is the output... it's getting threads, but I haven't seen any sent.

I've logged into the groups online, but my post isn't showing up in the group, and there have been other posts since mine that posted to the newsgroup.

I am working on the gateway.php file, and have set it up in the admincp as a Scheduled Task.... only downside is it either has to run every minute (way too much) or every hour (maybe a little slow to update) I was having a hell of a time with the cron job working properly on my server.

Not sure how to use the schedule in Admin control panel. I use Linux cron. What is your entry in your /var/spool/cron/ ?

Check the post your member made for usenet in the database to see if "isusenetpost =1", if it is "1", that means the post has been successfully sent to usenet.

03-23-2004, 09:57 PM
Well, it shows then that is has been sent... I just haven't seen it posted...

I'll have to set up a newsreader tonight, and try it out.

03-23-2004, 11:38 PM
It says it is being posted:

Posting Message from himerus: 240 - Article posted

However, I've made several posts, and can locate none of them from other newsgroup sources.

03-24-2004, 02:51 AM
I've got it working on vB3 Gold at http://www.myispforum.com/ if anyone is looking for an example... I have two newsgroups currently running:

alt.internet.access (http://www.myispforum.com/forumdisplay.php?f=44)
alt.comp (http://www.myispforum.com/forumdisplay.php?f=45)

I replied to one newsgroup post, but I'm not sure if that part is working yet, and I have yet to see any new posts come in, but I love the way it looks... Great way to syndicate lots of data for the search engines. :)

I just want to point out I went to his site and found a usenet ppost, then searched on a word from its title...NO MATCHES

The search portion of this hack is broken, please log it as a bug. :ermm:

03-24-2004, 02:57 AM
You are right...

The similar threads are being updated properly, because if you browse the newsgroup posts, the similar threads show up, but sure enough, the search index isn't being updated properly, even though the function (build_post_index($postid,$foruminfo);) is being called in gateway.php

Also, the update is not working for me at all... I have tested it on several posts, and they are not being sent back to the newsgroup. (see prior posts)

I love the functionality, and would like to see the original author come back around with a new version for vB 3 Gold...

I'm fine with any PHP, but I'm not sure about the interaction with the NNTP server, and how all that works well enough to really re-write this...

I would also enjoy seeing a control panel section for this hack... with lots of options! ;)

03-24-2004, 08:31 PM
So no one knows about the changed subject threading bug?

It's not a bug, it was programmed that way. Since vb 2 is not a threaded forum, it doesn't make it that easy to use a changed subject from the newsgroup as it's hard to know what post a reply is to when done on the forums. So, the script assumes that if the subject is change significantly, that the discussion in the thread has drifted off and warrents a new thread in the forums. It also makes the posts from the forum appear as a reply to the correct post.

03-24-2004, 08:35 PM
I do still plan to upgrade the scripts for vb 3, but haven't had a chance to do so yet. I'll be out of town over the next week, but I hope to work on it within the next few weeks.

For those that just can't wait to upgrade to vb3, lierduh's hack of this script should hold you over until I get an official one made for vb3.

If you have any suggestions about new features to add or any bugs or problems you've encountered, now is the time to let me know (you can post here or email me through the forums here).

03-24-2004, 09:36 PM
If you have any suggestions about new features to add or any bugs or problems you've encountered, now is the time to let me know (you can post here or email me through the forums here).
Just the fact that for some reason my post aren't being sent back to the newsgroup... :(

That's the main problem I'm having right now.... (see previous posts)

03-24-2004, 09:52 PM
Just the fact that for some reason my post aren't being sent back to the newsgroup... :(

That's the main problem I'm having right now.... (see previous posts)

I doubt your problem is related to the script. You have got status 240. It means the response from the NNTP server says everything is received correctly.

It is not easy to know why your post does not show up on USENET after your server received it. Not to be smart here, but have you posted using a normal usenet client? does your server accepts posting?

03-25-2004, 02:14 AM
I just want to point out I went to his site and found a usenet ppost, then searched on a word from its title...NO MATCHES

The search portion of this hack is broken, please log it as a bug. :ermm:

Ok, found the problem. The final Gold release changed a function name.

the "getforuminfo" function is now changed to "fetch_foruminfo". Around line 235, find:


Change it to:


03-25-2004, 02:57 AM
I doubt your problem is related to the script. You have got status 240. It means the response from the NNTP server says everything is received correctly.

It is not easy to know why your post does not show up on USENET after your server received it. Not to be smart here, but have you posted using a normal usenet client? does your server accepts posting?
I have tested it using Outlook Express to post to the newsgroup, and it works like a charm... it was one of the first things I tested after I knew it wasn't working... I did want to rule out that it was the newsgroup account or something like that....

I'm really stuck with this one.... I've already had about a dozen users sign up for the USENET access to the groups I'm using.

03-25-2004, 06:20 PM
Ok, found the problem. The final Gold release changed a function name.

the "getforuminfo" function is now changed to "fetch_foruminfo". Around line 235, find:


Change it to:

Thanks for that fix... now all the new posts coming in to the USENET forums are being indexed properly.

I'm going to sit down later, and go through this hack one line at a time to see if I can figure out why it isn't posting back to the news server after a message 240 saying it did...

I'd be willing to pay for a fix almost!!! :D

03-25-2004, 06:45 PM
I'm going to sit down later, and go through this hack one line at a time to see if I can figure out why it isn't posting back to the news server after a message 240 saying it did...

I'd be willing to pay for a fix almost!!! :D

Why pay anyone before you even try to debug it yourself?:)

You could try a different news server. I believe there are some free ones which accept post out there.

03-25-2004, 09:41 PM
Why pay anyone before you even try to debug it yourself?:)

You could try a different news server. I believe there are some free ones which accept post out there.
Well, I'm using www.teranews.com

They have a free 50MB/day account that has something like a 3$ one-time setup fee...

I was able to successfully post to the free account using a newsreader... using the same settings with the vB hack, I am able to download all the posts from the group, and that is working flawlessly. I added the gateway.php to the includes/crons folder, and set it up as an hourly scheduled task in vB. When I run it manually either by calling the page directly, or using the "run now" feature in the scheduled task manager, the posts are repordedly being posted, and after that, there is no way of knowing where it is lost.

I'm not experienced with connecting to third parties with PHP, although, I am decent at PHP code. I will look over the file in the next hour or so, and see if anything sticks out that might be causing the problem... I've looked over the send_post function a few times already, and I didn't see anything there that was wrong... maybe something with the way headers are being read or sent??? That's where I'm lost, because I'm not experienced with the protocols used to connect to the NNTP server & post.


I'll Post the contents of my gateway.php file after I've looked it over and made it a little more readable.

03-25-2004, 10:12 PM
Well, I'm using www.teranews.com

I'm not experienced with connecting to third parties with PHP, although, I am decent at PHP code. I will look over the file in the next hour or so, and see if anything sticks out that might be causing the problem... I've looked over the send_post function a few times already, and I didn't see anything there that was wrong... maybe something with the way headers are being read or sent??? That's where I'm lost, because I'm not experienced with the protocols used to connect to the NNTP server & post.


I'll Post the contents of my gateway.php file after I've looked it over and made it a little more readable.

If anything, I think it will be more to do with nntp.php. So you might want to try out a modern version of nntp.php:


03-25-2004, 11:22 PM
If anything, I think it will be more to do with nntp.php. So you might want to try out a modern version of nntp.php:


I've updated the nntp.php, and some of the files that the new one requires.

After renaming a couple of fuctions that were get_article to getArticle, etc... everything seems to work again... this is the result after posting an article...

4 group(s) gatewayed.
Logging in to free.teranews.com, group alt.internet.access
Posting Message from himerus: 1
Posting Message from himerus: 1
Logging in to free.teranews.com, group alt.comp
Logging in to free.teranews.com, group alt.comp.hardware
Getting message number 240779: Thread found; 'Re: Mini/Cheap File Server??' from Stephen B
Logging in to free.teranews.com, group alt.windows-xp
Getting message number 43502: Thread found; 'Re: virtual memory?' from ZyRiX
Getting message number 43503: New thread; 'DVD 2 CDR?' from chris

What does the 1 status mean? it still doesn't appear to be posting, but it could need some adjustments.

03-25-2004, 11:59 PM
At least this time, it is knowing that it wasn't posted... each time it runs, it's trying to post the same 2 messages again:

Posting Message from himerus: 1
Posting Message from himerus: 1

03-26-2004, 03:27 AM
I've been hacking away, and in the main posting function, it is getting a status 340... I'm not sure what the 1 is after the posters username, just a varialbe that has changed with this new NNTP.php that I'm using....

In the function it has:

switch ($response) {
case 240: // RFC977: 'article posted ok'
return true;
case 340: // RFC977: 'send article to be posted. End with <CR-LF>.<CR-LF>'
// This should not happen here!
echo "Unknown error during post";
return PEAR::throwError('Unknown error during post', $response, $this->currentStatusResponse());
case 440: // RFC977: 'posting not allowed'
return PEAR::throwError('Posting not allowed', $response, $this->currentStatusResponse());
case 441: // RFC977: 'posting failed'
return PEAR::throwError('Posting failed', $response, $this->currentStatusResponse());
return PEAR::throwError('Unidentified response code', $response, $this->currentStatusResponse());

This is saying that a 340 is an error... does this help at all as to what the problem now might be? I think that it's actually closer to working... I'm just not sure about this new nntp version, because it includes several other long files of classes & functions that I'm not familiar with.

03-26-2004, 04:12 AM
Its Working!!! Yay

03-28-2004, 12:39 AM
what does it mean when it says " Run the SQL provided in nntp.sql.". I am a newbie , how do i do this?

03-28-2004, 12:45 AM
what does it mean when it says " Run the SQL provided in nntp.sql.". I am a newbie , how do i do this?
It will be a bit hard to explain when you are very new to this but do you know what phpMyAdmin is, and if so, do you have it installed on your server?

03-28-2004, 12:48 AM

I go through Powweb and they have something called. phpadmin.powwebcom - when i log onto there it looks like it shows all the database tables and stuff

03-28-2004, 01:20 AM
OK, i just ran the SQL file and it appears to have created the nntp tables I need. Now on steps 3 & 4:

<< "3. Go into your database and modify the settings in the nntp_settings table. Descriptions are available in there, but currently it's not integrated with the vB admin control panel." >>

What specifically do I need to do here?

<< 4. Go in and set up your newsgroups in the nntp_groups table.
Basically you just need the newsgroup field defined, the forum defined as the number associated with the forum (warning: all posts currently in there will be exported, so be careful), >>

What specifically do I need to do here?

<< and the server of your newsgroup provider (ie. news.xyz.com). >>

What specifically do I need to do here?

03-28-2004, 05:29 PM
3.) You must use your PHPmyAdmin, or other similar database tool to access the database, and edit the nntp_settings table, and change the value filed to match what you would like. See attachment for settings after I have changed them to match my forum.

4.) In the nntp_groups table, this is where you are going to store the info for the newsgroups you choose to gateway. See the attached image to see what my table looks like after inserting several newsgroups. username & password deleted out obviously.

LAST: you must have a valid newsgroup account with an ISP, or an independant newsgroup provider. I use both Easynews (Read my Review of Easynews (http://www.myispforum.com/showthread.php?t=1827)) and Teranews (http://www.teranews.com/) as my providers. The teranews account is doing most of the traffic, and I will move all the accounts to easynews once I am sure the system will not cause any problems.

Some newsgroups, you may have to turn on posting on your account in order to be able to post...

I've done a huge hack of the original hack to get this to work for my situation, and it seems to be working properly now... I still have a lot of adjustments to make, and then I will create my own integration into the admincp if the original author hasn't released a new version yet.

There is a lot of great features that could be put into this....

I plan on some further options when setting up newsgroups of how many posts you would like to download, all, specific number, or new posts only.

I would like to put in something that if you have deleted a thread from your forum, and there are later replies to it, that you have the option to either download them, or ignore them, and move on.

This is a great addition to any forum that has newsgroups that are similiar in topic and nature. If you can have some moderators just for that forum to delete spam, porn, and other garbage that gets posted to some of the unmoderated high-traffic groups, then you will add tons of valuable content to your site for nothing more than the cost of a newsgroup account (if you don't already have one)


Hope that helps... just ask any specifics you have on making this work with vB3, because I seemed to have a lot more problems to work through than some of the others in this thread that have it running on vb3... but I figured them all out eventually, and with some added scripts, and classes, it seems to be working great.

03-29-2004, 02:29 AM
Now I've found that I'm actually having a problem with posting when the script is running under a cron...

If I run it manually, the posts that are made in my forum (http://www.myispforum.com/) are being sent properly...

If the script runs on a cron and tries to post, it is recieving a 240 status after the post is sent, but the message id isn't being inserted into the post field property... it only appears as something like <himerus.0@> and doesn't have the settings domain or message id included in it... in those cases, the messages aren't being sent properly to the server....

If I manually edit phpmyadmin, and remove the msgid, ref, and reset the isusenetpost to 0, and then manually run the gateway.php file, the post is uploaded properly....

Any ideas???

I will have to create an email message for each time the cron is ran to really test this I think... :( since I'm not seeing any of the output, but it is saying the post was sent properly...

03-31-2004, 02:12 AM
I just realized now that I will have to get a news feed if I get a Usenet hack. I read your review on your page of the 2 sites. One of the sites said 6 GB per month for free if i recall correctly but i'm not sure how much bandwidth is used for Usenet access. Could you tell me if there is any way to get a newsfeed for newsgroup access for free without having to worry about going over the limit and having your bulletin board lbank if you go over?

04-01-2004, 03:35 PM
Any ideas when this hack will be upgraded to support vB3.0.0 ?

04-07-2004, 12:15 AM
what Sanjiyan said!

04-07-2004, 12:27 AM
I do still plan to upgrade the scripts for vb 3, but haven't had a chance to do so yet. I'll be out of town over the next week, but I hope to work on it within the next few weeks.

For those that just can't wait to upgrade to vb3, lierduh's hack of this script should hold you over until I get an official one made for vb3.

If you have any suggestions about new features to add or any bugs or problems you've encountered, now is the time to let me know (you can post here or email me through the forums here).
How's the update going? :) Would your update be similar to the current lierduh's version, or different? I don't want to use lierduh's version, and then find out yours is very different necessitating a complete redo.

04-07-2004, 12:39 PM
/me waits patiently for an official release for vb3

04-09-2004, 06:08 AM
I'm getting some Sql errors when I try to run the newer VB-3 gateway.php posted by Lierduh. Anybody have a clue where to look for this??


"Database error in vBulletin 3.0.0:

post.postid,post.username,post.userid,post.datelin e,post.pagetext,post.showsigna ture,post.ipaddress,thread.pollid,thread.title,pos t.threadid,post.attach,thread. forumid
FROM thread,post WHERE post.isusenetpost=0 AND thread.threadid=post.threadid AND
post.dateline=thread.dateline AND post.userid=thread.postuserid AND
mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that
corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ')' at
line 1

mysql error number: 1064

04-09-2004, 06:35 AM
The error is at: (thread.forumid=)

That means the script did not retrieve the correct forum IDs.

The code for above is:

thread.forumid=". implode(" OR thread.forumid=", $group[forum])

You probably have not set up "nntp_groups" table properly.

04-09-2004, 03:10 PM
The error is at: (thread.forumid=)

That means the script did not retrieve the correct forum IDs.

The code for above is:

thread.forumid=". implode(" OR thread.forumid=", $group[forum])

You probably have not set up "nntp_groups" table properly.

Thanks for responding. I have got the proper group ID# in there, but it's hard to tell now because I put the entries in the field that had the description and I can't see the description anymore. Also, my view if PHPMyadmin looks alot different than the screenshots at the beggining of this thread.
I'm trying to set it up as a mail gateway, not a usenet gareway, I'll go back and try again.


04-10-2004, 12:27 AM
I see where I was going wrong with the entries in MySql. Now that it is fixed I am still getting one small error when I run the gateway.php, see below

"1 group(s) gatewayed.<br />
<b>Fatal error</b>: Cannot instantiate non-existent class: pop3 in <b>/var/www/html/forum/gateway.php</b> on line <b>76</b><br />"

Has anyone got this to work with mail on VB-3? I would apreciate any input, good or bad, I just need to know if this can be done or not.


04-10-2004, 07:13 AM
Okay, I'm using lierduh's version, and it seems to be working with vB3 Gold. :) Thanks!

04-10-2004, 05:12 PM
Okay, I'm using lierduh's version, and it seems to be working with vB3 Gold. :) Thanks!

Hi Erwin, thanks for responding. I think that you and I host at the same place, at least I think I've seen some of your posts in the forums there. If so, have you had any trouble using this as a mail to forum integration using RedHat ES/Ensim combo (if that is what you use)? Any special setup with that?


04-10-2004, 08:50 PM
Hi Erwin, thanks for responding. I think that you and I host at the same place, at least I think I've seen some of your posts in the forums there. If so, have you had any trouble using this as a mail to forum integration using RedHat ES/Ensim combo (if that is what you use)? Any special setup with that?


I have disabled the mail post function. You can try to uncommon the require_once("class.POP3.php3"); line and upload the class file.

04-11-2004, 03:48 AM
I have disabled the mail post function. You can try to uncommon the require_once("class.POP3.php3"); line and upload the class file.

Hi Lierduh,
Thanks, I have done what you said and now mail is going from the forum to the mailing list I have set up, that is a big step forward! But I am not able to send from mailbox to forum. Additionally, the mail that arrives from the forum to the mail has a return address of;
Which is not the address of the mailing list.

I have seen something like this hack work on phpBB, but in that case all you need to do is subscribe to the forum setup for mail, you don't have to join the mail list. I can't seem to figure out how to subscribe to a 'froum' in VB-3. only a thread, so it is necesary to join the mailing list to receive mail.
Any thoughts from anyone on this would be greatly appreciated.


Host Visions
04-11-2004, 07:54 PM
If anyone could install this on my vb3 system, i would gladly pay! I only need a few usenet newsgroups implemented. If you want to take this on, PM me here please.

04-13-2004, 08:22 PM
I would like to try this, where can I get the latest version recommended for VB3?

04-14-2004, 12:12 AM
same here, I have used this hack since it came out, infact I think I was amoung the first people to use it.

But I too would like it to be released as a vB 3.0.0 hack, and not use a hack of a hack of a hack, as to which it seems at the moment.

As for additions, I'd like to see the new version (should one be released) to have a the admin CP options come with the hack, not be a addon part :)

And also ways of using a filter ie to remove words et al from subject headers, that user used in maillint lists (eg. [FFML], [yourmaillistname]) items, and also get it to not post RE: posts from mailing lists. but maybe thats just wishful thinking :)

04-14-2004, 12:33 AM
same here, I have used this hack since it came out, infact I think I was amoung the first people to use it.

But I too would like it to be released as a vB 3.0.0 hack, and not use a hack of a hack of a hack, as to which it seems at the moment.

As for additions, I'd like to see the new version (should one be released) to have a the admin CP options come with the hack, not be a addon part :)

And also ways of using a filter ie to remove words et al from subject headers, that user used in maillint lists (eg. [FFML], [yourmaillistname]) items, and also get it to not post RE: posts from mailing lists. but maybe thats just wishful thinking :)

Yeah, right now it's a 'hack of a hack' for sure. I am in the process of trying to get the mail list function working on a VB-2 test board in hopes that I will be able to learn enough from that to get it working fully on my VB-3 boards (which I haven't been able to do yet).
This hack desperately needs someone with PHP experience to bring all the parts together and update them for VB-3 and then to write some documentation that is unified (not parts of two people's work). I would be willing to help with the documentaton/instructions but I have no PHP experience.


04-14-2004, 06:29 AM
Yeah, right now it's a 'hack of a hack' for sure. I am in the process of trying to get the mail list function working on a VB-2 test board in hopes that I will be able to learn enough from that to get it working fully on my VB-3 boards (which I haven't been able to do yet).
This hack desperately needs someone with PHP experience to bring all the parts together and update them for VB-3 and then to write some documentation that is unified (not parts of two people's work). I would be willing to help with the documentaton/instructions but I have no PHP experience.


I would help if I could, but I'm just new to Vbulletin. I am surprised that there seems so little interest in such a great feature.
Maybe it's a good idea to post it in the "modification requests" forum?

04-15-2004, 02:55 AM
Now I've found that I'm actually having a problem with posting when the script is running under a cron...

If I run it manually, the posts that are made in my forum (http://www.myispforum.com/) are being sent properly...

If the script runs on a cron and tries to post, it is recieving a 240 status after the post is sent, but the message id isn't being inserted into the post field property... it only appears as something like <himerus.0@> and doesn't have the settings domain or message id included in it... in those cases, the messages aren't being sent properly to the server....

If I manually edit phpmyadmin, and remove the msgid, ref, and reset the isusenetpost to 0, and then manually run the gateway.php file, the post is uploaded properly....

Any ideas???

I will have to create an email message for each time the cron is ran to really test this I think... :( since I'm not seeing any of the output, but it is saying the post was sent properly...

I'm still having the same problem, and I can't figure out what the #$@#$ is causing it... Again, I have it set up as a vB cron, and if I use the "RUN NOW" button from the Scheduled Task Manager, the new posts are successfully sent without a hitch... but if I let it run as a cron, the $settings variables aren't showing up... when the row in the post table is updated, the

$msgid = $u . '.' . base_convert ($msgid_date, 10, 36) . '@'. $settings[email];

ends up looking like: himerus.0@

Even the simple $settings[email] variable isn't showing up when it's running as a cron...

ANY IDEAS Would be appreciated...

I have lots of users registering specifically for the USENET access, and not having the posts work right on the cron is turning into a large problem.

04-15-2004, 03:37 AM
Even the simple $settings[email] variable isn't showing up when it's running as a cron...

Since you know php, that should not be difficult to debug.:)

The first thing the script does is retrieving the settings from the db. Now you only need to find out why the settings are not available. Come on, you have not tried hard.:)

Sorry, I don't use vb's schedules. I use cron from the crontab. Once you discover the reason, please post here. Others might like to know the reason.

04-15-2004, 12:41 PM
Ive made an official request for a vB3 NNTP Usenet Gateway Hack/Mod here:

same here, I have used this hack since it came out, infact I think I was amoung the first people to use it.
But I too would like it to be released as a vB 3.0.0 hack, and not use a hack of a hack of a hack, as to which it seems at the moment.
As for additions, I'd like to see the new version (should one be released) to have a the admin CP options come with the hack, not be a addon part
And also ways of using a filter ie to remove words et al from subject headers, that user used in maillint lists (eg. [FFML], [yourmaillistname]) items, and also get it to not post RE: posts from mailing lists. but maybe thats just wishful thinking

Yeah, right now it's a 'hack of a hack' for sure. I am in the process of trying to get the mail list function working on a VB-2 test board in hopes that I will be able to learn enough from that to get it working fully on my VB-3 boards (which I haven't been able to do yet).
This hack desperately needs someone with PHP experience to bring all the parts together and update them for VB-3 and then to write some documentation that is unified (not parts of two people's work). I would be willing to help with the documentaton/instructions but I have no PHP experience.

04-29-2004, 12:42 PM
Any progress on an official NNTP Gateway for vb3 ?


04-30-2004, 01:32 AM
Any progress on an official NNTP Gateway for vb3 ?


I've got it working at my photo site HERE (http://talkphoto.net/forum/) but it was a pain to set up compared to the VB-2 hack which has an admin hack that adds a place in the admincp to manage news groups.
With the Vb-3 hack you have to edit your MySql tables through PHPMyadmin (a gui for Mysql) and it's also a real pain to get the cron thing to work so that it grabs messages from the Usenet every few minutes.
Once set up it works pretty well, it gets messages from the groups and you can post at the forum and it will eventually make it to the newsgroup on the Usenet.
If anyone needs a hand with the cron thing, let me know.


04-30-2004, 01:56 AM
I've got it working at my photo site HERE (http://talkphoto.net/forum/) but it was a pain to set up compared to the VB-2 hack which has an admin hack that adds a place in the admincp to manage news groups.
With the Vb-3 hack you have to edit your MySql tables through PHPMyadmin (a gui for Mysql) and it's also a real pain to get the cron thing to work so that it grabs messages from the Usenet every few minutes.
Once set up it works pretty well, it gets messages from the groups and you can post at the forum and it will eventually make it to the newsgroup on the Usenet.
If anyone needs a hand with the cron thing, let me know.


Actually the original VB2 version does not have admin control panel. I believe there is another hack out there to add the control in Admin panel.

The cron job is the same as vb2 version.

I don't understand all these difficulties people are talking about my hack of hack. If one can not be bother to use PHPMyadmin, or can't set up a basic cron job. I am afraid the official release is not going to help much.

I understand my hack is a quick hack of the original. Other than the table prefix which most of people do not use and mail to usenet function, the rest should perform pretty much like the vb2 version if not better in some areas.

The table prefix is very easy to add, anyone with basic php skill can add that. I may add that if I can be bothered.
I am not sure how widely the mail to usenet is used. The basic function is there, I have not been bothered to test it, that is all.

I do hope too Gilby comes out with an official release, but for one to expect everything will be much easier to install or debug, I am afraid he/she will be wrong.:)

04-30-2004, 03:52 AM
* Bro_Joey_Gowdy knows basic html however needs to settle down and take time to learn PhP/Mysql :)

04-30-2004, 05:06 AM
Actually the original VB2 version does not have admin control panel. I believe there is another hack out there to add the control in Admin panel.

The cron job is the same as vb2 version.

I don't understand all these difficulties people are talking about my hack of hack. If one can not be bother to use PHPMyadmin, or can't set up a basic cron job. I am afraid the official release is not going to help much.

I understand my hack is a quick hack of the original. Other than the table prefix which most of people do not use and mail to usenet function, the rest should perform pretty much like the vb2 version if not better in some areas.

The table prefix is very easy to add, anyone with basic php skill can add that. I may add that if I can be bothered.
I am not sure how widely the mail to usenet is used. The basic function is there, I have not been bothered to test it, that is all.

I do hope too Giby comes out with an official release, but for one to expect everything will be much easier to install or debug, I am afraid he/she will be wrong.:)

I was not trying to say that there is anything wrong with your hack, and you are right, there was an extra hack to get the admin panel function for VB-2. I am very happy with the way your hack is working now (for newsgroups). What I am saying is that anyone who is not familiar with editing the tables in MySql is going to need alot of help. And a 'simple cron job' is not simple for a first time user either.
You have to understand that some people (myself included) get spoiled by some of the hacks here which have so much instruction and support to go with them that they are easy for novices to install. Anything beyond that is out of the reach of most of the people in this forum.
Could you explain what you mean when you talk about the 'table prefix' being easy to use? I don't know what you are refering to.
And thanks for taking this hack as far as you have, no one else seems interested in working on this right now and it is a very useful thing to have at one's forum.


04-30-2004, 06:06 AM
Can anyone point me to the hack(s) I need to download then?

I have no problem editing mysql tables, just as long as I know the hack is supposed to work properly :)

05-01-2004, 11:48 AM
Could you explain what you mean when you talk about the 'table prefix' being easy to use? I don't know what you are refering to.
And thanks for taking this hack as far as you have, no one else seems interested in working on this right now and it is a very useful thing to have at one's forum.


VB3 allows you have a prefix for all your tables. eg. for "post" table, you can have "myvb3-post". This is set in the config.php file.

If you don't know what this is, then you do not need to worry.:)

05-01-2004, 11:49 AM
Can anyone point me to the hack(s) I need to download then?

I have no problem editing mysql tables, just as long as I know the hack is supposed to work properly :)

page 44

05-02-2004, 12:08 AM
lierduh, just so you know, your vB3 version of this hack works flawlessly. :) Thanks.

05-03-2004, 02:52 AM
lierduh, just so you know, your vB3 version of this hack works flawlessly. :) Thanks.
Okay, I spoke too soon. :) LOL!

There are some bugs with lierduh's vB3 mod.

1. The post count is wrong for some reason - the mod grossly overcounts the number of posts being imported into the forum. Updating the forum counter fixes this.

2. Empty threads are sometimes made in other forums - I suspect the threadid is getting inserted in the wrong place or something gets inserted out of line.

Otherwise, the mod works.

05-03-2004, 03:59 AM
Okay, I spoke too soon. :) LOL!

There are some bugs with lierduh's vB3 mod.

1. The post count is wrong for some reason - the mod grossly overcounts the number of posts being imported into the forum. Updating the forum counter fixes this.

2. Empty threads are sometimes made in other forums - I suspect the threadid is getting inserted in the wrong place or something gets inserted out of line.

Otherwise, the mod works.

1. Need to check. Does this happen each time the new posts are imported? or just the initial import.

One possible thing could be two instances of gateway.php call running. I suggest importing all the threads first, then set up the cron job. If the cron job starts another gateway.php call before the first one is finished. Then anything is possible, it can also bring down the database.:)

2. This is a known issue. At the moment the threads are inserted by the subject just as the original vb2 version, Gilby had his reason to design it this way. A better way to do will be using the References in the header since I have added an extra field in the post table to store this.

I will look at it again in a weekend soon.:)

05-03-2004, 08:43 PM

are there free usenet servers available or do I have to pay for them? If yes, where can I find them?

05-03-2004, 09:23 PM

are there free usenet servers available or do I have to pay for them? If yes, where can I find them?
You are better off paying for a provider... 1) faster 2) larger sellection of news groups 3) you get what you pay for :).

You can find NTTP services for 5-10 dollars per month :).

05-06-2004, 01:02 AM
I seem to be having two problems, one of which may be time related.

#1 attachments (pictures) from a binary newsgroup (alt.binaries.3d.lightwave) are coming through as UUE code.

begin 666 Barnyard Ad.jpg
M_]C_X `02D9)1@`!`@$`2 !(``#_X2?217AI9@``34T`*@````@`!P$2``,`
M```!``$```$:``4````!````8@$;``4````!````:@$H``,`` ``!``(```$Q
M``(````;````<@$R``(````4````C8=I``0````!````I ```- ```!(````
M`0```$@````!061O8F4@4&AO=&]S:&]P($-3(%=I;F1O=W,`,C P-#HP-3HP
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M``$```$F`2@``P````$``@```@$`! ````$```$N`@(`! ````$``":<````
M`````$@````!````2 ````'_V/_@`!!*1DE&``$"`0!(`$@``/_M``Q!9&]B

#2 I have given my test post, from my forum, 30 minutes and it has not yet shown up in the newsgroup. It typically takes ~5 minutes.

Any thoughts? I installed the basic 2.x hack and then re-hacked with the new VB3 additions and new gateway.php file.

Currently running VB 3.0.1


05-06-2004, 12:38 PM
I seem to be having two problems, one of which may be time related.

#1 attachments (pictures) from a binary newsgroup (alt.binaries.3d.lightwave) are coming through as UUE code.

Images tend to get coded in two main formats, only one of which is supported by this hack. I have a couple of UU-decode scripts written in PHP which I have tried to integrate with this script with only partial success. My PHP is limited so I couldn't figure out the final issues. (Any volunteers who are familiar with the gateway script want to look at it?)

While testing this script, I also came across a 3rd type of encoding (a MAC verison) which would also need to be decoded. Other things to take into account with downloading binaries is that your db will grow very quickly. I was intending to try and integrate another VB hack that stores attachments as files instead of within the db with this script so it just takes up disk space instead.

05-06-2004, 01:24 PM
Okay... so, essentially, binaries are not supported. I guess I was misled by the information given with the 1st hack. This isn't too much of a setback... but it sure would be awesome if we could get binary images to come through. I guess yEnc and the Mac format would have to be included.

What about my posts not showing up in the group? I did a test posting from my forum... and then later tried to view it using Outlook Express. (as I normally view the groups) Nothing appeared.


05-06-2004, 06:48 PM
well... if someone fingers it out, please post the fix here. i have the same prob.,

allan grossman
05-07-2004, 02:05 PM
Hey, lierduh -

After working flawlessly for almost a year the script just quit. My gateway runs every 15 minutes and has only connected properly once in the last 24 hours. Running it manually, verbose output looks like this:4 group(s) gatewayed.
200 News.GigaNews.Com
381 more authentication required
281 News.GigaNews.Com
211 1153 47132 48284 alt.bass
Logging in to news-60.giganews.com, group alt.bass
200 News.GigaNews.Com
381 more authentication required
281 News.GigaNews.Com
211 5027 94133 99159 rec.music.makers.bass
Logging in to news-60.giganews.com, group rec.music.makers.bass
200 News.GigaNews.Com
381 more authentication required
281 News.GigaNews.Com
211 60862 312185 373046 alt.guitar.bass
Logging in to news-60.giganews.com, group alt.guitar.bass

No articles are pulled and the thing stalls logging in to the last group.

I'm stumped - any thoughts? Provider is Giganews and Agent works fine.

05-07-2004, 02:26 PM
Is there a chance, that new postings from the NGs does not show up as "new posts" in the new posts link?

allan grossman
05-07-2004, 02:46 PM
Is there a chance, that new postings from the NGs does not show up as "new posts" in the new posts link?
I'm afraid not - the script is failing.

Using the nntp.php that provides verbose output above, you should see where the script is pulling articles - it's not pulling any, has only worked correctly once in the last 24 hours and is stalling at the 4th newsgroup.

Too weird.

05-07-2004, 03:10 PM
* Bro_Joey_Gowdy waits impatiently for an official vb3 NNTP Gateway

05-07-2004, 04:16 PM
The script works for me. Just a few errors, as double postings. The problem is that this the NG posts are listed as new posts, our members have no difference between NG posts and forumposts

allan grossman
05-07-2004, 05:03 PM
The script works for me. Just a few errors, as double postings. The problem is that this the NG posts are listed as new posts, our members have no difference between NG posts and forumposts
hubba, search this thread for the word "exclude". You'll see what parameters need to be added templates that call search.php to get the Usenet posts out of new post searches.

05-07-2004, 05:39 PM
Ah thx Allan, that will help. Got it managed. One question more, how to exclude the NG postings from the counting of new themes/posts?

allan grossman
05-07-2004, 09:18 PM
I don't know, hubba - I use vbIndex and just exclude those forums. Someone else might know, though.

BTW, lierduh - I did get my gateway fixed. gateway.php got corrupted somehow - I replaced it and everything took off ;)

05-08-2004, 12:38 AM
* Bro_Joey_Gowdy waits impatiently for an official vb3 NNTP Gateway

Perhaps you should list the features and functions you want in the vb3 gateway. Gilby, the original author did ask for these inputs for the future vb3 gateway. Otherwise, list what your problems are instead of big font posts. No one owes you a vb3 gateway, so be more constructive than demand.

05-08-2004, 12:45 AM
BTW, lierduh - I did get my gateway fixed. gateway.php got corrupted somehow - I replaced it and everything took off ;)

That is good you have it fixed. It was error 381 related. Long time no show Allan.:)

05-08-2004, 12:47 AM
What about my posts not showing up in the group? I did a test posting from my forum... and then later tried to view it using Outlook Express. (as I normally view the groups) Nothing appeared.


If you run the script manually and cut and paste the message on the screen to here. Someone might be able to help you.

allan grossman
05-08-2004, 01:55 AM
That is good you have it fixed. It was error 381 related. Long time no show Allan.:)
Good to see you too, lierduh - I've been a bit busy :)

381 isn't an error, it's a password prompt - I checked.

Right after the 381 I got group and article numbers - so I did manage to authenticate to the server. I didn't keep the old gateway.php to see where it was broken but it couldn't have been too much because I glanced over the file a couple of times while I was trying to fix it.

05-08-2004, 03:29 AM
Hey can anyone give me some ideas on how fast this hack works as far as importing msgs from usenet? I have been looking for something like this and have a few usenet groups i would like to have in my VB but they are fairly large and get almost 1000 each (there is three of them. Plus of course the backlog. about how long does it take, the server is a dedicated celeron 1.7 ghz. thanks and great looking hack.

05-08-2004, 03:33 AM
Back when I was using it on VB 2 it was really quick once it got the first batch of messages... the bottle neck is getting the messages from the NTTP server... Keep in mind a lot of messages will grow your DB quickly.


05-08-2004, 03:46 AM
how many messages did you have in the initial batch or were doing per day. for my 3k per day if i ran it hourly it would have something like 100 msgs a run, would I need to up my php timeout from 30 seconds for that, or does it download 100 msgs in less than that? I might have to run it more often, any ideas?

05-08-2004, 03:04 PM
If you run the script manually and cut and paste the message on the screen to here. Someone might be able to help you.

Hey, thanks for the reply. When I run gateway.php manually, I do not get a message but rather a blank white page. It does do something though... (pauses for a few seconds) and brings up new posts from the groups. I test my outgoing messages by posting a reply in my forum, running gateway.php manually, and then waiting for it to appear in Usenet. I have yet to get a reply to appear.

I am currently running...

VB 3.0.1
VB Portal 3.0.0 Beta 2

site: www.cghaus.com

I installed the original hack from this thread


and then followed up with the additions from this thread


I am still waiting for someone to reply to my posts on my host's forums regarding my cron job. In the meantime, I am running gateway.php manually.



05-08-2004, 03:48 PM
I just got a reply back from tech support and they say my cron job is correct. I check my web email and see this msg.

Status: 404
Content-type: text/html
X-Powered-By: PHP/4.3.3

No input file specified.

My cron line is...

php /home/cghaus2/public_html/forums/gateway.php?log=cron

I'm not sure about the "log=cron" part... I got it from the 1st hack.

05-09-2004, 04:12 PM
I have rewritten big chunks of the gateway.php. I will give it some test before uploading.

Improvement include:

1) TABLE_PREFIX is now supported.
2) Messages imported from usenet are now inserted into threads based on Reference in the header instead of the subject.
3) Built mechanism to avoid two instances of the gateway.php running at the same time. This can easily happen if someone clicks the link in the Who Is On Line page. This should also solve the problem of double up posts and wrong post counters.
4) Masive speed improvement!
5) Cleaned up the codes.

Stay tuned.

05-09-2004, 05:27 PM
lierduh, perhaps any idea how to exclude the p´NG postings from the counter of new posts and themes?

05-09-2004, 05:29 PM
Awesome! I'm hoping your new code fixes my problem of VB posts going out to Usenet. I removed the "log=cron" part of my cron job yesterday and now I am getting better results.

X-Powered-By: PHP/4.3.3
Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT
Last-Modified: Sun, 09 May 2004 17:44:00 GMT
Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate
Cache-Control: private, post-check=0, pre-check=0
Pragma: no-cache
Set-Cookie: bblastvisit=1084124640; expires=Mon, 09-May-05 17:44:00 GMT; path=/
Set-Cookie: bblastactivity=1084124520; expires=Mon, 09-May-05 17:44:00 GMT; path=/
Set-Cookie: vbplang=english
Set-Cookie: showleftcolumn=1
Content-Type: text/plain

2 group(s) gatewayed.
Logging in to enews.newsguy.com, group alt.binaries.3d.lightwave
Logging in to enews.newsguy.com, group comp.graphics.apps.lightwave

Thans in advance for taking the time to work out some updated code. :)

05-11-2004, 10:53 PM
I have just uploaded the new package to page 44.


== TABLE_PREFIX is now supported.
== Messages imported from usenet are now inserted into threads based
on Reference in the header instead of the subject.
== Built mechanism to avoid two instances of the gateway.php running
at the same time. This can easily happen if someone clicks the link in
the Who Is On Line page. This should also solve the problem of double
up posts and wrong post counters.
== Massive speed improvement!
== Cleaned up the codes.
== Implemented parentid for imported posts
== lastmessage is updated now after each message retrieval. This way
no message will be imported twice, even if the script is crashed at
some stage.
== Fixed a bug which occurs in long header lines. Message may not be
retrieved due to this bug.

This time instead of a quick hack, I have gone through almost each line. So it should be a much better script.

05-11-2004, 10:54 PM
lierduh, perhaps any idea how to exclude the p?NG postings from the counter of new posts and themes?

Sorry hubba, I don't quite get what you meant.:)

05-11-2004, 11:11 PM
Awesome! This patch came through really fast.

I have one question though... it seems I'm getting some SQL errors when attemtping to "insert" the two new tables. They already exist. In fact, value 9 is showing Organization values. Should we just overwrite this stuff manually?


SQL-query :

INSERT INTO `nntp_settings`
VALUES ( 9, 'Last Time Run', 'last_run', '1084316100', 'Last time the gateway.php was run', NULL , 0, 0 )

MySQL said:

#1062 - Duplicate entry '9' for key 1

05-11-2004, 11:28 PM
Awesome! This patch came through really fast.

I have one question though... it seems I'm getting some SQL errors when attemtping to "insert" the two new tables. They already exist. In fact, value 9 is showing Organization values. Should we just overwrite this stuff manually?

I see, just change the 8 and 9 in the insert to NULL. So use:

INSERT INTO `nntp_settings` VALUES (NULL, 'Is Gateway Running', 'is_running', '0', 'Check if another instance of gateway.php is running', NULL, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO `nntp_settings` VALUES (NULL, 'Last Time Run', 'last_run', '1084316100', 'Last time the gateway.php was run', NULL, 0, 0);

05-12-2004, 11:42 AM
I made a stupid mistake at the last minute. Please download the gateway.php again. I have attached a "a" to the end of the file name. The only thing changed was two lines in the gateway.php script. There is no need to replace the other files.

05-12-2004, 12:53 PM
>p?NG postings

Uff... :D

On the forumhome "new posts" and "new themes" counting includes the Newsgroupposts, that I would like to exclude, so that only "real" forumposts are added...

allan grossman
05-12-2004, 01:05 PM
I made a stupid mistake at the last minute. Please download the gateway.php again. I have attached a "a" to the end of the file name. The only thing changed was two lines in the gateway.php script. There is no need to replace the other files.
So all the joy I had trying to get this to work last night has been addressed? :D

Thanks, lierduh - I really appreciate all your hard work.

05-12-2004, 01:14 PM
I think I am still having issues with VB posts going out to Usenet. I'm giving it a bit of time... for the post to propagate... but it still looks like they're not showing up. This is for new posts and replies.


I bascially dropped my NNTP SQL tables and installed them fresh from the new ZIP file. I also replaced the PHP files.

05-12-2004, 04:19 PM
installed the updated script. Now MySQL error:

UPDATE post AS post, thread AS thread SET isusenetpost = 1 WHERE
post.threadid = thread.threadid AND
isusenetpost = 0 AND
thread.forumid NOT IN (200,201,202)

mysql error: Column: 'isusenetpost' in field list is ambiguous

05-12-2004, 04:28 PM
oh buggar! now I have an even bigger problem. This is from my host...


I have disabled your crontab which ran the "gateway.php" script. This crontab
was causing load issues on the server every 5 minutes, which is when the
script was being run. This is far too resource intensive to be run on a shared
server at such a short interval. Please do not re-enable this script as it
will continue to cause issues on the server if left to run.


Is there any way to make this script less system intensive? :rolleyes:

allan grossman
05-12-2004, 04:42 PM
oh buggar! now I have an even bigger problem. This is from my host...


Is there any way to make this script less system intensive? :rolleyes:
Run it less often ;)

I run mine every 15 minutes. Once the newsgroups are populated the script doesn't beat hell out of the server.

05-12-2004, 05:28 PM
Got it. Just renamed all instances of "isusenetpost" in gateway.php to "isusenetp" and the sql field to "isusenetp".


Now all seems to be OK, the script shows "240 posting OK" but no new postings are made in the forum...

05-12-2004, 09:12 PM
Again got it ;) just deleted all posts in the forum, run the gateway and it works

05-12-2004, 09:43 PM
Run it less often ;)

I run mine every 15 minutes. Once the newsgroups are populated the script doesn't beat hell out of the server.

Well bollocks! Lunarpages just told me to not run the script ever again. :ermm:

I would suggest that you not enable the script again, as advised by the Tech.

I can't imagine it putting that much load on the server... especially if it only collects new messages.

this sucks...

05-12-2004, 10:23 PM
installed the updated script. Now MySQL error:

UPDATE post AS post, thread AS thread SET isusenetpost = 1 WHERE
post.threadid = thread.threadid AND
isusenetpost = 0 AND
thread.forumid NOT IN (200,201,202)

mysql error: Column: 'isusenetpost' in field list is ambiguous

Check if your thread table has an 'isusenetpost' field. There shouldn't be one in the thread table. Only in the post table.

05-12-2004, 10:30 PM
Yes that was the error, a double field. I thought about that but couldnt find it. Thanks!

05-12-2004, 10:42 PM
oh buggar! now I have an even bigger problem. This is from my host...


Is there any way to make this script less system intensive? :rolleyes:

I run each 10 minutes. It takes a few seconds to run each time. If you were using the old script and run every 5 minutes. Then if the script is called before the first one is finished. You can push the server over the edge! The new script prevents this. The new script is less system intensive.

Depending on how many messages stored on the server, the first time the script runs, it can take a long time to import all the messages. You should be able to set the last message number to a high one. That way you ignore all the older messages, only import the new ones. To find out the current message number, open the news post using a normal browser, look for Xref in the headers.

Xref: freenews.iinet.net.au aus.tv.pay:132041

The 132041 is the message number.

Check your current message setting in the nntp_groups table against what is on the server, and set the lastmsg for that group to the latest message number. Run the script manually, keep an eye on the server load. If you have shell access, type "top" should show. After you are sure that your script is not a resource hog, email the support nicely and explain to them you have fixed the problem.:)

(The next version will be even less server intensive.)

05-12-2004, 10:47 PM
>p?NG postings

Uff... :D

On the forumhome "new posts" and "new themes" counting includes the Newsgroupposts, that I would like to exclude, so that only "real" forumposts are added...

Still in the dark.:)

I searched my forum's home page for the word "theme", not there. I then searched for "post", nothing is associated with a number.

05-12-2004, 11:55 PM
I used the one posted earlier in the tread and it worked fine. Here it is again.

newsgroup: webdiscuss.test
server: webdiscuss.com
forum: a blank test forum id


Can anyone confirm whether the test newsgroup list described above (here (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost.php?p=223486&postcount=130) is still running? The original parameters were these:

newsgroup= webdiscuss.test
server= free.teranews.com

I have the c-imap library installed and my web services provider opened TCP port 119, but I get a notepad window popping up which says

1 group(s) gatewayed.
Logging in to free.teranews.com, group webdiscuss.test

and that's it - nothing gets imported into my designated empty forum. It seems a little further along than before they opened the port, when it used to say
"1 group(s) gatewayed.
Could not connect to NNTP-serverLogging
NotConnected Not Connected."

So, further along, but no joy!



EDIT: To try uploading I put a test message in the forum and got this result in a popup

Posting Message from Username: 501 Unknown command: From: Username <Username.1666kd@timelimit.yourserver.com>
Posting Message from Username: 501 Unknown command: Newsgroups: webdiscuss.test

allan grossman
05-13-2004, 12:00 AM

Can anyone confirm whether the test newsgroup list described above (here (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost.php?p=223486&postcount=130) is still running? The original parameters were these:

newsgroup= webdiscuss.test
server= free.teranews.com

I have the c-imap library installed and my web services provider opened TCP port 119, but I get a notepad window popping up which says

1 group(s) gatewayed.
Logging in to free.teranews.com, group webdiscuss.test

and that's it - nothing gets imported into my designated empty forum. It seems a little further along than before they opened the port, when it used to say
"1 group(s) gatewayed.
Could not connect to NNTP-serverLogging
NotConnected Not Connected."

So, further along, but no joy!


memobug, maybe you can try using the nntp.php that's on page 24 of this thread? It'll do extended logging and maybe we can figure out what's what.

05-13-2004, 12:09 AM

Can anyone confirm whether the test newsgroup list described above (here (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost.php?p=223486&postcount=130) is still running? The original parameters were these:

newsgroup= webdiscuss.test
server= free.teranews.com

No, it does not work.

[root@hd root]# telnet webdiscuss.com 119
telnet: connect to address Connection refused
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused

05-13-2004, 12:17 AM
I get the following error when I try and run the gateway.php. Please keep in mind I am a ASP guru and PHP is all new to me... I have run this mod with VB 2 in the past with no issues.

Warning: implode(): Bad arguments. in /home/hsphere/local/home/changed/changed/forum/gateway.php on line 83

Database error in vBulletin 3.0.1:

Invalid SQL: UPDATE post AS post, thread AS thread SET isusenetpost = 1 WHERE
post.threadid = thread.threadid AND
isusenetpost = 0 AND
thread.forumid NOT IN ()
mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ')' at line 4

mysql error number: 1064

Thank you for your time.


05-13-2004, 12:19 AM
memobug, maybe you can try using the nntp.php that's on page 24 of this thread? It'll do extended logging and maybe we can figure out what's what.
Thanks allan for the suggestion and lierduh for the test. I really appreciate the help. It took me nearly a month of haggling to get that port opened!

I installed the debug version of nntp that allan suggests and got this

1 group(s) gatewayed.
200 Welcome cnt 1
480 Username/password required
Logging in to free.teranews.com, group webdiscuss.test

So I guess this is consistent with what lierduh reports in his trial. Is there another mail server to try before I subscribe to a news service or do my results suggest I am getting far enough along for a reasonable chance of success?

Any recommendation on which news service I should go with when I subscribe? I'm looking to bring in rec.arts.bonsai , which is a text-based service. My three main requirements are cheap, cheap and you-guessed-it.

The email mod built into gateway - for posting - seemed to be generating errors on my server, so I commented it out as recommended in another post here.



05-13-2004, 12:33 AM
I get the following error when I try and run the gateway.php. Please keep in mind I am a ASP guru and PHP is all new to me... I have run this mod with VB 2 in the past with no issues.

Warning: implode(): Bad arguments. in /home/hsphere/local/home/changed/changed/forum/gateway.php on line 83

Database error in vBulletin 3.0.1:

Invalid SQL: UPDATE post AS post, thread AS thread SET isusenetpost = 1 WHERE
post.threadid = thread.threadid AND
isusenetpost = 0 AND
thread.forumid NOT IN ()
mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ')' at line 4

mysql error number: 1064

Thank you for your time.


Mark, it will be easier since you are a programmer. :) The error is in

"thread.forumid NOT IN ()"
where it should be "thread.forumid NOT IN (100,101,102,103)

The numbers are the forum IDs.

The following code is used to retrieve the forum ID for those usenet forums

$get_groups=$DB_site->query("SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "nntp_groups
WHERE enabled=1");

/*Set the tag for the non-usenet posts to speed up the query later on,
first build a string containing all the usenet forum IDs */
while ($nntp_grp = $DB_site->fetch_array($get_groups)) {
$forum_id_str = implode(',', $forum_ids);

Looks like the above query did not return anything.

Is there any of the nntp_groups has "enabled" set to 1 instead of 0?

05-13-2004, 01:15 AM

Boy ME and my english :D sorry. I mean THREADS... I have the "total new threads since last visit" and "total new postings since last visit" link in the forum. Excluded the NG Forums, that works fine, they dont show up if one searches for new postings, but the NG posts still COUNT. So, i.e. no "real" new posts in the forum, but 3 new in the NG forum = "3 new postins since last visit". I just wanna make a "Totalposts" = xxx - NGposts = realposts.

05-13-2004, 01:21 AM
Thanks allan for the suggestion and lierduh for the test. I really appreciate the help. It took me nearly a month of haggling to get that port opened!

I installed the debug version of nntp that allan suggests and got this

So I guess this is consistent with what lierduh reports in his trial. Is there another mail server to try before I subscribe to a news service or do my results suggest I am getting far enough along for a reasonable chance of success?

Any recommendation on which news service I should go with when I subscribe? I'm looking to bring in rec.arts.bonsai , which is a text-based service. My three main requirements are cheap, cheap and you-guessed-it.

The email mod built into gateway - for posting - seemed to be generating errors on my server, so I commented it out as recommended in another post here.


Hmmm. I applied for one of those $2.95, five-day Newsranger evaluations and tried to pull in posts from rec.arts.bonsai for the past couple of days.

I got this message:

1 group(s) gatewayed.
502 news: Transfer permission denied to (my ISP's machine's numerical IP appeared here)
Logging in to www.newsranger.com, group rec.arts.bonsai

UPDATE: this problem was corrected by using client.newsranger.com instead of www.newsranger.com so things are looking good now!


05-13-2004, 06:02 AM
Things are looking good now, but I have a question pertaining to follow-up gateway.php synchronization. I want to be careful not to import the same records or export them!

A) Do I run setlastmessage.php

1) ...before every gateway import
2) ...after every gateway import


B) Do I run it only once or every time I run gateway?

The Readme isn't clear. It says:

If you want to automatically set the newsgroups to only import new messages, upload the setlastmsg.php to your vbulletin folder and run it.

Looking at the code, it appears I need to run it AFTER gateway and possibly EVERY time to keep the lastmsg counter updated.



05-13-2004, 07:06 AM
A) Do I run setlastmessage.php


That is only for people who do not want to import all the existing messages on the server. So run it once only at the installation if needed. Don't blame no posts are imported if you do decided to run. :nervous:

05-13-2004, 07:08 AM

Boy ME and my english :D sorry. I mean THREADS... I have the "total new threads since last visit" and "total new postings since last visit" link in the forum. Excluded the NG Forums, that works fine, they dont show up if one searches for new postings, but the NG posts still COUNT. So, i.e. no "real" new posts in the forum, but 3 new in the NG forum = "3 new postins since last visit". I just wanna make a "Totalposts" = xxx - NGposts = realposts.

Sorry, we are running different vBulletin. :) :surprised: I don't have these links.

05-13-2004, 02:23 PM

Maybe ;) I mean the $newposts[count] und $activethreads[count] variables. They count ALL including the NG posts. The exclude statement only shows them not up, but counts it....

05-13-2004, 05:52 PM

There is a BIG error in your code in function sendnews.

if (!$isreply){
$DB_site->query("UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "thread
SET msgid = '<".addslashes($msgid).">',
prefix = '".$prefix[$newthread['forumid']]."'");

There is No WHERE clause in the query.

After using this, EVERY thread in my DB has been updated with the new msgid from the latest new thread created in the newsgroup forums.

Any way to fix this? By fixing this, I mean, resetting all the msgid's to the correct ones, or removing values where they don't belong in the thread table?

05-13-2004, 05:56 PM
Corrected code:

if (!$isreply){
$DB_site->query("UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "thread
SET msgid = '<".addslashes($msgid).">',
prefix = '".$prefix[$newthread['forumid']]."'
WHERE threadid={$newthread['threadid']}");

If you've got any suggestions on a quick script to repair those corrupted fields, I would be greatly appreciative. I'm not sure what effect this error, and now having a incorrect msgid on EVERY thread in the DB might or might not cause. I'm not even sure what effect that field has in general to future postings. Could I just reset all those values to empty?

allan grossman
05-13-2004, 07:31 PM
Got a little trouble here too, lierduh :)Database error in vBulletin 3.0.1:

Invalid SQL: UPDATE post AS post, thread AS thread SET isusenetpost = 1 WHERE
post.threadid = thread.threadid AND
isusenetpost = 0 AND
thread.forumid NOT IN (25,27,29,34)
mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax near 'AS post, thread AS thread SET isusenetpost = 1 WHERE
post.threadid = thread.th' at line 1

mysql error number: 1064

Date: Thursday 13th of May 2004 04:24:04 PM

Any thoughts?

05-13-2004, 08:54 PM
Mine's also not assigning posts to the proper thread after this change. I'm going to look over the code again for another hour or so, and revert to my last version if I can't get it working properly.

Messed up part is, the posting via the vB adminCP scheduled tasks worked after only minimal tweaking of the new script, and I have it tested to successfully post properly. (which was my only problem before)

I think the main problem is coming from the references. They don't seem to be assigning at all anymore.

05-13-2004, 09:13 PM
No need to worry, although thank you very much for pointing out.:)

the msgid in the thread table is not actually used. So it does not cause any problem at all. You can safely comment this section out. I have got a new version ready to be uploaded including an optional "X-No-Archive" header honouring. Allan will love this.

I am thinking of getting rid of this field altogether. Saving a field or index is always a good thing.

(by the way, the error is inherited from the original script:))


if (!$isreply){
$DB_site->query("UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "thread
SET msgid = '<".addslashes($msgid).">',
prefix = '".$prefix[$newthread['forumid']]."'");

05-13-2004, 09:18 PM
Mine's also not assigning posts to the proper thread after this change. I'm going to look over the code again for another hour or so, and revert to my last version if I can't get it working properly.

Messed up part is, the posting via the vB adminCP scheduled tasks worked after only minimal tweaking of the new script, and I have it tested to successfully post properly. (which was my only problem before)

I think the main problem is coming from the references. They don't seem to be assigning at all anymore.

I think you are not using the "a" version I uploaded not long after the first upload. I posted a message about this.

I did some quick test with vB adminCP schedule tasks, it worked for me. What is the exact problem and what have you need to do to fix?

05-13-2004, 09:22 PM
Okay, that's a relief, so I can update the table, and reset them all to an empty value without fear of messing it up entirely.

I'm still plugging away at a few of the other oddities. I think some of them may also be since I switched the news server I was using on a few of the groups.

05-13-2004, 09:32 PM
well, let us know when it's all ready to go. i just got the green light from my host to try the script again. :D

05-13-2004, 09:39 PM
Looks like some version of MySQL might not support this SQL statement. I will come up with another one to get around.

Could you do a test on your server. Just run this SQL manually:
UPDATE post, thread SET post.isusenetpost = 1 WHERE
post.threadid = thread.threadid AND
post.isusenetpost = 0 AND
thread.forumid NOT IN (25,27,29,34)

Got a little trouble here too, lierduh :)Database error in vBulletin 3.0.1:

Invalid SQL: UPDATE post AS post, thread AS thread SET isusenetpost = 1 WHERE
post.threadid = thread.threadid AND
isusenetpost = 0 AND
thread.forumid NOT IN (25,27,29,34)
mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax near 'AS post, thread AS thread SET isusenetpost = 1 WHERE
post.threadid = thread.th' at line 1

mysql error number: 1064

Date: Thursday 13th of May 2004 04:24:04 PM

Any thoughts?

05-13-2004, 09:39 PM
>update the table, and reset them all to an empty

How? Alter table thread set.... ???

05-13-2004, 09:45 PM
>update the table, and reset them all to an empty

How? Alter table thread set.... ???

UPDATE thread SET msgid = '';

05-13-2004, 09:47 PM

05-13-2004, 11:05 PM
New version release:

**Build X-No-Archive header honouring system
**Improved speed
**Bug fixes
**Verbose output when run manually. Easier to find problem when interating with NNTP server.

change the honor_no-archive record from 0 to 1 to stop importing messages with X-No-Archive header, just as Google Group does.

Download it from:


allan grossman
05-14-2004, 12:04 AM
Output from the manual query -



SQL-query :

UPDATE post,
thread SETpost.isusenetpost = 1 WHERE post.threadid = thread.threadid AND post.isusenetpost = 0 AND thread.forumid NOT IN ( 25, 27, 29, 34 )

MySQL said:

You have an error in your SQL syntax near ' thread SET post.isusenetpost = 1 WHERE post.threadid = thread.threadid AND post' at line 1


MySQL version is 3.23

05-14-2004, 12:24 AM
installed registry patch from M$, ran setlastmsg.php and got...

1 group(s) gatewayed.
<br />
<b>Fatal error</b>: Call to undefined function: logging() in <b>/nfs/home/cghaus2/public_html/forums/nntp.php</b> on line <b>77</b><br />

05-14-2004, 12:28 AM
for me it works just fine... just a question for the crontab: Has to be a Carriage Return at the ent of the line in the crontab.txt?

Edit: Ist has :rolleyes:

05-14-2004, 12:52 AM
Thanks. Looks like that SQL only works with MySQL 4.

Please download the new version. I have got rid of this section of code altogether.

Output from the manual query -



SQL-query :

UPDATE post,
thread SETpost.isusenetpost = 1 WHERE post.threadid = thread.threadid AND post.isusenetpost = 0 AND thread.forumid NOT IN ( 25, 27, 29, 34 )

MySQL said:

You have an error in your SQL syntax near ' thread SET post.isusenetpost = 1 WHERE post.threadid = thread.threadid AND post' at line 1


MySQL version is 3.23

05-14-2004, 01:17 AM
installed registry patch from M$, ran setlastmsg.php and got...

Use this modified one. Delete this file after installation!

05-14-2004, 06:34 PM
thank you sir! that new file did the trick.

I have a new error now. lol :)

Database error in vBulletin 3.0.1:

Invalid SQL: UPDATE post
SET attach=attache + 1 WHERE postid=25711
mysql error: Unknown column 'attache' in 'field list'

mysql error number: 1054

Date: Friday 14th of May 2004 12:20:03 PM
Script: http://
Username: Unregistered
IP Address:

I'm getting this once per hour as my crontab runs.

hmmm... :ermm:

allan grossman
05-14-2004, 08:42 PM
Thanks. Looks like that SQL only works with MySQL 4.

Please download the new version. I have got rid of this section of code altogether.

That worked. Everything's going swimmingly now, lierduh - thanks :)

allan grossman
05-14-2004, 08:48 PM
lierduh, there's a typo in your SQL query for the upgrade from May 12 script - the two-line query at the bottom of the post -

"hohor_no-archive" should read "honor_no-archive"

I fixed my database but others might not have seen it.

cheers -


05-14-2004, 11:16 PM
I think we should start another thread... lol

Any thoughts on this new error?

Database error in vBulletin 3.0.1:

Invalid SQL: UPDATE post
SET attach=attache + 1 WHERE postid=25715 mysql error: Unknown column 'attache' in 'field list'

mysql error number: 1054

Date: Friday 14th of May 2004 04:20:11 PM
Script: http://
Username: Unregistered
IP Address

PHP version 4.3.3

Running latest files posted.

allan grossman
05-14-2004, 11:34 PM
I think we should start another thread... lol

Any thoughts on this new error?

PHP version 4.3.3

Running latest files posted.

Change line 353 in gateway.php


SET attach=attache + 1 WHERE postid=$postid");


SET attach=attach + 1 WHERE postid=$postid");

05-15-2004, 12:23 AM
Thanks Allan.

I will upload the file with the typos corrected shortly.

I have received permission from Gilby allowing me to release this hack under the vB3 section of the forums. So I will create a thread there in the next one or two days. That should make the support easier.

allan grossman
05-15-2004, 12:35 AM
Thanks Allan.

I will upload the file with the typos corrected shortly.

I have received permission from Gilby allowing me to release this hack under the vB3 section of the forums. So I will create a thread there in the next one or two days. That should make the support easier.
No - thank you, lierduh - you've really gone above and beyond.

cheers -


05-15-2004, 12:38 AM
Also thx from me, you make a very good job.

05-15-2004, 02:30 PM
Thanks to both lierduh and allan grossman... I should have fingered out that error.


05-15-2004, 03:07 PM
New release and new thread. I have released the gateway to the vB3 section of the forums. Thank you very much Gilby for allowing me to do so. Please post to the new thread for support and questions.


If you feel I have been in a little hurry, that is because I have more time on the weekend to do something.:)

06-24-2004, 01:58 PM
Thanks, downloaded and installed

New release and new thread. I have released the gateway to the vB3 section of the forums. Thank you very much Gilby for allowing me to do so. Please post to the new thread for support and questions.


If you feel I have been in a little hurry, that is because I have more time on the weekend to do something.:)

07-27-2004, 04:46 AM
We use news ranger http://www.newsranger.com and they work great!

I also used Newsranger for the past 4 months. Recently I learned that the Newsranger.com is going to close at the end of this month, so I need to change services. Is there anything out there that is comparable? That is known to work with this hack? Newsranger was around $5 a month for a minimal account, which met my needs Newsranger used recurring paypal billing.

I really need read & write access to only one newsgroup - rec.arts.bonsai, and no binaries required.

Thanks for your suggestions!




07-27-2004, 01:40 PM
Yep I recently had to switch from Newsranger because they just cut me off suddenly, going out of business.

NewsGuy looked ok for me. No paypal recurring though.

08-07-2004, 02:07 AM
Thank you for the quick response. :)

I tried your example server (microsoft that you gave as an example). With that one it works.

However, I am trying to get this one to work but with no luck. It seems that my settings are correct though. It is a google one:

Newsgroup name: alt.music.pearl-jam
Server name: groups.google.com

That doesn't work though.

Is there something I did wrong? I know that these are stupid questions but I think I have done everything correct as the example server you mentioned in your readme file worked perfectly.


07-15-2005, 11:01 PM
What SQL modifications does the NNTP hack do ?
I got the following error:
nvalid SQL:
SELECT post.*, thread.*,
post.dateline AS postdateline, post.msgid AS postmsgid,
thread.title AS threadtitle, post.visible AS postvisible,
thread.visible AS threadvisible
FROM vb_post as post LEFT JOIN vb_thread as thread
ON (thread.threadid = post.threadid
AND post.userid = thread.postuserid
AND post.postid = thread.firstpostid)
WHERE post.isusenetpost = 0
AND post.postid > 49509
AND thread.forumid = 32

mysql error: Unknown column 'post.msgid' in 'field list'

mysql error number: 1054

Date: Friday 15th of July 2005 03:43:34 PM

I have a field postid but I don't have a field msgid.